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词汇 mop
释义 mop. mɒp
abbr.=mother of pearl 珍珠母


a tool for washing floors,made up of a long stick with threads of thick string or a piece of sponge fastened to one end

vt. 用拖把擦地板等

wash especially a floor with a wet mop

vt. 擦掉,抹掉

remove sth by rubbing with cloth or other soft material

cleaning implement consisting of absorbent material fastened to a handle; for cleaning floors
to wash or wipe with or as if with a mop;

Mop the hallway now

He mopped her forehead with a towel

make a sad face and thrust out one's lower lip;

mop and mow

The girl pouted










该词常常使人想起两三百年前英国各地一种名为mop fair的雇工集市。集市每年举行一次,集市日定在圣马丁节Martinmas,即11月11日。这是一种别开生面的集市。找活干的人都聚集在此,身上佩有各自不同的职业标志。赶马车的在帽子上系一根鞭绳,牧羊人束一簇革毛,马夫扎一块海绵,佣人则手挥拖把mop、扫帚等物。想雇佣人的家庭主妇常常亲自到场物色合适的人选。由于mop是集市上主要的职业标志,故有mop fair之称。然而,mop 一词的来源似乎与此没有多大联系。一般辞书认为,rnop源自拉丁语mappa布,跟map地图是同源词。
morphine 吗啡
  rnorphine有时亦作morphia,前者原系法语,后者则借自拉丁文,汉译作“吗啡”,是鸦片的主要生物碱,无色或白色结晶粉,1806年首先由德国化学家泽尔蒂纳F. W+ A. Serturner,1783 - 1841分离而得。因其有麻醉镇痛作用,泽尔蒂纳就以希腊神话中的睡梦之神Morpheus的名字命名为Morphium。其它语言的名称都是由此演变产生的。mop up擦去mop the floor with someone把某人打得大败…mop up delay equalizer擦除延迟均衡器…mop up equalization全程均衡mop-up attack扫荡袭击; 肃清残敌…mop-up equalization全程均衡, 扫余均衡…cloth finishing mop抹光布轮,抛光布轮…terminal mop up equalizer终端扫余均衡器…mop the ground with someone把某人打得大败…mop the earth with someone把某人打倒在地…mop.=mother of…mop-haired头发蓬松的mop-up扫荡mop and mow做鬼脸mop the ground up with someone痛击某人
mop up v.+adv.


故事记忆教堂旁的 Shop商店大声播放 Pop流行音乐美味红烧 Chop排骨口水像要 Drop滴下无奈没钱 Shop买东西抢盘朝外 Hop跳跃越过绊脚 Mop拖把猛地撞上 Bishop主教被抓交给 Cop警察非常记忆mo磨〖拼音〗+p皮鞋〖编码〗⇒用拖把磨皮鞋联想记忆著名论坛猫扑的英文就是mop近义词 wipe擦wash洗dust灰尘pout噘嘴swob拖把scour擦洗sweep打扫mop up擦去swabC药签clean干净的wipe up擦净clear清楚的clear up打扫scrub用力擦洗clean up收拾干净mow割草、麦等…
用作名词n.Pots,pans,kettles and mops are kitchen utensils .锅、盘、壶及拖把是厨房用具。用作动词v.
S+ ~+n./pron.A worker mopped the floor this morning.今天早晨一个工人用拖把擦洗了地板。
The nurse gently mopped the blood from the wound.护士轻轻地抹去伤口上的血。Pmopboardn.踢脚板Pmopstickn.拖把柄Pmop-upn.扫荡扫尾工作Pmopheadn.拖把头乱糟糟的头Pmopping-upn.扫尾工作肃清残敌扫荡

