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词汇 Montesquieu
释义 Mon·tes·quieu 英ˈmɒntəˌskjuː, mɔːŋteˈskjɜː美ˈmɑntəˌskju, mɔŋtɛˈskjɝAHDmŏnʹtə-sky›”, mô’-tĕ-sky÷“ 高COCA⁵⁴⁶³¹BNC⁵⁸¹⁵⁵

French political philosopher who advocated the separation of executive and legislative and judicial powers 1689-1755 Montesquieu's main concern was forms of government.孟德斯鸠的主要研究对象是政体。
Montesquieu did not think highly of this way of “waking up.孟德斯鸠对这种“唤醒”方式没有什麽好感。
Montesquieu was a famous enlightenment thinker of France in the 18th century.孟德斯鸠是18 世纪法国著名的启蒙思想家。
The theory of spirit of laws is Montesquieu”s theoretic base and premise.孟德斯鸠考察中国政制法律问题的理论前提是其“法的精神”学说。
Montesquieu's sociological “formalism” is insensitive to the problems of genesis and change.孟德斯鸠的社会学的“形态论”对发生和演变的问题漠不关心。 In China, the proponents of this view base their theory on Geertz s theory of local knowledge and Montesquieu s relevant theory.
就当下国内学界而言,这种理论往往以吉尔兹、孟德斯鸠等人的相关论述作为逻辑起点。 dictall

The logically coherent argument believes that Montesquieu“the separation of powers” surpasses Locker's decentralization theory, which neglects historic importance and their nationalities.
通说认为,孟德斯鸠的“三权分立”优于洛克的分权理论,该观点忽视了两种理论产生及历史意义的国别性。 dictall

The French philosophers, Rousseau, Montesquieu, and Voltaire reacted to the social conditions they saw and sought to establish universal rights of man.
法国的哲学家们像是卢梭,孟德斯鸠和伏尔泰都认识到社会现实并尝试着建立人类的普世权利。 yeeyan

“ The English are busy; they don't have time to be polite” Montesquieu.
“英国人很忙;他们无暇去顾及礼貌” 孟德斯鸠。

“The Spirits of Law” is the core conception of legal philosophy of Montesquieu.
“法的精神”是孟德斯鸠法哲学的核心概念。 cnki

As the two leaders of the France Enlightenment, Montesquieu put forward“ separation of powers” theory, Rousseau put forward“ popular sovereignty” theory.
作为法国启蒙运动的两大领军人物,孟德斯鸠提出了“三权分立”的理论,卢梭提出了“主权在民”的理论。 fabiao

France’s Baron de Montesquieu, a huge influence on America’s founders, celebrated the commercial aspects of liberty.
对美国建国有巨大影响的孟德斯鸠则颂扬了商业方面的自由。 ecocn

French literary patron noted for her correspondence with Voltaire, Montesquieu, and Horace Walpole.
法国文学赞助人,因与伏尔泰,孟德斯鸠,以及沃波尔通信而闻名。 poptool

From this book, he knew that he admired Napoleon, Peter the Great, Rousseau, Montesquieu, Washington, Lincoln and other figures.

Here’s how Montesquieu put it.
下面是孟德斯鸠如何做的。 yeeyan

In his The Spirit of Laws, Montesquieu discusses in detail the origin of slaves, the coming into existence of slavery and the relationship between slavery and the system of government.
在《论法的精神》中,孟德斯鸠详细论述了奴隶的来源、奴隶制产生的原因、奴隶制与国家政体的关系等问题; cnki

In this process, Lock, Montesquieu and American Federalists made great theoretical contributions to the formation of modern republicanism.
在这一过程中,洛克、孟德斯鸠以及美国联邦党人等为现代共和主义的形成做出了重大理论贡献。 cnki

Liberty is the right to do whatever the laws permit---Barohn De Montesquieu, French thinker.
自由必须受法律约束---孟德斯鸠,法国思想家。 mosesenglish

Liberty is the right to do whatever the laws permit—Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu.

The second step namely the independence of judicial department, which is realized by Montesquieu, now government function partition among three organizations has been finished.
第二步骤,即司法部门地位的确立,这一步在孟德斯鸠那里实现,政府职能三分因此完成。 fabiao

The third chapter introduces Montesquieu's political thought and theory.
第三章介绍了孟德斯鸠的政治思想和理论。 cnki

Therefore, studying Montesquieu's thought of power balance is of very important significance of theory and the practice.
因此,研究孟德斯鸠的权力制衡思想有着很重要的理论意义和现实意义。 fabiao

To succeed in the world we must look foolish but be wise--- Montesquieu, French social commentator and political thinker.
要在世上成功,我们需大智若愚---孟德斯鸠,法国社会评论家和政治思想家。 mosesenglish

Voltaire and Montesquieu insisted representative system, but Rousseau insisted direct and extreme people's democracy system.
伏尔泰和孟德斯鸠主张代议制度,而卢梭主张直接的、极端的人民民主制度。 cnki

Montesquieu described18th- century Britain as a republic in the guise of a monarchy, because the elite was happy to swap one royal family for another whenever it suited them as in1688 and1714.
孟德斯鸠将18世纪的英国描述成君主制度虚饰下的共和政体,因为政治精英们乐于更换王室以满足自身利益如1688年和1714年。 ecocn

Montesquieu stated on the basis of Chinese culture in particular to the unique legal culture and found that such a realistic way.
在此基础上阐明孟德斯鸠对中国文化尤其是法律文化的独特发现及这种发现的现实途径。 cnki

Montesquieu thought the basic distinction between the orient autocratic monarchy and the European monarchy is whether monarchs obey law.
孟德斯鸠认为东方专制政体与欧洲君主制的区别在于君主治国是否遵守法律。 cnki

Montesquieu's sociological“formalism” is insensitive to the problems of genesis and change.
孟德斯鸠的社会学的“形态论”对发生和演变的问题漠不关心。 kuenglish




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