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mon·soon 英mɒnˈsuːn美mɑnˈsunAHDmŏn-s›nʹ ★☆☆☆☆高四GIST宝八COCA²³³³⁶BNC²⁴⁵⁸⁷iWeb¹⁷²²⁷Economist¹⁶⁵⁵⁵ 基本英英词源搭配记法近义反义派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.季风⁸⁴;雨季¹⁶复数monsoons形容词monsoonal 气象航班发生变化风
Noun: a seasonal wind in southern Asia; blows from the southwest bringing rain in summer and from the northeast in winterrainy season in southern Asia when the southwestern monsoon blows, bringing heavy rainsany wind that changes direction with the seasons来自阿拉伯语mawsim,一年的某时间,某季节,来自ma-,指示前缀,wasama,标记,记号。monsoon climate季风气候monsoon trough季风槽wet monsoon潮湿季风monsoon season季风季节monsoon wind季风monsoon fog季风雾winter monsoon冬季风monsoon depression季风低压monsoon current季风海流summer monsoon夏季季风,夏季风…monsoon cloud雨季云monsoon rain季风雨equatorial monsoon赤道季风monsoon air季风气候southwest monsoon蜗季风monsoon low季风低压 GRE难词记忆monsoon→mons=month月+oon名词→每年连续几个月的雨风→季雨风 mons=month月+oon名词→每年连续几个月的雨风⇒季雨风GRE红宝书month + soon 几个月一季就一次,速度还挺快来自阿拉伯语,意为“季节”近义词 storm暴风雨wet season雨季rainy season雨季rains动词rain的第三人称单… Pantimonsoonn.反季风
名词100% 用作名词The ship beat back against amonsoon.船逆着季风艰难地行驶。 Themonsoonis an important topic in the scientific research of the atmosphere.摘要季风作为气象科学的一个重要课题,许多人都作了大量研究。 Themonsoonwill run to the end of the next month.雨季会持续到下个月底。 Travelling is much more difficult during themonsoon.在雨季出行要难得多。as in.downpour 同义词 deluge,flood,rainstorm,stormcloudburst,inundationdrencher,torrential rain 反义词 sprinkleas in.gale 同义词 cyclone,hurricane,squall,tornado,wind,windstormblast,blow,burst,chinook,mistral,outbreak,outburst,tempest,typhoonas in.hurricane 同义词 cyclone,gale,storm,tornado,twistertempest,typhoonline storm,tropical cyclone,tropical storm,whirlwindas in.rain 同义词 deluge,drizzle,flood,hail,mist,precipitation,rainfall,rainstorm,shower,showers,sleet,stream,torrentcloudburst,condensation,fall,flurry,pour,pouring,raindrops,sheets,spate,spit,sprinkle,sprinkling,volleycat-and-dog weather,drencher,heavy dew,liquid sunshine,precip,sun shower,wet stuff,window washer 反义词 aridity,drynessas in.storm 同义词 blizzard,cyclone,disturbance,downpour,gale,gust,hurricane,precipitation,snowstorm,squall,tempest,tornado,twisterblast,blow,cloudburst,whirlwind,windstormprecip,raining cats and dogs 反义词 calm,quiet cyclonenoun destructive wind gale,hurricane,storm,tempest,tornado,tropical cyclone,tropical storm,twister,typhoon,vortex,windstorm downpournoun tremendous pouring of rain cloudburst,deluge,drencher,flood,inundation,monsoon,rainstorm,storm,torrential rain galenoun violent storm blast,blow,burst,chinook,cyclone,hurricane,mistral,monsoon,outbreak,outburst,squall,tempest,tornado,typhoon,wind,windstorm hurricanenoun violent windstorm cyclone,gale,line storm,monsoon,storm,tempest,tornado,tropical cyclone,tropical storm,twister,typhoon,whirlwind rainnoun downpour of water or other substance cat-and-dog weather,cloudburst,condensation,deluge,drencher,drizzle,fall,flood,flurry,hail,heavy dew,liquid sunshine,mist,monsoon,pour,pouring,precip,precipitation,raindrops,rainfall,rainstorm,sheets,shower,showers,sleet,spate,spit,sprinkle,sprinkling,stream,sun shower,torrent,volley,wet stuff,window washer stormnoun strong weather blast,blizzard,blow,cloudburst,cyclone,disturbance,downpour,gale,gust,hurricane,monsoon,precip,precipitation,raining cats and dogs,snowstorm,squall,tempest,tornado,twister,whirlwind,windstorm A weak monsoon also threatens this year's production. 今年脆弱的雨季也对产量产生了影响。 yeeyan On August8,2010, unusually intense monsoon rains triggered devastating landslides and floods that buried a densely populated area in the center of the city. 2010年8月8日,罕见的强烈季风降雨袭击这里,引发毁灭性的滑坡和洪水,掩埋了城市中心人口密集的地区。 