

单词 Montazeri
释义 Montazeri ˌmɑːntəˈzeri COCA⁹²⁸²⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
Placed under house arrest for a decade, Mr Montazeri continued to criticise the government, siding openly with the reformists after the tainted June elections.
Montazeri被软禁了十年,期间继续对政府的批判,在腐败的6月选举之后公开站在改革者的一边。 yeeyan

Ayatollah Montazeri was buried at a shrine in Qom, where he died late Saturday at the age of87.
蒙塔泽里被安葬在库姆圣地。他于星期六晚去世,终年87岁。 tingvoa

Despite his isolation, Mr Montazeri remained popular, so his death on December20th was yet another occasion for protest.
尽管他被隔离, Montazeri依然流行,所以他12月20日的死亡是另一个抗议的机会。 yeeyan

Iranian opposition Web sites say hundreds of thousands of people have turned out for the funeral of dissident cleric Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri.
伊朗反对派的网站报导说,数以十万计的伊朗人参加了异议教士大阿亚图拉。蒙塔泽里的葬礼。 tingvoa

Tensions have risen in Iran since influential dissident cleric Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Ali Montazeri died a week ago aged87.
上升的紧张关系,因为有影响力的持不同政见的领袖大阿亚图阿里蒙塔泽里带来灾难性后果一周前去世了87岁的伊朗。 masok.cn

This weekend also marks the seventh day of mourning for recently deceased Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, a prominent dissident cleric.
这个周末也是哀悼最近去世的知名持不同政见教士蒙塔泽里 Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri的第七天。 iciba

Thousands of Iranians are converging on the city of Qom for the funeral of leading reformist cleric Grand Ayatollah Hoseyn Ali Montazeri.
成千上万的伊朗人聚集到库姆参加改革派领导牧师大阿亚图拉侯赛因·阿里·蒙塔泽里的葬礼。 enread




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