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词汇 monkeypox
释义 monkeypox 英'mʌŋkiːpɒks美'mʌŋkiːpɒks COCA¹⁰²⁰⁴³
The presence of lymphadenopathy can help identify the disease as monkeypox since it is not characteristic of either smallpox or chickenpox.
淋巴结病的出现可能有助于识别猴痘,因为天花或者水痘都不具备这一特征。 who

The symptoms of monkeypox usually last from14 to21 days.
猴痘症状通常持续14至21天。 who

There are no drugs or vaccines available for monkeypox, although vaccination against smallpox has been proven to be85% effective in preventing monkeypox in the past.
尽管过去已经证明,针对天花进行的疫苗接种对预防猴痘有85%的效果,但是尚没有针对猴痘的特效药物或者疫苗。 who

There is no evidence to date that person-to- person transmission alone can sustain monkeypox in the human population.
迄今为止,没有证据表明仅仅通过人际间传播就可使猴痘在人群中持续存在下去。 who

There is no specific treatment for monkeypox.
对猴痘没有专门的治疗手段。 mingyitang

Any animals that might have come into contact with an infected animal should be quarantined and observed for monkeypox symptoms for30 days.
对那些可能与受感染的动物有过接触的动物应当进行30天的检疫并观察猴痘症状。 who

Close physical contact with monkeypox infected people should be avoided.
应当避免与猴痘感染者进行身体密切接触。 who

Despite its name, monkeypox virus is believed to reside mainly in rodents such as squirrels and giant pouched rats.
尽管这样命名,猴痘病毒被认为主要寄居在啮齿动物内,如松鼠和巨型袋鼠. ecocn

Doubts persist on the natural history of the virus and further studies are needed to identify the exact reservoir of the monkeypox virus and how it is maintained in nature.
对该病毒的自然史仍存有疑问,需要进一步继续研究,以确定猴痘病毒的确切贮主,以及该病毒在自然界是如何生存下来的。 who

During monkeypox outbreaks, close contact with other patients is the most significant risk factor for monkeypox virus infection.
发生猴痘疫情时,猴痘病毒感染的最重要危险因素是与其它病人进行密切接触。 who

Healthcare workers and those treating or exposed to patients with monkeypox or their samples should consider being immunized against smallpox.
应考虑为卫生保健工作人员以及那些治疗或接触猴痘病人或者病人标本的人员实施天花疫苗接种。 who

However, smallpox no longer occurs, following its worldwide eradication in 1980, whereas monkeypox still occurs sporadically in parts of Africa.
但是自1980年世界上消灭天花以后,天花已不复存在,而猴痘仍然在非洲部分地区散发。 who

Human monkeypox was first identified in humans in1970 in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
1970年,在刚果民主共和国首次发现了人间出现的人猴痘。 who

In addition, children may be more susceptible to monkeypox due to the termination of regular smallpox vaccinations following the worldwide eradication of the disease in1980.
此外,儿童可能更容易罹患猴痘,这是由于自1980年在全世界消灭天花之后,就停止了天花疫苗的例行接种。 who

More recently, monkeypox has been reported in Unity, Sudan.
最近,在苏丹 Unity州报告发生了猴痘。 who

Samples taken from people and animals with suspected monkeypox virus infection should be handled by trained staff working in suitably equipped laboratories.
从怀疑感染了猴痘病毒的人和动物身上采集的标本,应当由在装备适当的实验室工作并且经过培训的人员进行操作处理。 who

That suggests those groups are in regular contact with a natural reservoir of monkeypox.
这表明易受感染的那些人群与猴痘的天然宿主有着频繁的接触。 ecocn

The researchers selected central Congo partly because the last comprehensive study of monkeypox, carried out between1981 and1986, covered the area well.
研究人员选择刚果中部,部分原因是上次对猴痘的综合性研究是在1981—1986年进行的,正好覆盖这个地区。 ecocn

The disease is caused by Monkeypox virus.
这种疾病由猴痘病毒造成。 mingyitang

The incubation period interval from infection to onset of symptoms of monkeypox varies from6 to16 days.
猴痘的潜伏期从获得感染到出现症状的间隔时间从6天至16天不等。 who

The monkeypox virus can cause a fatal disease in humans; it is similar to human smallpox, although typically much less serious.
猴痘病毒可在人类中引起致命性疾病;该病毒与人天花类似,但通常情况下病毒的致病性要轻很多。 who

The monkeypox virus is transmitted to people from a variety of wild animals and it spreads in human population through human-to-human transmission.
猴痘病毒由各类野生动物传播给人类,病毒通过人与人传播方式在人群中蔓延。 who

There is no treatment or vaccine available although smallpox vaccination has proven to be85% effective in preventing monkeypox.
虽然经过证明,接种天花疫苗对预防猴痘具有85%的保护力,但尚无治疗办法或者疫苗。 who

They found a dramatic surge in monkeypox—a disease which, though not as bad as smallpox, kills up to10% of those it infects.
他们发现患猴痘的人急剧攀升,虽然这种疾病不象天花那么可怕,但是感染该病的人死亡率高达10%。 ecocn

Transmission can also occur by inoculation or via the placenta congenital monkeypox.
疾病传播还可能通过接种或者通过胎盘先天性猴痘发生。 who

What causes monkeypox?
什么造成猴痘? mingyitang

What is monkeypox?
什么是猴痘? mingyitang

Monkeypox is a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus in the family Poxviridae.
猴痘是痘病毒科正痘病毒属的一种。 who

Monkeypox is a viral zoonosis with symptoms in humans similar to those seen in the past in smallpox patients.
猴痘是一种病毒性人畜共患病,人类中出现的症状与过去在天花病人身上所看到的症状相似。 who

Monkeypox occurs primarily in remote villages in Central and West Africa, near tropical rainforests.
猴痘主要在中非和西非靠近热带雨林的边远村庄发生。 who




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