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词汇 montclair
释义 montclair
On Marquette Street in Montclair, neighbors said they often saw Richard Murphy walk his2 daughters, Katie,11, and Lisa,7, to the bus stop, where they would catch a ride to school.
蒙特克莱尔马凯特街的邻居们说,他们经常看到理查德。墨菲陪着两个女儿——11岁的凯蒂和7岁的丽莎一起,步行到公交车站,看着她们坐上巴士去上学。 ammado

We at Montclair are proud of our student's ongoing commitment to Community Service activities and we look forward to another great year of service.

What will become of the sisters in grade school in Montclair, N.
家住新泽西州蒙特克莱尔的一对小姐妹还在读小学。 ammado

Among those who worried was Scott White, director of guidance at Montclair High School.
在这些人中,有一位叫斯各特·怀特的,是蒙特克莱尔中学的辅导主任。 joyen

At a fundraising dinner in2008, in Montclair, New Jersey, Obama told one of his favorite stories about F.
2008年,在新泽西蒙特克莱尔的一次筹款宴会上,奥巴马讲了一个他最喜欢的罗斯福的故事。 yeeyan

Cynthia and Richard Murphy set up shop in leafy Montclair, N.J. They have two daughters, ages7 and11.
辛西娅和理查德·墨菲在新泽西州多叶的蒙特克莱尔开了一家店铺,他们有两个女儿,一个7岁另一个11岁。 yeeyan

Gary Richter, a veterinarian at Montclair Veterinary Hospital in Oakland who attended the news conference, said he is worried about household chemicals and their effects on pets.
加里,里克特,一名参加新闻发布会的蒙特克莱尔兽医院的兽医,说他担心家庭化学品以及它对宠物的影响。 dxy

Ms. Yanagi holds a Bachelor of Music degree, Summa Cum Laude, and a Master of Arts degree in Piano Performance from Montclair State University.
柳由香女士在蒙特克莱大学以优异成绩获得了本科音乐学位和钢琴表演硕士学位。 internationalpianoacademyofchina

Removed as reported Montclair Valley Road114, and ready to get out of the wooden benches of two centuries- old former Lackawanna station.
免去谷路114作为蒙特克时报准备搬出两个世纪之久的木制长椅从以前的拉克万纳火车站。 dallas-chiropractic

She was from Upper Montclair, New Jersey, the second of six children of a doctor who was studying to be a priest before he met her mother.

So when Ms. Jones contacted Mr. White about the possibility of presenting at Montclair, he told her she could come.
因此,当琼斯女士和怀特先生联系,询问她是否有可能来蒙特克莱尔中学演讲时,他告诉她可以来。 joyen

Two nights before Ms. Jones was to speak at Montclair, he called to cancel her invitation.
就在琼斯女士即将在蒙特克莱尔中学演讲的前两晚,他打电话取消了对她的邀请。 joyen

Yuka Yanagi is currently an adjunct faculty member of the music department at County College of Morris and Music Prep Center at Montclair State University.
柳由香目前在莫里斯音乐学院和蒙特克莱大学音乐预科中心担任助教。 internationalpianoacademyofchina




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