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词汇 moon
释义 moon 英muːn美munAHDm›n


the body which moves round the Earth once every 28 days and can be seen shining in the sky at night


a body that moves round a planet other than the Earth


a month

the natural satellite of the Earth;

the average distance to the Moon is 384,400 kilometers

men first stepped on the moon in 1969

any object resembling a moon;

he made a moon lamp that he used as a night light

the clock had a moon that showed various phases

the period between successive new moons 29.531 daysthe light of the Moon;

moonlight is the smuggler's enemy

the Moon was bright enough to read by

United States religious leader born in Korea who founded the Unification Church in 1954; was found guilty of conspiracy to evade taxes born in 1920any natural satellite of a planet;

Jupiter has sixteen moons

have dreamlike musings or fantasies while awake;

She looked out the window, daydreaming

be idle in a listless or dreamy wayexpose one's buttocks to;

moon the audience


❌ The bright moon was coming up over the hill.

✔️ A bright moon was coming up over the hill.


用作名词 n.
动词+~admire the full moon观赏圆月bark at the moon瞎嚷嚷,无事自扰conquer the moon征服月球cover the moon覆盖月亮cry for the moon异想天开fly to the moon飞向月球hide the moon盖住月亮,把月亮藏起来jump over the moon快活极了land on the moon在月球上着陆promise sb the moon许空愿shoot the moon夜逃,夜奔view the moon观察月亮,赏月watch the moon赏月形容词+~blue moon不可能的事bright moon明月charming moon迷人的月亮crescent moon新月dim moon朦胧的月色full moon满月glorious moon明月half moon半月little moon没有什么月光new moon新月pale moon苍白的月亮waning moon亏月waxing moon渐盈的月亮名词+~harvest moon收获季节的满月Mid-Autumn moon中秋月quarter moon四分月silver moon银月~+名词moon landing登月介词+~beneath the moon在月光下man in the moon月中人,想象中的人once in a blue moon罕有的on the moon在月球上under the moon在月光下~+介词moon at the first quarter上弦月moon at the third quarter下弦月
用作名词n.admire the moon

