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词汇 monument
释义 mon·u·ment 英ˈmɒnjəmənt美ˈmɑnjəməntAHDmŏnʹyə-mənt ★★☆☆☆高四六研IT4八COCA⁵⁵⁰⁷BNC⁸¹⁸²iWeb⁵³⁴⁹Economist¹¹⁴¹⁹


a building, pillar, etc., built to preserve the memory of a person or event


a very old building or place, considered worth preserving for its historic interest or beauty


work of enduring value

a structure erected to commemorate persons or eventsan important site that is marked and preserved as public propertya burial vault usually for some famous person
monument, memorial



2.memorial可指公众的纪念活动; 而monument无此义。

用作名词 n.
动词+~put up a monument立纪念碑unveil a monument为纪念碑揭幕形容词+~great monument伟大的纪念碑simple monument朴素的纪念碑ancient monument古迹,古址national monuments民族遗迹~+介词monument in commemoration of纪念…的纪念碑monument of learning不朽的学术著作monument to为…而建造的纪念碑
方振宇词汇奥秘mon告诫,提醒→不要忘记→记住→纪念+u连接字母+-ment表结果名词后缀,表示物→纪念之物→纪念碑,纪念像,纪念物mon告诫,提醒→不要忘记→记住→纪念+u连接字母+-ment表结果名词后缀,表示物→纪念之物⇒纪念碑,纪念像,纪念物非常记忆mo魔+nu奴+-ment表结果门徒⇒魔鬼命令奴隶门徒为他建纪念碑词根记忆mon警告+u+-ment表结果思考→警告你思考→纪念馆,纪念碑词根记忆monu警告,提醒+-ment表结果=提醒的东西=纪念碑近义词 tower塔column栏pillar柱子marker标记statue雕像shrine 圣地tribute贡品document文件headstone墓石tombstone墓碑testament证明memorial纪念碑gravestone墓碑cenotaph纪念碑repository容器testimonial证明书
用作名词n.They have built a monument.他们已建造了一座纪念碑。
A monument was erected to the memory of that great scientist.为纪念那位伟大的科学家树立了一块纪念碑。
And today, if you go to Salt Lake City, you can see a monument with seagulls on top of it.今天,如果你去盐湖城,你会看到有一座顶端雕刻有海鸥的纪念碑。
The ruins of the castle are an ancient monument, which the government pays money to preserve.这座城堡废墟是古代遗迹,政府花钱予以保护。
The work is one of the great monuments of English literature.此作品是英国文学的不朽名作之一。
His history of the ancient Roman Empire is a monument of learning and deep study.他所写的古罗马帝国史是学术研究的不朽作品。Pmonumentalizevt.永远纪念Pmonumentallyad.纪念地非常地Pmonumentala.纪念碑的做为纪念的不朽的

用作名词Themonumentwas fronted with stone.纪念碑的正面是石料做的。
Nelson's Column is a famousmonumentin London.纳尔逊纪念碑是伦敦著名的纪念碑。
Themonumentis in honor of a scientist.那座纪念碑是为纪念一位科学家而建的。
Time and weather had long ago effaced the inscription on themonument.岁月和风雨早已磨掉纪念碑上的铭文。
Amonumentwas built to commemorate the victory.为了纪念胜利,建造了一座纪念碑。
They dedicated amonumentin memory of those who died in the great earthquake.他们为悼念死于大地震的人们建造纪念碑。
It's the most enigmatic prehistoricmonumenton earth.它是地球上最神秘的史前遗迹。
These recordings are amonumentto his talent as a pianist.这些录音是展现他钢琴家才华的不朽之作。, remembrance
同义词 gravestone,headstone,marker,masterpiece,mausoleum,pillar,shrine,slab,statue,stele,stone,tablet,testament,tomb,tombstone,tributecairn,cenotaph,column,commemoration,erection,ledger,memento,monolith,obelisk,pile,record,reminder,token,tower,witnessfootstone,magnum opus
antiquenoun old object, often of great value
antiquity,artifact,bygone,heirloom,objet d'art,rarity,relic,ruin,vestige
antiquesnoun old object, often of great value
antiquities,artifacts,bygones,heirlooms,monuments,objet d'arts,rarities,relics,ruins,vestiges
columnnoun pillar
columnsnoun pillar
commemorateverb honor, observe occasion
admire,celebrate,immortalize,keep,memorialize,monument,monumentalize,observe,pay tribute to,perpetuate,remember,salute,solemnize
edificenoun structure
building,construction,erection,habitation,house,monument,pile,rockpile,skyscraper,towers And as one of the world’s largest engineering projects, it would, of course, be a long- lasting monument to whichever politician approved it.
作为世界上最大的工程项目之一,塞文河大坝必然会是一座不朽的丰碑,这是无论哪个政治家都无法拒绝的。 ecocn