用作名词Here is a dishmop.这儿是洗碗刷。
I used amopto sop up the spilled water.我用拖把把泼出的水擦干。
She had amopof black hair.她一头蓬乱的黑发。用作及物动词I have tomopthe kitchen floor at least once a day.我每天至少要把厨房地板擦洗一次。
Shemopsher tears with a towel.她用毛巾擦眼泪。用作不及物动词First she dusted, then shemopped.她首先擦掉灰尘, 然后用拖把擦。noun.tangle of material, often used to
同义词 sponge,towelsqueegee,swab,sweeperabsorb liquid dusternoun.thick mass of hair
同义词 maneshock,tangle,thatch,tressesverb.clean by using water and cloth
同义词 dab,swab,wipedust,pat,polish,rub,sponge,squeegee,washsoak up,towel off
broomnoun device for cleaning floors
besom,carpet sweeper,feather duster,floor brush,swab,sweeper,whisk
brushnoun tool with bristles for cleaning
cleanverb to free of dirt and clutter
absterge,bath,bathe,blot,brush,cauterize,clarify,cleanse,clear the decks,clear up,deodorize,depurate,deterge,disinfect,do up,dredge,dust,edulcorate,elutriate,erase,expunge,expurgate,flush,hackle,launder,lave,mop,neaten,pick,pick up,polish,purge,purify,rake,rasp,refine,rinse,rout out,sanitize,scald,scour,scrape,scrub,shake out,shampoo,soak,soap,sponge,spruce up,sterilize,straighten up,swab,sweep,tidy up,vacuum,wash,whisk,winnow,wipe
hairnoun threadlike growth on animate being
beard,bristle,cilium,coiffure,cowlick,cut,down,eyebrow,eyelash,feeler,fiber,filament,fluff,fringe,frizzies,fur,grass,haircut,hairstyle,lock,mane,mop,moustache,quill,ruff,shock,sideburn,split ends,strand,thatch,tress,tuft,vibrissa,villus,whiskers,wig,wool
rubverb stroke;abrade
abrade,anoint,apply,bark,brush,buff,burnish,caress,chafe,clean,coat,cover,curry,daub,erase,erode,excoriate,file,fray,fret,furbish,glance,glaze,gloss,grate,graze,grind,knead,mop,paint,pat,plaster,polish,rasp,scour,scrape,scrub,shine,slather,smear,smooth,spread,swab,triturate,wear,wear down,wipe
rubbedverb stroke, massage
abraded,anointed,applied,barked,brushed,buffed,burnished,caressed,chafed,cleaned,coated,covered,curried,daubed,erased,eroded,excoriated,filed,frayed,fretted,furbished,glanced,glazed,glossed,grated,grazed,ground,kneaded,mopped,painted,patted,plastered,polished,put,rasped,scoured,scraped,scrubbed,shone,slathered,smeared,smoothed,spread,swabbed,triturated,wiped,wore,wore down By Wednesday this week, those things were still on my list: dust, sweep, mop, vacuum, and clean the bathrooms.
这周三,我还没需要做:除尘、扫地、拖地、吸尘和清洁浴室。 yeeyan

How about a“ self- wringing” mop?
发明设计一个自动拧干的拖布怎么样? yeeyan

“ I was tired of bending down, putting my hands in dirty water, wringing out a mop, ” Mangano says.
“常累得我腰酸背痛,而且双手要浸在脏水里把拖布拧干,”曼加诺说。 yeeyan

A man in Florida attempted to rob a gas station while wearing a mop on his head.
弗罗里达州的一名男子,在打劫某加油站时,在头上顶了个拖布。 putclub

Buy this kind of mop, they say.
她们说,要买某某种拖把。 yeeyan

I guess when the janitor let it be know that he could mop floors and wipe down blackboards he was soon busy with those tasks.
我想如果看门人知道他可以拖地板和擦黑板,他很快就会忙于这些工作。 yeeyan

I learned to make the bed I slept in, and wash the glass I used, and mend what I broke, and mop up where I spilled.
我学会了睡觉前自己铺床,洗自己用过的杯子,修补自己弄坏的东西,用拖布拖干自己溅到地上的水。 cri

In essence, with the above steps I would have shifted the dictionary application's conceptual complexity from the MOP implementation to my static API.
实际上,经过以上步骤,字典应用程序的概念复杂性就从 MOP实现转移到了静态 API上了。 ibm

In the past four years the number of civil servants has been cut in half, their salaries have shrunk by a third and they now have to mop their own floors, they complain.

