

单词 Mopan persimmon
释义 Mopan persimmon
DaQiao is the only place producing HongGangShan peach and largest hometown yieldingMopan persimmonin China.果林浩翰,景观优美,是中国唯一的红岗山鲜桃种植生产基地,也是中国最大的磨盘柿之乡。
Mopan persimmonpersonal fruit is normally great and sweet which of average weight is 250 grams and the biggest one reaches 610 grams.磨盘柿个大味甜,平均单果重250克,最大单果重610克。柿果色泽美丽、营养丰富、味甜多汁。
Under the same storage situation, with 60kV/m HVEF an hour, the effect of Mopan Persimmon's fresh keeping is the best, after 71 days storage, good fruit rate can reach to 93% or more.在相同贮藏条件下,利用60kV/m的高压静电场处理1h,磨盘柿的保鲜效果最好,贮藏71天后好果率高达93%以上。
Wild animals are badgers, ferrets, rabbits, eagles, sparrow hawk, owl, snake, scorpion, etc… Wild plants have axillaris, Vitex, etc… Produces mainly snow peach,Mopan persimmon, strawberry.野生动物有獾、鼬、兔、鹰、鹞、猫头鹰、蛇、蝎等。野生植物有酸枣、荆条等。土特产主要有雪桃、磨盘柿子、草莓。




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