Come to think of it, a virtual monument might not really be that insincere, as we had initially thought.
仔细想想,一个虚拟的纪念碑也并不是就像我们刚开始想的那样言不由衷。 yeeyan

The inscription of the monument has worn away over a long period of time.

The stone monument is believed to be erected near2500 BC though there is no concrete proof the origin.
尽管没有充分的证据,但人们相信这座石碑在公元前2500左右就被竖立起来了。 yeeyan

The protesters, most of them wearing bright red, followed up Wednesday's show of force by occupying the Victory Monument intersection in central Bangkok.
大多数抗议人士都身着鲜艳的红衫,他们占领了曼谷中心的胜利纪念碑广场以展示自己的实力。 shinewrite

The white marble monument, with its sprawling gardens, took20 years to build.
建造这座白色大理石纪念碑及其广阔的花园花了20年。 yeeyan

A virtual monument specially erected in memory of your loved ones?
一个专门为纪念你所爱的人竖立的虚拟的纪念碑? yeeyan

And over her grave, the infamy that she must carry thither would be her only monument.
而她必将带到坟墓中去的那个耻辱,将是矗立在她坟上的唯一墓碑。 hjenglish

As a token of visit to the online monument of your departed loved ones, visitors can also choose to leave behind some flowers along with their sentiments.
作为拜访过你钟爱的人的网上纪念碑的象征,拜访者可以根据自己对逝者的感情选择一些花留在上面并且写下一些留言。 yeeyan

But there is no argument about plans for Scott's distinguished red-brick monument to the Bard.
但对于有关斯科特著名的莎士比亚红砖纪念碑的规划却无任何争议。 ecocn

Deep in our heritage lies the notion that a portrait is a monument to a hero or a worthy ancestor.
我们的传统中深藏着这样的见解:一幅肖像画是英雄或杰出先辈的纪念碑。 yeeyan

He forced all the ministers to pay homage to the monument monthly!
他强迫所有的大臣每月一次参拜他的纪念碑! ebigear

I want to go to America to visit Washington Monument, because the president Washington is my idol.
我想去美国参观华盛顿纪念碑,因为华盛顿总统是我的偶像。 tingvoa

In Washington, for example, large crowds gather near the Washington Monument to listen to music and watch a huge fireworks show.
例如在华盛顿,大量群众聚集在华盛顿纪念碑附近,听音乐,观看大型焰火晚会。 tingvoa

Later I return to the monument with Inga, an architecture student at Riga’s Academy of Arts who bristles with pride and knowledge about the city.
后来我又和英嘉一起来到了纪念碑,她是在里加艺术学院学建筑的学生,她对这座城市深有了解并为此而自豪。 yeeyan

There is a massive monument in the square.
广场上有一座巨大的纪念碑。 kekenet

They are a mirror image to our towering achievements above ground and, like the pyramids, they are both monument and tomb.
它们倒映着我们地面上那些高耸云端的伟大建筑,比如金字塔,它们是纪念碑又是坟墓。 yeeyan

They set up a bronze statue monument to his memory.

They will gather around a monument dedicated to the singer to light candles and sing songs.
歌迷们将汇集在约翰•列侬纪念碑周围,用歌声与烛火缅怀他们的偶像。 yeeyan

This is one of four bronze soldiers posed around the monument.
这是环绕纪念碑的四个铜铸人像之一。 yeeyan

Though Zheng He died in1433 and was probably buried at sea, a grave and small monument to him still exist in Jiangsu Province.
郑和于公元1433年去世,并且可能葬身于汪洋大海之中,但江苏省现在仍有他的坟墓和一座小型纪念碑。 ebigear




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