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词汇 monastery
释义 mon·as·ter·y 英ˈmɒnəˌsteriː美ˈmɑnəˌstɛriAHDmŏnʹə-stĕr'ē ★☆☆☆☆高四G宝八TCOCA¹¹³⁷⁴BNC⁸⁸⁵⁷iWeb⁸³⁶⁷Economist¹⁵⁷¹⁸


building in which monks live

the residence of a religious community圣本笃Saint Benedict本是意大利贵族,罗马求学时厌倦了世俗生活,孤身一人到深山里修行,无意中被别人发现后,很多修道之人自愿追随他左右,修道院这一事物就此产生。monas同monos,表alone,-tery表场所,修道院就是monk mʌŋk n.僧侣的灵修之地。GRE红宝书mon单个+aster星星→孤星→孤独者所住之处→寺院
mono 单独 + sterile 不育的,一个人不育的→和尚;master 大师,能练出大师的地方→少林寺之类;man + ster 人→男人呆的地方
mon单一+ast行为者+ery形容词和名词后缀,表场所→独居者所住的地方⇒修道院,寺院。词根记忆mon=mono单个+ aster星星+ y → 孤星 → 孤独者所住之处 ⇒寺院GRE难词记忆monastery → mon=monk 僧 侣 , 修 道士+astery场所→寺院方振宇词汇奥秘monast=monk 僧侣+ery表示地方、场所→修道院,寺院词根记忆monast一个人住+ery近义词 abbey修道院cloister修道院friary男修道院priory小修道院retirement退休convent女修道院nunnery女修道院hermitage隐居之处religious community宗教团体
用作名词n.There are two monasteries in this city.这座城市里有两家修道院。
用作名词In his youth he had stayed in themonastery.他年轻时在这个修道院待过。
He lived in amonasteryfor most of his life.他一生中的大部分时间是在寺院中度过的。
An underclass boy named Wusan entered amonasterywithout revealing his status.有一个叫无三的孩子出身贱民,只好隐姓埋名进了寺院。 where monks live
同义词 abbey,cloister,friary,house,lamasery,prioryreligious community
abbeynoun building that houses monks, nuns, or priests;church
cloisternoun secluded religious place
abbey,cell,chapter house,convent,friary,hermitage,house,lamasery,monastery,nunnery,order,priorate,priory,religious community,retreat,sanctuary
conventnoun nunnery
abbey,cloister,monastery,religious community,retreat,school
hermitagenoun hideaway
nunnerynoun convent
abbey,cloister,monastery,priory,religious community,retreat The abbot, or hegoumenos, the leader of the Greek Orthodox monastery, assigns each monk a specific role.

The Syrian Orthodox community beyond the monastery has suffered repeated attacks, with land around villages often set on fire.
修道院外的叙利亚东正教社区不断受到攻击,村庄周围的土地经常被人放火焚烧。 ecocn

There are almost no facts about these times. But a hundred years later all the monastery property was confiscated by the Russian government, and only one church was left for contemporary people.
关于那个年代几乎没有记载,但一百年后修道院就被俄国政府整体没收了,只给当时的人们留下一座教堂。 yeeyan

There's no hard evidence abbey beers were actually brewed within the walls of a monastery.
并没有确凿的证据显示,修道院啤酒果真是在修道院中酿制的。 fortunechina

A young boy chases pigeons in the courtyard of a Buddhist monastery and temple in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia’s capital.
一个小男孩在乌兰马托蒙古共和国首都的佛教寺院的院子里追赶着鸽子。 yeeyan

Almost all these treasured works are housed in university and monastery libraries where they are seldom seen by outsiders.
几乎所有这些珍贵的作品都被保存在大学和修道院的图书馆里,外人难得一见。 ecocn

Among the local attractions is an ancient monastery, built in 1141 in Spain and reassembled in North Miami Beach in 1952.
当地景点中有一个古代修道院,1141年建于西班牙,1952年在北迈阿密海滩重新组装。 yeeyan

And yet this is a male monk yearning for this male figure, and he's doing this in a monastery.

Around50 nuns live there, on rations winched up from the monastery over a deep river gorge.
有大约50个尼姑住在这个庵子里,其生活用品从深深的河流峡谷对面的寺院用铁索补给。 yeeyan

Because much of the local Albanian population is hostile to the monks, the monastery has been protected by Italian NATO soldiers since1999. No monk has dared to walk in the nearby town since then.
因当地许多阿尔巴尼亚人对这里的僧侣怀有敌意,从1999年开始修道院就接受北约的意大利士兵的保护,从此没有僧人敢踏入周边的城镇半步。 ecocn

Each night for a week, he took a shovel and dug in the monastery gardens, searching for the priest’s treasure. He found nothing.
于是接下来的一周里他每天晚上都拿着铁锨去修道院的花园里面挖来挖去,但是什么也没找到。 cri

From its imponderable monastery, Savoca spreads out along a mountain ridge. Every now and then, bits of it tumble off the precipice into the valley below as happened to the church in1880.
塞弗卡从这家无价的修道院开始沿着山脊铺开,不时有些地方从山崖跌落至山谷,如那家建于1880年的教堂。 yeeyan

He has cloistered himself in a monastery for more than thirty years.

He appoints the abbot of the powerful monastery and gives financial support to institutions throughout the area.
他负责任命强大的寺院住持,并为整个地区的机构提供财政支持。 yeeyan

His spirit yearns for a monastery, but his body hungers for women and weed; his feet long to roam, but his personality is too passive.
他精神上渴求修道院般的禁欲,但他的身体却渴望女人,有着俗世的欲望。他想要漫游四方,但是性格太消沉。 yeeyan

Now the monastery is being reconstructed. Slowly, but still, at some time it will be welcoming people from the whole Russian land.
现在修道院正在重建改造中,虽然缓慢,但在未来的某一天它将会再度欢迎来自全俄罗斯的游客。 yeeyan

Ruins of the monastery stand above a reconstructed bell tower, and worn stone steps lead to the saintly cave.
修道院的遗址在一座重新修建过的钟楼的上方,久经踩踏的石阶通向神圣的山洞。 yeeyan

The chemistry lab replaced the monastery garden as a source of new medicines.
当时的寺院花园也被化学实验室所取代,作为新药的发源地。 yeeyan

Under an agreement between the monastery and the California-based Early Manuscripts Electronic Library, researchers hope to spend five years peeping beneath the palimpsests.
依照修道院和加州的早期文稿电子版图书馆的协议,研究人员希望能用五年时间检视这些复写文本。 ecocn

With a new wing under construction, this generation is laying the foundations for the monastery’s next700 years.
随着正在增强的新兴力量,这一代人正在为寺院未来700年的发展打下坚实的基础。 ecocn

Zen monks spend part of their day in service to others, whether that be other monks in the monastery or people on the outside world.
禅僧把他们每天中的部分时间用来服务他人,不管是寺院里的其他禅僧还是外面世界里的人们。 yeeyan




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