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词汇 monopolist
释义 monopolist

someone who monopolizes the means of producing or selling somethingmono-单pol-卖-ist…的人⇒n.独占者¹⁸;垄断者⁷³;独占论者n.专利者;专卖者;垄断论者;专利论者;垄断论的鼓吹者adj.赞成垄断的近义词 monopolizer独占的人monopoliser独占的人

用作名词Nobody wants to cooperate withmonopolist.没人想和垄断者合作。 And the other problem with Amazon is that you worry that they will behave as a monopolist.
你还必须考虑的其它问题就是作为独裁者的亚马逊将会怎么行动。 yeeyan

Is Google a monopolist?
谷歌是一个独裁者吗? yeeyan

That’s right. The world’s third- biggest company, measured by market value, is about to discover that the line between cool upstart and ugly monopolist is a very thin one.
由市场价值所评估的世界第三大公司将会揭露出那条划分酷酷的暴发户和丑恶的垄断家之间的浅浅的分界线。 yeeyan

Although it has some power in the market, the ACP is no monopolist, able to hold the world’s shipping lines to ransom.
尽管运河管理局拥有一些市场支配力,可以决定世界航运线的畅通与否,却并不是一家独大。 ecocn

At the beginning of this decade Microsoft, then feared as a bullying monopolist, tried but failed to create a“ single sign-on” called“ Passport” for the whole web. Nobody signed on.
在本世代初微软尚作为一个恃强凌弱的垄断者而广为畏惧时,它即试图为整个网络提供一种名为“通行证”的“一次性登陆”的解决方案,但却以失败告终,因为没有人登陆它。 ecocn

At worst, you can say it’s a highly repentant, largely accidental monopolist.
即便是在最坏的情况下,你也只可以说微软是个时常忏悔的意外垄断者。 yeeyan

But Google is not a monopolist— just a company that is, for the moment at least, ahead of its peers.
不过,至少现在 Google还不是垄断者,它只不过是自己所在行业的领头羊罢了。 ecocn

But operating as a monopolist is a poor way to maintain that edge.
但以垄断者的身份运营是保持其优势的一种拙劣的方式。 ecocn

Despite public and private protests, Google gave the ultimatum that only a monopolist can give: In order to appear in Web search, you must allow us to use your content to compete against you.
我们在公开和私下场合都表示过抗议,但谷歌却对我们下达了只有垄断寡头才会给出的最后通牒:如果你们想要在网络搜索中出现,就必须允许我们使用你们的内容与你们展开竞争。 fortunechina

Here's a look at how Apple has shoved Microsoft aside as the company with the worst reputation as a monopolist, copycat and a bully.
来看看苹果如何把取代微软成为最臭名昭著的垄断者、抄袭者、业霸。 yeeyan

Is Apple a monopolist, copycat and bully?
苹果是垄断者、抄袭者、行业霸王吗? yeeyan

It described Baidu, which has around 75% of the market for internet searches in China, as a “ monopolist” that abuses its power.
并将这个在中国互联网搜索市场占有75%份额的公司称为滥用职权的“垄断者”。 ecocn

Most recently, the state-owned monopolist has come under fire for gaming the system and causing the electricity blackouts that have crimped industrial production across the country.
最近,这个国有垄断者正因为调试电力系统并且导致了影响全国范围内的工业生产的大停电而焦头烂额。 yeeyan

Since at the new low price customers will want to buy more than before, the monopolist must expand production, thus losing even more money.
由于价格降低后,顾客的需求会上升,垄断巨头必须扩大生产,因此将会损失更大。 yeeyan

Some people take joy in Microsoft’s struggles, as the popular view in recent years paints the company as an unrepentant intentional monopolist.
微软陷入了困境。有些人感到幸灾乐祸,近几年的流行观点也将它描绘成死不悔改的蓄意垄断者。 yeeyan

The second is that because the F-35 was designed to replace so many types of aircraft, it has, in effect, a monopolist’s grip on the future fighter market.
第二个是因为 F-35被设计用于取代多种类型的飞机,它事实上在未来战斗机市场上拥有垄断权。 ecocn

This behaviour is rational on the part of the monopolist, but is often seen by competition authorities as an abuse of a monopoly position, whether or not the monopoly itself is sanctioned.
这种行为在垄断者来看是理智的,但是竞争权威们认为无论垄断被禁止与否这都是对垄断地位的滥用。 yeeyan

TO ITS opponents, it is a brazen attempt by a crafty monopolist to lock up some of the world's most valuable intellectual property.
在竞争对手看来,谷歌如同一只精于垄断的老狐狸,厚颜无耻到竟然想把世界最宝贵的知识财富锁进自家柜里。 ecocn

Until2000 the industry consisted of a state monopolist, Life Insurance Corporation of India LIC, which still has a market share of about70%.
直到2000年,国家垄断产业联合体——印度人寿保险公司 LIC仍然占有约70%的市场。 ecocn




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