

单词 Mongolian yurt
释义 Mongolian yurt
Finally, we can get into aMongolian yurt.大牛:终于可以进蒙古包了。
Herdsmen are rigging up aMongolian yurtas a new domicile.牧民们正在新的居住地搭建蒙古包。
Mongolian yurtbig business has more than 30 seats, can accept 300 people dining at the same time, 150 people.蒙古大营有蒙古包30多座,可同时接纳300人就餐,150人住宿。
From now to October, the prairie is green.We can live a hotel in Hailar or in aMongolian yurton the grassland.现今到十月前,草原的草已经变绿,我们可以选择住在海拉尔市,或者直接住在草原里的蒙古包里面。
I plan to Tibet by train. I will visit the Potala Palace,enjoy the the grassland,go to theMongolian yurt,and take some photos as a souvenir.我准备乘火车去西藏;到布达拉宫去看看.;去看看草原;蒙古包;拍照作为纪念
As the setting sun moving closer to the horizon, cattle and sheep were slowly returning toMongolian yurtfrom all directions.西天的太阳渐渐贴近地平线,草原的牛儿羊儿们,身披夕阳的金辉,拖着圆滚滚的大肚皮,散散落落,蹒蹒跚跚,从四面八方向帐篷归拢而来。




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