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词汇 Montana
释义 Mon·tan·a 英mɒnˈtænə美mɑnˈtænəAHDmŏn-tănʹə Economist¹⁰¹²⁷

a state in northwestern United States on the Canadian border美国蒙大纳州主体位于落基山脉上,故在西班牙语中被称为Montana山区,源自拉丁语montanus山,与英语单词mountain山同源。钱博士mont山+ana形容词和名词后缀→山区⇒蒙大拿
mont山+ana形容词和名词后缀→山区⇒蒙大拿。近义词 MT机器翻译=machin…Treasure State宝藏州(美国蒙大拿州的别…

用作名词I stopped in Dell,Montana, to let my arms relax.我停下来的戴尔,蒙大拿,让我的胳膊放松。
This sort ofMontanaicebreaker isn't for everyone.这种蒙大拿的新鲜旅游并不是适合所有人。 California had its eighth rainiest July on record, while Montana, North Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, and South Dakota all received above- average rain.
与此同时,蒙大拿州、北达科他州、犹他州、怀俄明州以及南达科他州的雨量也都超过了历史平均水平。 kle100

District Judge DorothyMcCarter ruled that, under the constitution of Montana,76 year- old retiredtruck- driver Bob Baxter had the right to ask his physician to help him die.
巡回法官多勒熙·麦卡特规定:根据蒙大纳州法,76岁的退休卡车司机鲍勃·巴克斯特有权请求他主治医师帮其死亡。 yeeyan

From1972 to1974, I served as a Minuteman missileer in control of50 ICBMs in underground silos in Montana.
1972年至1974年间,我作为“民兵型”导弹控制人员,控制蒙大拿州地下发射井中50枚洲际弹道导弹。 yeeyan

In Montana, hunters will be allowed to kill220 out of the state’s estimated566 wolves.
蒙大拿州估计有566匹狼,狩猎者也已获准可以捕杀其中的220匹。 ecocn

That’s what sets people on fire and gets their confidence and their votes, whether they live in Wisconsin or Montana or New York.
是优秀的品质点燃了人们的激情,赢得了他们的信心和选票,不论他们住在威斯康星州、蒙大拿州,还是纽约州。 yeeyan

The millionaires-only club in Montana's Gallatin Mountains boasts a private ski hill and golf course.

The teen pregnancy rate in blue Connecticut, for instance, is roughly identical to the teen pregnancy rate in red Montana.
比如蓝色模式下的康涅狄格州中,青少年怀孕率与红色的蒙大拿州是基本一致的。 yeeyan

The electoral vote was379 to159, as I lost three states I had carried in 1992, Montana, Colorado, and Georgia, and won two new ones, Arizona and Florida, for a net gain of nine electoral votes.
选举人票是379票对159票,我失去了1992年获胜的三个州:蒙大拿州、科罗拉多州和乔治亚州,新赢得了两个州,亚利桑那州和佛罗里达州,选举人票净增了9票。 yeeyan

The muddy Missouri gets its start in Montana and crosses both Dakotas— all within the region of unusually heavy rain— before turning south.
混浊的密苏里河始于蒙大拿州,穿过南北达科他州——所有这些地区都遭受罕见大雨——然后转向南流。 yeeyan

“ Your dollar bill made it to Lincoln, Montana, ” wrote another Westerner.
“你的美元来到了蒙大纳州林肯市,”另一个西部人写道。 yeeyan

A woman from the US state of Montana has fought off a200lb(91kg black bear with a courgette from her garden.
美国蒙大拿州的一名妇女,用自家园子种的西葫芦,赶走了一头200磅91公斤重的黑熊。 yeeyan

But Buffett was out west in Montana and hard to reach by satellite phone.
但是巴菲特远在蒙大拿州西部,连卫星电话也联系不上他。 yeeyan

Every state but two, commodity- rich North Dakota and Montana, has faced a deficit this year.
除了商品丰富的北达科他州和蒙大拿州,今年所有的州都面临着财政赤字。 ecocn

His father, a naval officer, was often away, and Hubbard spent part of his childhood on his grandparents’ ranch, in Montana.
他父亲是一个海军军官,经常不在家,哈伯德部分童年是在蒙大拿州祖父母的大农场中度过的。 yeeyan

In 1994 the US Supreme Court ruled that because Montana's illegal- drug tax was a second punishment for a single crime it amounted to double jeopardy.
1994年,美国联邦最高法院裁定,蒙大拿州的违禁药品税是对同一罪行的第二次惩罚,这构成了重复治罪。 ecocn

In 1995, wolves were reintroduced into the park, which is primarily in the US state of Wyoming, though it also extends into Montana and Idaho.
1995年,狼被重新引入到这个公园里面。这个公园主要是在美国的怀俄明州,虽然在蒙大拿州以及爱达荷州也有一部分。 yeeyan

In our own Glacier National Park in Montana, only26 named glaciers remain out of the150 known in 1850. They are predicted to be completely gone by 2030 if current warming continues at the same rate.
在我们蒙大拿州的国家冰川公园中,1850年时有150块冰川,而现在其中的26块正在慢慢消融,如果全球变暖的速度仍以目前的速度增长,这些冰川预计将于2030年完全消失。 yeeyan

In Montana, I lost this time around largely because, as in Colorado, the lower vote for Perot meant more votes for Senator Dole than for me.
在蒙大拿州,我这次失败了,在很大程度上是因为,正如在科罗拉多州,更少人支持佩罗就意味着更多人投票支持多尔而不是我。 yeeyan

Missoula, Montana, is one of these towns, but it possesses some indefinable spirit that keeps it from being confused with any other.
蒙大拿州的米苏拉就是这类城镇中的一个,但它有某种难以说明的精神,能将它和其他城镇区分开来。 yeeyan

Newlyweds from Montana, celebrating in Las Vegas were checking out the lion enclosure at the MGM Grand Hotel when they videotaped these images.
来自蒙大拿州的新婚夫妇在拉斯维加斯举行庆祝,在观看米高梅大酒店狮子笼时无意中录下了这些图像。 yeeyan

Ohio, Kentucky, North Carolina and Montana all report a rise in licences issued; Ohio saw a139% increase in the first quarter of this year over last.
俄亥俄州、肯塔基州、南卡罗来纳州和蒙大纳州都报告许可签发数量出现增长。俄亥俄州今年第一季度较去年同期更是增长了139%。 ecocn

One population migrates hundreds of miles across the Great Plains from north-central Montana into southern Saskatchewan and Alberta.
一个种群从蒙大纳中北部越过大平原,历经上千公里进入南萨斯喀彻温和亚伯达。 yeeyan

Remember I was born on a dairy farm, the largest dairy farm in the state of Montana.
大家也许都知道我就出生在一个奶牛场里,而且是蒙大拿州最大的奶牛场。 yeeyan

She worked last year on Darrell Stevenson's ranch in Montana to learn American methods.
她去年到史蒂文森位于蒙大拿州的农场去学习美国养殖经验。 ebigear

The Angus and Hereford cattle came from ranches in his home state of Montana.
这些安格斯牛和海福特牛都来自他家乡蒙大拿州的农场。 ebigear

This time, that mobility is hampered by people's inability to sell their homes. Unemployment may go on rising in California, even though Montana cannot get the workers it needs.
这次移动性因为人们无法出售他们的房屋而受到阻碍,于是即使蒙大拿州还缺少大量的工人,失业率在加州却会继续上升。 ecocn

A system devised by the University of Montana counters this by fitting honey bees with miniature microchips.
蒙大纳大学发明的一个系统通过为蜜蜂安装微型芯片来对付地雷。 yeeyan




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