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词汇 Mongolian
释义 Mon·go·li·an 英mɒŋˈgəʊliːən, -ˈgəʊljən, mɒn-美mɑŋˈgoliən, -ˈgoljən, mɑn-AHDmŏng-gōʹlē-ən, -gōlʹyən, mŏn- ★★★☆☆高八iWeb²²⁸⁴¹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

a member of the nomadic peoples of Mongoliaa family of Altaic language spoken in Mongolia
of or relating to the modern Mongolian People's Republic;

the Mongolian embassy

of or relating to the region of Mongolia or its people or their languages or cultures;

the Mongol invaders

a Mongolian pony

Mongolian syntax strongly resembles Korean syntax

Mongolian wild horse黄羊Mongolian draw蒙古式引弦法; 东方…Mongolian People's Republic蒙古人民共和国…
Mongolian-不|无⇒n.属于蒙古人种的人;蒙古语⁶⁶;蒙古症患者adj.蒙古人的¹⁶;蒙古语的;蒙古病症的²近义词 yellow黄色的Mongol蒙古人Mongolic蒙古人语

用作名词Evenki andMongolianbelong to different branches of Altaic language family.鄂温克语和蒙古语分属于阿尔泰语系的不同语族。
The Boundary Determination ofMongolianBaseNP is an exploratory task based on POS TaggedMongolianCorpora.摘要解决蒙古语基本名词短语的定界问题,是在蒙古语词性标注语料库的基础上进行的探索性研究。用作形容词Mongolianpeople had replaced them.蒙古人已经取代了他们。
This appearance of a conqueringMongolianpeople in Europe may be taken to mark a new stage in human history.征战欧洲的蒙古人的出现也许可以当作人类历史进入新阶段的一个标志。 The NPC and CPPCC reports have also been translated into seven ethnic minority languages including the Kazak, Korean, Mongolian, Tibetan, Uygur and Yi.

The most successful Kalmyk Mongolian businesses are the house building trade and small businesses.
卡尔梅克蒙古人最为成功的商业领域是建筑业和小买卖。 yeeyan

The traditional Mongolian American household is a patriarchy in which the head of the household is the eldest male.
传统的美籍蒙古人家庭是一种父系家长制,家族中年龄最大的男性是家族的首长。 yeeyan

There he stands alone on his horse, a fierce giant shimmering out of nowhere rising131 feet against the vast Mongolian sky.
他矗立在坐骑旁边,身形巨大,金光璀璨,131英尺的高度使他几乎可以触摸蒙古广阔的天空。 yeeyan

But now, lots of Mongolian kids go to Chinese schools, and they can hardly speak or write their own language.
而如今,大多数孩子都去了中文学校,可他们几乎不会写、甚至也不会说自己的族言。 yeeyan

Celebrations were hardly marred by rumblings of discontent back in the capital, Ulaanbaatar, from Mongolian politicians.
这次庆祝并没有受到在首都乌兰巴托的蒙古政客们的不满抱怨影响。 ecocn

Following the Mongolian invasion in the early13th century, administrative districts established under the Mongol Empire formed territories of the Kazakh Khanate.
自13世纪早期蒙古人入侵以后,在蒙古帝国的统治下建立了一些行政区域,形成了哈萨克斯坦汗国。 ebigear

He is a37-year-old man with the distinct Mongolian features characteristic of the borderlands, and he wears a brown tunic, a turban, and a tentative smile.
这个男人37岁,他身上有着明显的边境地区蒙古人的特征,他穿着件棕色的束腰外衣,戴着条头巾,面带着腼腆的微笑。 yeeyan

He led the project to translate the Encyclopedia Britannica into Mongolian and was jailed by the Russians, whom he clearly does not like.
他曾经领导了一个把《大英百科全书》译成蒙古语的项目,并且被他非常反感的俄罗斯当局监禁。 yeeyan

In recent years Mongolian young people have immigrated to the United States to attend American colleges or graduate schools.
最近几年,一些的蒙古年轻人移民美国,以便接受美国的大学或研究生教育。 yeeyan

Its681 pages of text are at times as grueling as a forced march across the Mongolian steppe.
它那681页的文本读起来就像在蒙古草原上急行军一样让人累得慌。 yeeyan

Like high-end fashion in the city, motorcycles and gers furnished with satellite dishes and solar panels are a Mongolian display of new wealth.
在这个城市,就像高端的时尚品一样,摩托车与装备了卫星电视和太阳能面板的蒙古包,是蒙古人炫耀新财富的方式。 yeeyan

Many of the people here were Buryats, an ethnic group of Mongolian descent, and their features were distinctly Asiatic.
这里许多人是布里亚特人,这个族种是蒙古族后裔,相貌很容易辨别出是亚洲人。 yeeyan

Of the19 mummies examined, only three are Mongolian.
检验的19个干尸中,只有三个是蒙古人。 yeeyan

Recent numbers show Mongolian students are attending colleges and universities in about30 states.
最新的数据显示在美国上大学的蒙古学生遍及30多个州。 yeeyan

Specimens from the Mongolian outbreak in migratory birds should also prove useful in shedding light on these recent developments.
来自蒙古候鸟中暴发的标本也应证明在阐明这些最近发展方面是有用的。 who

The American Government, Mongol- American Cultural Association, and family already settled in the United States help Mongolian students get scholarships and to get adjusted to their new country.
美国政府、蒙美文化协会以及早已定居于美国的蒙古家庭帮助那些蒙古学生获得奖学金、以及帮助他们适应新的国度。 yeeyan

The first Mongolian immigrants settled around Baltimore, Maryland, and New York City and then moved to the other cities.
第一批蒙古移民主要定居在马里兰州的巴尔的摩和纽约,然后陆续搬到其他城市。 yeeyan

The Mongol- American Association press has played an important role in Mongolian nationalism in the United States.
蒙美协会出版社在保持蒙古人的爱国情怀方面发挥了重要的作用。 yeeyan

Under Hitler, Soviet prisoners of war who appeared Mongolian were singled out for execution.
当年在希特勒的统治下,那些看起来像蒙古人的苏联战俘都被处决。 yeeyan

Visitors can call a helpline offering advice in five languages, from English to Mongolian.
游客们可以拨打用英语、蒙语等五种语言服务的热线电话。 ecocn

When Genghis took power in1206, Mongolian tribes lived in tents, which they moved while migrating across the grasslands with their livestock.
当他在1206年夺权的时候,蒙古部落还是生活在帐篷里的,在牲畜迁徙时帐篷会随之一起搬走。 yeeyan




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