赏月 enjoy a beautiful full moon

cry for the moon

想入非非 desire strongly sth that cannot be gained

over the moon

非常快乐,狂喜 absolutely delighted

promise the moon

空口许诺 promise to give sb/sth that is beyond one's means or power to give

promise sb the moonI can't promise you the moon, but I'll do my best.我不能对你胡乱许愿,不过我一定尽力而为。故事记忆也许将在 Soon不久她用很多 Cocoon茧做成一个 Balloon气球然后在一 Noon下午飘飘飞上 Moon月亮只带一把 Spoon匙非常记忆mo默〖拼音〗+on在上面〖熟词〗⇒月亮默默地在上面挂着故事记忆炎热 Noon中午跳上 Spoon勺子飞到 Moon月球小学英语速记联想记忆:noon中午没有moon月亮近义词 lunecrescentdemilune
用作名词n.Some astronauts have landed on the moon.有几个宇宙飞行员登上了月球。
It is not possible for us to admit there is life of any sort on the Moon.我们不可能承认月球上有任何生命。
The far side of the moon is difficult for us to observe.我们难以观察到月亮的另一面。
The moon is distant from the earth.月球离地球甚远。
Soon it will be commonplace for men to travel to the moon.人们去月球旅行很快就会成为常事。
The moon is closer to the earth than any other body in the sky.月亮比天上其他天体离地球近。
The moon revolves around the earth.月球绕地球运动。
We have landed men on the moon.我们已把人送上月球。
The moon yields less light than the sun.月亮的光线比太阳弱。
The moon is down.月已西沉。
The full moon is circular.满月呈圆形。
Above me was a cloudless sky illuminated by a glorious moon.我头上是一片无云的天空,一轮明月照耀着。
A full and bright moon hangs over the garden.一轮明月高悬在花园的上空。
It was a cold winter night.A pale moon hung low in the sky.这是寒冷的冬夜,苍白的月亮挂在天边。
Here, under her few square yards of thatch, she watched winds, snows, rains, gorgeous sunsets and successive moons at their full.在这里,她整天呆在这几平方米大的茅草棚中,守着风风雨雨,望着雪花飘飘,目送灿烂的晚霞,数着一次又一次月圆。
Summer is but three moons long.夏季只有三个月。
He took a walk with her under themoon.他和她在月光下散步。
The planet Jupiter has ninemoons.木星有九颗卫星。
Mars has two smallmoons.火星有两个小卫星。
John asked his mother for a hundred dollars today.He was always asking for themoon.约翰今天向他母亲要100元,他总是异想天开。Pmoonsetn.月落Pmoonbeamn.月光Pmooncalfn.白痴Pmoonfaceda.圆脸的Pmoonstonen.月长石Pmoonwardad.往月球Pmoonlessn.无月亮的Pmoonshipn.月球飞船Pmoonwardsad.往月球Pmoonblink月光盲夜盲Pmoonlita.月光照耀的Pmoonscapen.月球表面Pmoonlighting兼职工作Pmoon-calf肉样胎块怪胎Pmooncraftn.月球探侧机Pmoonrisen.月光月出时分Pmoon-blindness月光盲夜盲Pmoon-face月样圆面容满月脸Pmoonisha.如月的反复无常的Pmoonletn.小卫星小人造卫星Pmoonya.月亮似的恍惚的发呆的Pmoonstrucka.发狂的月光照到的Pmooneyen.月盲症患月盲症的马眼Pmoonheadn.傻瓜笨蛋神经错乱的人Pmoonlightn.月光a.有月光的月夜的Pmoonshinen.月光大话非法酿制的酒Phoneymoonn.蜜月蜜月假期vi.渡蜜月Pmoonshinern.烈酒私酿者烈酒走私者Pmoonshinya.月光照耀的空虚的空想的Phalf-moonn.半月半月形a.半月的半月形的




在文学语言中, moon也可用作复数,强调月亮不断地重复出现,衬托出人物内心情绪和思想状况。在诗歌中, moon可作“月”解。



在有些成语中, moon常比喻为“可望而不可得的东西”。

用作名词Themoongoes round the earth.月亮绕着地球转。
Last night there was a fullmoon.昨晚是满月。
Themoonpeeped out from behind the clouds.月亮从云层中隐现。
The spacecraft is in orbit around themoon.该航天器在绕月球轨道运行。用作动词The boys have nothing to do butmoonaround in the streets .这些男孩子没什么事可做,只是在街上闲荡。
Are you going tomoonaway the whole of your life ?你就准备虚度整个人生的时光吗?
I don't like tomoonaway this Sunday in idleness.我不愿意无所事事地度过这个星期天。
All that she has done since her boy - friend left her is tomoonabout .她男朋友离开她后,她所做的一切就是闲荡。' s satellite
同义词 crescent,half-moon,planetoid,pumpkin,satellitecelestial body,full moon,heavenly body,new moon,old moon,orb of night,quarter-moonverb.dream about;desire
同义词 daydream,idle,languish,mope,pine,yearnwaste time
bemuseverb confuse
addle,amaze,bewilder,daydream,daze,gather wool,muddle,overwhelm,paralyze,perplex,pipe dream,puzzle,stun,stupefy
daydreamverb make up fantasy
build castles in air,conceive,dream,envision,fancy,fantasize,hallucinate,imagine,moon,muse,pipe-dream,stargaze,trip out,woolgather
fantasizeverb dream about desires
build castles in air,daydream,envision,hallucinate,head trip,imagine,invent,live in a dream world,moon,pipe dream,romance,trip out,woolgather
fantasizingverb dream about desires
building castles in air,daydreaming,envisioning,hallucinating,head trip,imagining,inventing,living in a dream world,mooning,romancing,tripping out,woolgathering
gazeverb stare at
admire,beam,bore,contemplate,eye,eyeball,gape,gawk,get a load of,get an eyeful,glare,gloat,inspect,lamp,look,look fixedly,moon,observe,ogle,peek,peep,peer,pin,pipe,regard,rubber,rubberneck,scrutinize,see,size up,survey,take in,view,watch,wonder
gazedverb stare at
admired,beamed,bore,contemplated,eyeballed,eyed,gaped,gawked,glared,gloated,got a load of,got an eyeful,inspected,lamped,looked,looked fixedly,mooned,observed,ogled,peeked,peeped,peered,pinned,piped,regarded,rubbered,rubbernecked,saw,scrutinized,size up,surveyed,took in,viewed,watched,wondered And he is right. If the real goal is to fly to Mars, there is no reason at all to go via the moon.
他是对的,如果真正的目标是飞向火星,那么一定要途经月球就根本没有一点道理。 yeeyan