yeeyan That more normal monsoon pattern arrived just in time to catch the record volumes of rainwater streaming down the Indus river system from the heavily hit northwest. 正常的季风类型按时到达,带来了达到历史记录的雨量,这些降水从受灾严重的西北部地区流入印度和流域。 yeeyan The only things Babur liked about India were the abundance of gold and silver and the weather after the monsoon. 巴布尔所喜欢的唯一出自印度的东西只是大量的金银和季风过后的天气。 ecocn The stratosphere begins about12 kilometres up, above the troposphere where weather systems like the monsoon develop. 平流层大约从距离地面12公里开始,天气系统例如季风通常在对流层上发生。 yeeyan The monsoon once decided India’s economic fate. Now it only influences it. 季风曾经决定印度经济的命运,现在则只能起影响作用。 ecocn Byrs says it is critical to try to reach as many victims as possible before the roads become impassable when the monsoon season reaches its peak in a couple of weeks. 比尔斯说,在雨季高峰在两个星期后来临之前,道路还能够通过的时候,设法将救援物资送到到更多的灾民那里,这一点至关重要。 ebigear Even if he is right, as Banyan hopes and believes, it is not just a question of limping through the next few weeks until the monsoon ends. 即使他是对的,正如我们所希望和相信的那样,这也不仅仅只是蹒跚着熬过在季风季结束前的几个礼拜的事情。 ecocn In 2009, the year before the devastating monsoon floods that displaced some20 million people, the United Nations judged that half of the Pakistani population was food insecure. 2009年,也就是破坏性季风洪灾使约2千万人民流离失所的前一年,联合国就断定巴基斯坦一半的人口处于粮荒状态。 yeeyan In a domino effect, the melting then prods two of the region's monsoon systems to become stronger over India and China. 如同骨牌效应,积雪的提前溶解会激发该地区覆盖中国和印度的两大季风系统发生更加剧烈地变化。 yeeyan India suffered its worst monsoon since1972 this summer, with the rains falling23% below their historical average. 今夏印度遭受了自1972年以来最糟糕的雨季,降雨量比历史平均水平下降23%。 ecocn It corresponds with a weaker south-west monsoon and a longer dry season. 它相当于一个较弱的西南季风和一个更长的旱季。 ecocn It was as necessary for my soul after its rigorous repression during my infancy as are the monsoon clouds after a fiery summer. 这就宛如我幼年时期的心灵受到了严酷的压抑之后,在炙热的夏季过后出现的季风云彩一样,顿觉清爽。 yeeyan Meanwhile, experts at IMD Pune said the hot summer may not have any impact on this year's monsoon since the land- ocean temperature difference isn't high as the Indian Ocean too is warming. 与此同时,在普那国际管理发展研究院的专家表示,炎热的夏季或许不会对今年的季风产生影响,因为印度洋也在变暖,陆地-海洋温差并不大。 yeeyan Officials say floods caused by monsoon rains have killed more than 300 people in Pakistan over the last three days. 巴基斯坦官员说,雨季大雨造成的洪水已在过去3天里夺走至少300人的生命。 eol Other researchers think the presence of the pollution has an effect within individual monsoon seasons, too, changing patterns of rainfall. 其它研究人员则认为,污染的出现在单个的季风季节也存在某种效应,改变了降水类型。 ecocn The phytoplankton blooms in the northern Arabian Sea are strongly influenced by the seasonal wind shiftsthe monsoon that dominate the area’s climate. 阿拉伯海北端的浮游植物水华很大程度上被主导此地区气候的季节性的风向改变季风所影响。 yeeyan The greatest threat of all would be from any change to the monsoon, which delivers most of the region's fresh water each summer. 而最大的威胁则来源于雨季的变化,该地区大部分淡水资源都来自于每年夏天的雨水。 ecocn There has been no cleanup, no attempt to prevent the leakage from the site that takes place during every monsoon. 没有做过净化,每年的雨季期间,在事发地点也没有采取任何措施以防止更多的泄漏事故。 yeeyan They were hungry and dehydrated after drifting for25 days during the monsoon season, but were recovering well and would be released later today, hospital officials said. 医院方表示,在季风季节漂流25天后,他们饥饿并且脱水,但是恢复得很好,今天晚些时候就能出院。 yeeyan With the rough seas of the monsoon season becoming calmer, attacks are expected to increase sharply in number and geographical scope until April. 随着雨季过后该海域天气恢复良好,袭击事件的数量和范围预计到四月前将会大幅度增加。 yeeyan MONSOON rains bring relief after the heat of summer but they can also cause flooding. 季风带来的降雨可以缓解夏天的热浪,但也会带来洪水。 ecocn |