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Monti ˈmɑːnti Economist²⁴¹⁰⁶⁺⁶ 基本例句 n.蒙蒂¹⁰⁰ And Mr Monti said that in all the reforms to come, he'd work for a fairer society. 蒙蒂说,所有即将进行的改革,都是为了营造一个更加公平的社会。 putclub In Brussels, European Commission chief Jose Manuel Barroso and EU President Herman Van Rompuy issued a joint statement welcoming Mr Monti's appointment. 欧盟委员会主席若泽·曼努埃尔·巴罗佐和欧盟主席海尔曼·范·隆佩发表了联合声明欢迎任命蒙蒂为总理。 yeeyan Mario Monti has unveiled a new, technocratic cabinet meant to steer Italy through its debt crisis after the fall of Silvio Berlusconi's government. 贝卢斯科尼下台后,新总理马里奥·蒙蒂组建了一届全新的“技术型内阁”,希望以此引导意大利走出债务危机。 blog.sina.com.cn Mr Monti, an ex- EU commissioner, said he was starting urgent talks on his cabinet, aiming to restore finances. 曾任欧盟专员的蒙蒂称他为了重振财政正就他的内阁进行紧急会谈。 yeeyan Much of the talk in Rome is now of finding a technocrat to run a new government committed to reform— Mario Monti, say, who was a respected European commissioner. 在罗马的会议基本上旨在建立一个由比如资深欧洲委员会委员马里奥蒙蒂这样的经济专家领导的改革政府。 ecocn Speaking to reporters shortly afterwards, Mr Monti said Italy should be an “element of strength and not weakness” within the EU. 其后不久,蒙蒂向记者表示意大利应当成为欧盟的“力量而非弱点”。 yeeyan The restlessness is already palpable. Whistles and jeers, from both right and left, greeted Monti as soon as he took his prime ministerial seat. 躁动的情绪已经非常清晰了,左翼和右翼都以嘘声和嘲笑迎接蒙蒂登上首相宝座。 yeeyan As Mario Monti, a former EU competition commissioner, pointed out in a recent call for action, 70% of the EU’s GDP is in services but only20% of those services cross borders. 正如前欧盟竞争专员马里奥•蒙蒂 Mario Monti在最近的行动号召中指出的那样,服务业占了欧盟70%的 GDP,但这些服务中只有20%跨越了国境。 ecocn Berlusconi, who still performs for friends at intimate dinner parties, also could not resist having the last word at a ceremony to mark the handover of power to Italy's new premier, Mario Monti. 贝卢斯科尼仍然在私密宴会上为朋友们表演,他在总理权力移交仪式上对新任总理马里奥•蒙蒂仍然“强辩到底”。 ebigear Berlusconi said he and his party would support Monti as long as his government remained an interim one made up of experts and not an administration with political ambitions. 贝卢斯科尼说,只要蒙蒂的政府是一个由专家组成的临时政府,而不是一个拥有政治野心的政府,他和他的政党就会支持蒙蒂。 letou Berlusconi's political agenda is very clear: he has been reported as saying that his party will“ unplug Monti's government life support whenever necessary”. 贝氏的政治议程相当明晰:有报道说,他曾表示,“只要有必要”,他的自由党将随时愿意“拔掉蒙蒂政府的插头”。 yeeyan Hailing Mr Monti's appointment, EU leaders vowed to monitor Italy's austerity measures. 欧盟领导人为这一任命欢呼,承诺会监督意大利的紧缩措施。 yeeyan He invited Mrs Merkel, along with Italy's new prime minister, Mario Monti, to a pre- summit summit in Strasbourg on November24th. 他邀请默克尔以及意大利新总理马里奥•蒙蒂 Mario Monti在11 月24 日于斯特拉斯堡 Strasbourg 参加了一场峰会前的峰会。 ecocn Italy's borrowing costs have spiked, threatening the euro zone. Hailing Mr Monti's appointment, EU leaders vowed to monitor Italy's austerity measures. 意大利借贷成本激增是对欧元区的重大威胁。欧盟领导人为这一任命欢呼,承诺会监督意大利的紧缩措施。 yeeyan Mr Berlusconi called for fresh elections, but it looked likely that a new government would be formed, perhaps led by Mario Monti, a former European commissioner. 贝卢斯科尼呼吁举行新一轮选举,但是情况似乎是新一届政府将由前欧洲委员会委员马里奥蒙蒂领导。 ecocn Mr Monti's technocratic cabinet contains bankers, ambassadors and bureaucrats but no politicians. 蒙蒂技术统治型内阁包括了银行家、大使以及官员,唯独缺少政客。 ecocn Speaking after a day of talks with political parties, Mr Monti said he was confident Italy would overcome its current crisis. 在与各政党进行了一天的会谈后,蒙蒂表示,他相信意大利将渡过目前的危机。 koolearn Monti said he would name a cabinet quickly. 蒙蒂说,他将很快组建内阁。 letou Monti will have to transform the country's welfare system and implement an embryonic revamp of Italy's education system in order to stem a brain drain that has afflicted the country for years. 蒙蒂还必须改革意大利的福利体系并对教育体系实施初步改革,以便阻断多年来一直困扰着该国的人才流失。 letou |