

单词 monophasic
释义 monophasic 英,mɔnəu'feizik美,mɔnəu'feizik COCA¹²⁷⁶⁶⁴BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁵⁵⁰⁵⁹
A study on ventricular electrophysiologic effects of hypothyroidism was made in vivo in dogs with the techniques of electrical stimulation and monophasic action potentialMAP recording.
应用心脏电刺激和单相动作电位记录技术,观察了实验性甲状腺机能减退大的在体心室电生理效应。 cnki

An experimental technique for recording monophasic action potential MAPfrom rabbit heart in situ was described.
本文分析了利用吸引电极记录家兔在体心脏单相动作电位 MAP的实验技术。 cnki

Personally I’m beginning to think that monophasic sleep is a lot less convenient overall — it just takes way too much time.
相反,我觉得单相睡眠倒是不是很方便,它需要一个完整的时段。 yeeyan

The monophasic action potentials MAP of epicardiumEpi, midmyocardium Mid and endocardium Endo were recorded simultaneously in left ventricular free wall in vivo by a compound electrode.
采用自制复合式电极在兔左心室前壁同步记录心内膜、心肌中层、心外膜在体三层心肌单相动作电位 MAP。 cnki

And even on a monophasic sleep pattern, caffeine is known to cause sleep problems.
即使是在传统的单相睡眠睡眠的状况下,喝咖啡依然会导致睡眠问题。 yeeyan

And as I gradually learned, nighttime hours are not the same as daytime hours when you live in a monophasic world.
你的确通过多相睡眠获得了一些额外的时间,但这种时间和白天的时间并不完全一样。 yeeyan

Continuous use of your birth control pills works best if you're taking a monophasic pill — with the same hormone dose in the three weeks of active pills.
在使用单周期药物时连续服药的方法效果最好——连续服用3周含有同种激素的活性药片。 yeeyan

I can certainly get used to this peak state becoming the everyday norm. Now I feel it would be a big sacrifice to go back to monophasic sleep.
当我习惯了这种感觉之后,我相信我肯定不会很愿意回到单相睡眠的状态。 yeeyan

If I ever do go back to monophasic sleep again, it would likely be because I experience a change in circumstances that renders polyphasic sleep impractical.
如果我最终回到单相睡眠的作息方式,那也一定是因为一些多相睡眠无法克服的情况。 yeeyan

Mullite gels are excellent precursors for preparing fine mullite. Mullite gels consist of monophasic gel and diphasic gel.
莫来石凝胶是制备超细莫来石的优良先驱物,主要分为单相和双相凝胶。 cnki

Objective To explore the mechanism underlying the superiority of the biphasic waveform to monophasic waveform in defibrillation.
目的研究除颤中双相波优于单相波的理论依据。 dictall.com

Objective: To investigate the Monophasic action potential and calcium current changes in rabbit heart with hyperlipidemia.
目的:明确高胆固醇血症对家兔单相动作电位及钙电流的影响。 www.mdcn.com.cn

Objective:To compare the precise timing of the upper limit of vulnerability ULVfor monophasicMo and biphasicBi shocks.
目的:比较单相和双相电击易损性上限 ULV的精确发生时间。 iciba

Polyphasic sleep has a very different feel than monophasic sleep.
多相睡眠和单相睡眠是完全不同的感觉。 yeeyan

So really it was the combination of all these niggling factors that led me to decide to return to monophasic sleep.
实际上正是这些琐碎的原因促使我决定回归单相睡眠。 yeeyan

This is definitely not the case at all, even with monophasic sleep. Sleep is a lot more about quality than quantity.
这不是绝对的,即使是在传统的单相睡眠中,也更在意的是睡眠质量而不是数量。 yeeyan

This study aimed to investigate the impact of vagus on the monophasic action potential MAP of ventricular outflow tract myocardium, and further to explained the mechanism of IVT.
本研究旨在了解自主神经迷走神经对流出道心肌单相动作电位 MAP的影响,进一步解释流出道特发性室速的发生机制。 boshuo

Why the return to monophasic sleep?
为什么回归单相睡眠? yeeyan




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