It was only when the ash from the disintegrating moon rained down on their faces and breasts that they began to disperse.
当灰尘从即将碎裂的月亮上面落下来拂过她们的脸庞和乳房的时候,她们才开始散开。 yeeyan

The moon began to show her silver flame.

The moon eclipses the sun.

“The far side of the moon is a great place for this, ” he said.
月球的背面是一个这个技术很好的发挥地点。他说。 yeeyan

A cloud drifted by and covered the moon.

A troubled hound was baying the moon.

Above me, I saw the moon.
在我上方的天空,我看到了月亮。 yeeyan

Ah! why did I not hide him from the moon?
啊!我为什么不把他藏起来,躲开月亮呢? yeeyan

China, Russia and India have expressed interest in resource development on the moon.
中国,俄罗斯和印度已经表示对月球的资源开发感兴趣。 yeeyan

I love three things in this world: sun, moon and you.
在这个世界上我喜欢三件事:太阳、月亮和你。 kekenet

If you only send faxes once in a blue moon, do it from Staples or a copy shop.

In any event, impressions on the surface of the moon exist and remain, unless someone alters or destroys them.
不管怎样,如果没有人类的改动或破坏,人类对于月球表面的印象就会持久存在。 yeeyan

In the photo above, the moon rises over one of the dark ivory towers.
在上面的照片中,月亮高高地挂在一个昏暗的“象牙塔”上面。 yeeyan

It was a black night, no moon, but I saw four pieces of white debris not far away from me.
那是一个没有月亮的漆黑夜晚,但我还是看到了不远处有四块白色的飞机残骸。 yeeyan

It will probably be easier to do this on the moon than on an asteroid.
显然,在月球上完成这个任务比在小行星上完成要容易。 yeeyan

Orbit of the Moon, and we see the Earth.
月球的轨道,以及我们看到的地球。 yeeyan

Praise ye him, sun and moon: praise him, all ye stars of light.
日头月亮,你们要赞美他。放光的星宿,你们都要赞美他。 ebigear

The moon struggled in its straitjacket: a tremor like that of an earthquake caused avalanches of empty cans to slide down from the mountain of refuse.
月亮与它的紧身衣搏斗着:发出一阵阵的震动,就像地震引起空的罐子从垃圾山上滑下来造成的震动那样。 yeeyan

This blue planet, and near her, the white moon that holds us in her gravitational pull so that we spin at the speed of life.
这蓝色的星球,还有在她附近,那以自身引力挽留住我们的白色月亮,于是,我们以生命的速度旋转。 yeeyan

This one way to share your observations of the Moon with many people, no matter where they are.
这是将你对月球的观察与其他人分享的一个方法,不管他们人在何处。 yeeyan

Water on the moon, however, is another matter.
不过,在月球上的水,却是另一回事。 yeeyan

We choose to go to the moon in this decade, and do the other things, not because they are easy but because they are hard.
我们选择在这个十年飞向月球以及做其他的事不是因为它们容易,而是因为它们相当艰难。 yeeyan

What do you mean‘ moon and sun’?
你说的‘太阳和月亮’是什么意思? yeeyan

Without me, the earth would be as empty as the moon.
如果没有我,地球将像月球一样空空如也。 hjenglish




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