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Monarchs ˈmɔnəks 基本例句 君王 A cold summer in Canada and the United States in2009 meant that the following winter saw fewer monarchs in Mexico than at any time since records began in 1994. 在2009年,因为加拿大和美国那个寒冷的夏天,冬天来到墨西哥的帝王蝴蝶创下了自1994年有记录以来最低水平。 ecocn And in the Gulf monarchs are struggling to fend off demands for democracy with oil- funded largesse topped by modest and grudging political concessions. 在海湾地区,各君主则通过各种石油相关的馈赠以谦虚,极不情愿的政治妥协为主,挣扎着逃避民主诉求。 ecocn Does America, which led the world in ditching monarchs, hereditary titles and forelock-tugging, really want to be the first country to start going backwards? 曾经引领世界革除君主制度、世袭头衔和等级阶层的美国真想成为倒退风潮的始作俑者? ecocn During this time he managed to photograph70 monarchs and descendants of the great African dynasties with his work on this series. 这段时期,他设法拍摄了共计70位非洲王朝的君主和王室后裔一系列工作照。 yeeyan The avuncular Custodian of the Holy Places, as Saudi monarchs title themselves, had a reputation for probity, tolerance and humility that augured change for the better. 像沙特统治者们称呼自己的那样,这位圣地的慈祥守护人一向以廉洁正直,宽容谦逊出名,并预计国家将会变得更好。 ecocn The rest of the world is gradually moving beyond“ idolatry to monarchs” and“ servility to aristocratic pride”. 世界的其它地区正逐渐超越“对君主的崇拜”和“对贵族的卑屈”。 ecocn The monarchs of the Gulf stood firm. 海湾的独裁统治坚定不移。 ecocn Weighing down tree branches in giant clusters by night, the monarchs flutter through the forest in their millions in the day, turning the sky amber. 在晚间,树枝因为大批帝王蝴蝶的停留而被压弯;在白天,数以百万的帝王蝴蝶飞过森林,将天际染成琥珀色。 ecocn A handful of other countries, such as Morocco and Kuwait, have multiparty systems, but monarchs still rule the roost. 还有许多国家,像摩洛哥和科威特,虽然有多党制,但君主制仍然统治着社会的根基。 ecocn Although this new doctrine of economic theory was true, it was unpopular for many reasons with certain groups— monarchs, despots, and nobles— because it endangered their vested interests. 尽管这一新的经济理论是正确的,但由于诸多原因,它并没有受到某些群体——君主、统治者和贵族的欢迎,因为它危及到他们的既得利益。 yeeyan Exiled monarchs mostly find it hard to keep their dignity: absurdity, and a court full of creeps and fantasists, are never far away. 大多数被流放的君主难以保守他们的尊严:总会有那么个无礼的,渺小而又天真的法庭在那里等待着他们。 ecocn Few modern monarchs have blundered so royally as Nepal's incumbent, King Gyanendra, who seized absolute power in2005 and was forced by mass protests to return it the following year. 没有哪个现代的君主会犯尼泊尔君主那样的大错。贾南德拉国王在2005年夺取了国家的政权,但是在大规模的抗议中,被迫于次年交还了权力。 ecocn He defends monarchs against revolutionariesearning a knighthood in one book. 他帮助君主抵御革命者在一本书中被封为骑士。 ecocn He fought all the most important constraints on his power: the traditional monarchs, the sultans; the judiciary; the press, both foreign and domestic; and successive protégés and anointed successors. 他与那些制约他权利的最重要的约束不懈奋战:传统的苏丹君主制;司法制度;国内外媒体;继任者和指定接班人。 ecocn Henry was one of the least effective of England's medieval monarchs. 亨利是中世纪英国国王中影响力最差的国王之一。 yeeyan I have said nothing of King Adam, or Emperor Noah, father of the three great monarchs who shared out the universe, like the children of Saturn, whom some scholars have recognised in them. 我尚未谈及亚当王,也未提起诺亚皇,类似于萨图恩的孩子们,诺亚皇的三个儿子是三分世界的伟大君主,而一些学者已对他们表示认可。 yeeyan I rush to the front of the line. People glare at me for cutting in. I beg to buy one of the pretend Monarchs. 于是我顶着排队人们的怒目而视,冲到队伍的最前面,请求买那个仿真的黑脉金斑蝶。 yeeyan It is time for the Americans and the monarchs to reaffirm their alliances by convincing each other of their intentions. 是时候让美国和这些君主国通过向彼此澄清各自的意图以巩固同盟关系了。 yeeyan Least vulnerable of all are the boiling-rich monarchs of the Gulf, whose largesse generally keeps their small populations quiet. 最安全的还是海湾地区富得流油的王室,他们的慷慨大体上使他们人数不多的民众保持安顺。 yeeyan Least vulnerable of all are the boiling-rich monarchs of the Gulf, whose largesse generally keeps their small populations quiet. 在最大程度上保证国家统治的稳定上,所有富的流油的海湾君主统治下的国家是最安稳的。 ecocn Of all the monarchs Gordon held most firm. 其中有很多戈登国王的公司。 ecocn The elderly monk met with many of the European monarchs, as well as the Pope, in attempts to arrange a Franco- Mongol alliance. 这位年迈的僧侣会见了许多欧洲君主和教皇。并着手准备建立弗朗科-蒙古联盟。 yeeyan The fragments in the fenced encampment— maidens and monarchs, lions and steeds—evoke a unique moment in the history of New York, and of American architecture. 搁置在篱笆难民营里的遗迹,那些少女、帝王、雄狮、良驹代表的是纽约历史和美国建筑史上一个独一无二的时刻。 yeeyan The oil-rich monarchs at the other end of the region have more money to buy time. 该地区另一端的富油国君主财富更多,可借以争取时间。 ecocn Then, like penitent medieval monarchs, they depart on pilgrimages to“ listen” to the voters and “ unite” their followers. 然后,就像中世纪忏悔的帝王那样,他们踏上朝圣的征程,去“倾听”选民的意见,“团结”他们的追随者。 ecocn Unlike some of the region's monarchs, Mr Assad is finding it harder and harder to project an image of himself as being above the fray. 不同于某些地区的君王,巴沙尔发现要树立他本人的形象而避免受到磨损正变得越来越困难。 ecocn While most of Europe faced power struggles with monarchs, Switzerland's democracy allowed companies to focus on exporting goods and expanding in international markets, he said. 那时欧洲大部还处于诸强与君主对抗的时期,而民主的瑞士已经开始允许国内公司集中力量向国际市场出口货物,进行扩张。 yeeyan |