

单词 monolithically
释义 mon·o·lith·ic·ally 英ˌmɒnə'lɪθɪk美ˌmɒnə'lɪθɪk COCA¹¹⁶⁹⁵²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²iWeb⁶⁰⁶⁰⁴
imposing in size or bulk or solidity;

massive oak doors

Moore's massive sculptures

the monolithic proportions of Stalinist architecture

a monumental scale

characterized by massiveness and rigidity and total uniformity;

a monolithic society

a monolithic worldwide movement

monolith巨型独石monolithic storage单片存储器monolithic structure整体结构monolithic construction整体结构monolithic column整体柱monolithic processor单片处理机monolithic technology单块工艺学monolithic component单片元件monolithic finish整体修整monolithic lining浇注衬里monolithic head单块磁头monolithic circuit单片电路monolithic terrazzo整块水磨石monolithic computer单片计算机monolithic concrete整体浇灌混凝土…monolithic photodiode单片光电二极管…monolithic block大型砌块monolithic refractory整体耐火材料…
近义词 huge巨大的uniform制服solid固体的massive巨大的gigantic巨大的colossal 巨大的immovable固定的monumental纪念碑的

A new device of two parallel distributed feedbackDFB lasers integrated monolithically with Y-branch waveguide coupler was fabricated by means of quantum well intermixing.
采用量子阱混杂的材料集成技术制备并联分布反馈激光器和 Y形波导耦合器集成的新型光电器件。 dictall

Also this trend motivates research on low-power, low- cost and monolithically integrated optic-fiber transceivers.
低功耗、低成本、高集成度的光接收发射机的研究方兴未艾。 fabiao

The prefabricated slab- column structure monolithically joined by post-tensioning is a “ semi rigidly connected system.”
整体预应力板柱结构是依靠摩擦节点相联接的“半刚接”结构体系。 cnki

Either of the schemes has the advantages of its own. The monolithically cast beam scheme is comparatively good in technical and economic terms applicable to general grade separation design.
两种方案各有优势,整体现浇梁方案有比较好的技术经济性,适用于一般的立交方案设计; cnki

In addition, treating all Muslim women's problems as monolithically attributable to their religion is a cul-de-sac.
此外,把所有穆斯林女性的问题都一概归咎于她们的信仰是行不通的。 blog.sina.com.cn

Perhaps the problem lies with our habit of thinking of failed states monolithically.
也许问题在于我们总是习惯于单一地思考这些失败国家。 yeeyan

Second, the molding approach produces monolithically cast parts, so there will be no layer boundaries or interlayer voids.
其次,那个独石地形成方式生产品投了部份,因此将会有不任何层边界或夹层空虚。 keepus

Slice allows the same JPA application to operate while the underlying data storage environment has been transformed from a monolithically large database to a set of horizontally partitioned databases.
Slice允许相同的 JPA应用程序的执行,而同时底层的数据存储环境也已经从一个超大型的数据库变成了一组被水平分区的数据库。 ibm




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