

单词 armenians
释义 armenians
The idea of a stronger, healthier Turkish democracy may puzzle some Armenians; but it is the best way to bring about the honesty for which they yearn.
更强壮,更健康的土耳其民主国可能让亚美尼亚人困惑;但这是带给他们渴望的诚实的最好方式。 ecocn

The Armenian authorities and diaspora Armenians with deep pockets are also interested.
亚美尼亚当局和海外散居的亚美尼亚富人也很有兴趣。 ecocn

The latest spat stems from a bill in America's Congress that would recognise the mass slaughter of Ottoman Armenians in 1915 as the first genocide of the20th century.
最近的一次争吵是由于美国国会的一项提案造成的,这项提案将发生于1915年的奥托曼亚美尼亚大屠杀划定为20世纪发生的第一次大屠杀。 ecocn

The Armenians are signalling that they accept the draft.
亚美尼亚表示接受这个草案。 ecocn

American Jews have long felt queasy about defending Turkey over the massacre of Armenians.
美国犹太人一直对土耳其为其对亚美尼亚人的大屠杀进行辩护感到反胃。 ecocn

Azerbaijan also lost a secessionist conflict over Nagorno Karabakh, a part of Soviet Azerbaijan mostly populated by Armenians.
阿塞拜疆也没有留住它的纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫飞地。 它是苏维埃阿塞拜疆的一部分,多是亚美尼亚人。 ecocn

By the time the war ended in 1994, the victorious Armenians had doubled the enclave’s size and carved out a land corridor to Armenia proper.
截至1994年战争结束,获胜的亚美尼亚人将领地面积扩大了一倍,并且开拓出一条直通亚美尼亚本国的走廊。 ecocn

Chinese, Indians, Armenians, Arabs and more all traded alongside each other.
有中国人,印度人,亚美尼亚人,阿拉伯人和其他所有相互往来交易的商人。 ecocn

During the first world war, all decisions on the conduct of the war and the treatment of the Armenians were taken by the committee.
一战期间,战事行动的所有决定以及如何处置亚美尼亚人均由团结进步委员会裁决。 ecocn

Even before he took office, Turks were anxious to hear Barack Obama's attitude towards the Armenians who died during the last days of the Ottoman empire.
甚至在他就任前,土耳其人就急切地想听到巴拉克.奥巴马对那些死于奥斯曼帝国末期的亚美尼亚人的看法。 yeeyan

For Armenians, the big cause is recognition that the mass killings of1915 were genocide.
对亚美尼亚人来说,最大的事业就是使世界认可,1915年的大规模杀戮行为属于种族灭绝。 ecocn

For Armenians, securing recognition of their ancestors’ fate is a sacred cause.
对于亚美尼亚人,获得对其祖先命运的承认是一项神圣的使命。 ecocn

He was inspired by his wife, the daughter of two Armenians rescued as children by Kurdish neighbours during the1915 massacres.
他得到来自妻子的激励,他的妻子父母都是亚美尼亚人,在1915年大屠杀时还是孩子,由他们的库尔德邻居所营救而幸存下来。 ecocn

He worked for a broad reconciliation between the Turks and Armenians, including the recovery of historical truth, but not confined to it.
他为土耳其人和亚美尼亚人之间的完全和解而工作,包括恢复历史事实,但不局限于此。 iciba

Historically Azerbaijan has been occupied by a variety of peoples, including Armenians, Persians, Romans, Arabs, Turks, Mongols, Greek Empire, British and Russians.
历史上阿塞拜疆被多个不同的民族占领过,包括亚美尼亚人,波斯人,罗马人阿拉伯人,土耳其人,蒙古人,希腊帝国,英国和俄国人。 ebigear

In Ottoman times the Armenians, Greeks and Jews were responsible for most of the country’s commerce.
在奥斯曼帝国时代,亚美尼亚人,希腊人和犹太人包揽了整个国家大部分的商业活动。 ecocn

In1921 when most of the site was ceded to Turkey, the Armenians were dismayed.
当在1921年阿尼的大部分被割让给土耳其时,亚美尼亚人非常沮丧。 ecocn

Israeli officials were apparently poised to respond by proposing a programme in Israeli schools for discussing the genocide of Armenians by Turks in the first world war.
作为回应,以色列官方显然已经准备好要在学校推出一门探讨一战期间土耳其对亚美尼亚人进行种族灭绝行为的课程。 ecocn

Just like the Armenians, he adds.
就像亚美尼亚人所做的那样,他补充道。 ecocn

Nagorno- Karabakh's Armenians want recognition for their breakaway state, but Azerbaijan is unwilling to grant anything more than autonomy.
纳尔戈诺-卡拉巴赫的亚美尼亚人希望这个脱离出去的小国能够被承认,但阿塞拜疆只愿授予其自治权。 ecocn

NOT for the first time, Armenians sense a moment of vindication in their struggle for the acknowledgment of the tragedy that befell their forebears during the first world war.
为让土耳其人承认第一次世界大战时降临于祖先身上的悲剧而进行斗争的过程中,亚美尼亚人已不是第一次感觉到为自己辩护的时机已经到来。 ecocn

That was until1915, when Ottoman forces slaughtered most of the villagers, and hundreds of thousands of other Armenians.
这一直延续到1915年,当时土耳其奥斯曼帝国的军队屠杀了大部分村民,以及成千上万的其他亚美尼亚人。 ecocn

The miner, son of Australian- Armenians, is a smart if naive boy with an iron will and a heart that is easily broken.
这位矿工系澳大利亚亚美尼亚人后裔,当他还是一个意志坚强同时又情感易脆的天真少年时,就饱受创痛。 ecocn

Under the Pahlavi shahs, Assyrians, Armenians, Jews, Zoroastrians, and Baha'is regained some of their rights and came to represent the modernizing elements of20th century society.
在巴列维国王时期,亚述人,亚美尼亚人,犹太人,拜火教徒和巴哈教派信徒得到了一些权力并进而代表了20世纪社会现代化元素。 yeeyan

Armenians who want to break out of their landlocked and poor economy are looking for normal relations with Turkey.
为了冲破国土的“陆地包围”,并打破其贫困的经济现状,亚美尼亚人正在谋求与土耳其实现关系正常化。 yeeyan




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