释义 |
monther 基本例句 蒙齐尔 To realize the value of nine months.Ask amontherwho gave birth a still born.想要懂得九个月的价值;去问一位产下死婴的母亲. The surrogacy agency, AA69 claimed it helped get more than 20 successful matches amonther.AA69代理机构说它已经配对成功20多个代孕妈妈。 A boy picks flowers for hermonthereveryday on the way to school. He only 6 years old a loverly boy.我认识一个小男生每天会摘一朵花送给她妈咪,在上学途中。我想这些花都是他曾经采过的,他今年只有6岁很贴心的。 I am so glad to see you again onemontherlater ,i do hope you can come to see me right now .留学解答资讯网:很高兴一个月之后就可以再次见到你了,多么希望你立即出现在我面前啊! Hermonther's payday from her part-time job in a doctor's office meant they could make payments on the bedroom the Quimbys had added to thier house when Ramona was in first grade.到他母亲领她在医生诊所兼职的工资那一天;他们就可以偿付昆比家在若摩娜一年级时候增建卧房的开销. |