In the week before her death, Mariam ordered a new dress, bought an expensive mop to do household chores and told relatives she had plans to cultivate the vegetable patch.
在她死之前的一星期,玛利亚姆还订购了一套新衣服,买了一个昂贵的新拖把来做家务,还告诉亲戚们打算耕种那块小菜地。 yeeyan

Maintenance workers rake the sand at the beach into a Mickey shape, janitors mop the floor using three swirled circles and cooks will arrange round food items into Mickey heads on your plate.
乐园维护人员把沙滩上的沙子耙成米奇的形状,清洁工人用拖把在地上画出三个涡旋状的圆圈,厨师会用圆形的食物在你盘子里摆出米奇的头像。 yeeyan

Not all family farms are a drain on the economy: much of the poultry production is concentrated among them and they mop up a lot of rural underemployment.
但并不是所有的家庭农场都在消耗着巴西的经济:在这些农场当中有不少从事家禽产业,从而解决了大量农村人口的就业问题。 ecocn

Now, some people, when they are upset or stressed, will go mop the floor and re- varnish the table and won't be able to recognize stress if it bites them in the face.
当一些人觉得沮丧或者压力较大时,他们会去擦地板或者重新将餐桌油漆一遍,他们在抑郁的情绪直接侵袭自己之前是不会认识到这种不良情绪的。 yeeyan

One of the interesting things you can do with MOP is create pseudo- domain-specific languages, or mini- languages.
用 MOP可以做的一件有趣的事情是创建伪领域专用语言,或者称为迷你语言。 ibm

Researchers diving on squid spawning grounds had noticed that not just female squid would hang around the many mop- like clusters of egg capsules.
研究人员潜到乌贼的产卵地,发现并不只有雌性乌贼围绕这些拖把一样的乌贼卵团团转。 yeeyan

She had to go over the floor with a mop.

So, how would you like to do that? We could use a sponge, a towel or a mop.
那么你打算怎么收拾呢?我们可以用海绵、毛巾或者是拖把来打扫。 ebigear

Some speculated he was shot by an infantryman who had stumbled upon him during mop-up operations. Others claimed he was killed after being tricked into turning himself in.
有些人臆测,他是因为扫荡行动中,一位步兵不小心踉跄撞上他而误击,其他人宣称,他是因为中计遇擒后遭到射杀。 yeeyan

Surely you can see that by implementing MOP I've opened up unparalleled flexibility to my application users.
当然您可以看出由于实现 MOP,我为应用程序的使用者提供了无可比拟的灵活性。 ibm

Sweep floors, and mop if you have time.
扫地,如果有时间,最好拖一下. yeeyan

Then hop is added to the mop and boiled for an hour.
然后将啤酒花加入到拖把状设备糖化系统中蒸一个小时。 yeeyan

Then hop is added to the mop and boiled for an hour. That's how beer acquires its unique taste and aroma.
然后将啤酒花加入到拖把状设备糖化系统中蒸一个小时。啤酒就是这样获得它独特的味道和香味的。 yeeyan

They can clean their rooms, wash dishes, sweep, mop, dust, wash the car.
他们会打扫自己的房间,会洗碟子、扫地拖地、吸尘,会洗车。 yeeyan

What these researchers have designed is a drug that helps the body mop up bacterial toxins.
这些研究人员们设计出一种能帮助身体擦除细菌毒素的药物。 yeeyan

With the MOP, as we have seen with Expando, we can insert those free methods into multiple classes.
使用 MOP,正如我们使用 Expando时已看到的,我们可以将这些自由方法插入多个类。 infoq




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