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词汇 Mor
释义 Mor.
As regulated by MOR, railway section must achieve complete coverage of field intensity. Thus, it is very important to resolve weak field intensity.
铁道部规定铁路区间实现无线调度场强全覆盖,因此,解决弱场场强问题尤为重要。 cnki

Finally, the paper puts forward three specific reform plans to MOR and railway administrations.
最后向铁道部铁路局提出了三项具体改革方案的建议。 cnki

In general, MOR is always looking for paintings and photographs featuring unique and distinctly Chinese themes, objects, or places to use as cover artwork for the journal.
MOR希望收到独特的有关中国主题、物品或者地方的绘画作品或照片作为杂志的封面艺术作品。 iacmr

The “ joint ventures” shall be subject to the supervision and management of MOR and other relevant departments.
中外合营铁路货运公司应当接受铁道部和国家其他有关部门的监督管理。 lawinfochina

The addition of clay gives a higher density, MOR, and strength.
加入粘土后,密度、 MOR和强度更大。 bokee

The Feilong Bridge on the Litang Qinzhou local railway was built by the Third Engineering Bureau of MOR.
论述铁道部第三工程局修建黎塘-钦州地方铁路飞龙深水大桥,研制和使用水上浮吊施工的做法和经验。 cnki

The largest review of the overall NPOESS configuration to date, the MOR focused specifically on NPP's operational readiness and progress to launch.
MOR明确针对 NPP业务就绪和发射进展,是任务量最大的一项 NPOESS配置资料评审。

The main equipment, the network composition and the management system of video conference network of MOR are introduced in this paper.
介绍了铁道部会议电视系统的主要设备和会议电视网的网络组成及其管理系统。 cnki

The MOR obtaining this loan project will further expand the railway transportation capacity, improve and perfect road plan, and greatly promote economic development.

With an online subscription to MOR comes a new way to keep up to date with articles being published.
MOR在线订阅系统有一种新的方式来不断追踪最新出版的文章。 iacmr

And lherzolites might represent remnants after partial melting of the weakly depleted upper mantle in a mid-ocean-ridge MOR environment.
二辉橄榄岩可能代表来自 MOR环境下,弱亏损的上地幔残余岩片。 cnki

Conclusion: At certain doses, OND may antagonize the acquisition, but not the expression of MOR-induced CPP, which suggests that OND might be useful in the treatment of opiate dependence.
结论:一定剂量的奥丹西隆可拮抗小鼠对吗啡的偏爱效应的获得,但不影响其表达,提示该类药物有治疗阿片类依赖的潜力。 cnki

Design concept is soul of railway passenger station building. MOR sets design of China railway passenger station building open to theworld, through the form of international conception design bidding.
设计理念是客站站房建设的灵魂,铁道部通过国际概念设计招标的形式,使中国铁路客站站房设计向世界开放。 cnki

Greetings from the MOR editorial team!
来自 MOR编辑团队的问候! iacmr

Gypsum flakeboard is a gypsum board with reinforcement by wood flake. It has a higher MOR and MOE, good fire resistance and incombustibility.
石膏刨花板是用木刨花增强的石膏板,它有较高的 MOR和 MOE,优良的耐火性和不燃性。 cnki

In the midst of discussing their newly made plans in May2001, in the back of a New Delhi cab, Deon spotted a street sign with the word, MOR meaning peacock in Hindi.
2001年5月,在讨论他们的新产品计划之时,在新德里出租车后座上的 Deon看到了街上写着 MOR在印度语中是孔雀的意思。

In May2009, we invited IACMR members to participate in an online survey of MOR.
在2009年五月,我们邀请 IACMR会员参与有关 MOR的一个在线调研。 iacmr

In physical and mechanical indexes, the basic density, air- dried density, compression strength parallel to grain, MOR, MOE and toughness of mature wood are higher than that of juvenile wood.
在物理力学性质指标中成熟材的基本密度、气干密度、顺纹抗压强度、抗弯强度、抗弯弹性模量及冲击韧性高于幼龄材; cnki

Infrastructure Department; Transportation Bureau of MOR;
铁道部运输局基础部; cnki

It struck a chord and upon their return to Melbourne, the pair immediately registered MOR Cosmetics.
当时就触动了他的心弦,回到墨尔本后,他们俩立即决定注册 MOR化妆品。

Meanwhile, the cracks also decreased the MOR of the fired specimens.
同时,自发裂纹也使烧后试样的抗折强度降低。 cnki

Meanwhile, the cracks also decreased the MOR of the fired specimens.
同时,自发裂纹也使烧后试样的抗折强度降低。 cnki

Our goal was to understand how authors, reviewers and readers evaluate MOR's quality, content, and service.
我们的目的是了解作者、评审人以及读者对于 MOR质量、内容和服务的评价。 iacmr

We will keep this index up to date with each new issue of MOR, and we hope you will find it a helpful resource!
随着每期 MOR的发表,这个索引也将随之更新,希望您觉得这是个有用的资源! iacmr

We performed multiple analyses of Tyrannosaurus rex specimen MOR1125 fibrous cortical and medullary tissues remaining after demineralization.
我们对霸王龙化石标本 MOR1125脱矿质后残留的纤维皮质和髓质组织进行了复杂的分析。 med66

We performed multiple analyses of Tyrannosaurus rex specimen MOR1125 fibrous cortical and medullary tissues remaining after demineralization.
我们对霸王龙化石标本 MOR1125脱矿质后残留的纤维皮质和髓质组织进行了复杂的分析。

We thank the new, ongoing, and retired members for their valuable contribution and outstanding service to MOR.
在此,我们感谢新任的、正在服务的和已经退休的会员为 MOR所做出的无私的贡献和杰出服务。 iacmr

We wish to thank each author, reviewer, and editor who contributed to the growth and success of MOR.
同时,我们也要感谢为了 MOR的成长和成功做出了努力的每一位读者、评审人及编辑。 iacmr

MOR also enjoys a cult following around the globe with a celebrity fan base of red- carpet beauties from Sydney to New York, Tokyo to London and beyond.
此外,从悉尼到纽约,从东京到伦敦,红地毯上的那些明星也是 MOR的粉丝。

MOR, QTR Company and other railway administrations have quickly organized first-aid transport of quake- relief materials and personnel.
铁道部和青藏铁路公司以及各铁路局迅速组织开展抗震救灾人员和物资抢运。 kouyi




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