

单词 momentary
释义 mo·men·tar·y 英ˈməʊmənˌteriː美ˈmomənˌtɛriAHDmōʹmən-tĕr'ē ★☆☆☆☆高六研S八TGCOCA¹⁸¹³²BNC¹⁴³¹⁰iWeb¹⁶⁰⁵⁹Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

lasting for a markedly brief time;

a fleeting glance

fugitive hours

rapid momentaneous association of things that meet and pass

a momentary glimpse



momentary意思是“瞬刻的”、“暂时的”transitory or lasting only for a moment,其后常跟pain、interruption、expectation、happiness、emotion等词,其同义词是transient/ephemeral;反义词是lasting.

momentous意思是“重大的“of great consequence。其后常跟events、news、moments、date等词,其同义词是important、highly significant;反义语是trifling。






来自moment,片刻,瞬间。momentary overload瞬时过载momentary acidity暂时酸度momentary output瞬时功率,短时出量…momentary disturbance瞬时扰动momentary fluctuation瞬时波动momentary shunt瞬时分路momentary reserve瞬时短时备用…momentary state暂时状态momentary load瞬时负载momentary contact瞬时接触momentary connection瞬时接通,快速连接…momentary action瞬间作用momentary efficiency瞬时效率momentary interruption瞬时断路momentary power瞬时功率momentary value瞬时值momentary rate瞬时速率
moment片刻+ary形容词后缀⇒片刻的,短暂的。近义词 short短的quick迅速的brief短暂的passing通过instant瞬间abrupt突然的sudden突然的slippery滑的flying飞似的mushroom蘑菇fleeting短暂的fugitive逃亡者transient短暂的temporary暂时的ephemeral短暂的immediate直接的momentous重要的transitory暂时的short-lived短命的impermanent暂时的momentaneous瞬间的instantaneous瞬间的evanescent迅速消失的反义词 agelong长年的

用作形容词She hesitated inmomentaryconfusion.她一时思想紊乱,犹豫不定。
They became dizzy with thismomentary“victory”.他们被一时的所谓胜利冲昏了头脑。
Sometimes growing up is just amomentarymatter.长大有时只是一瞬间的事。
Her feeling of fear was onlymomentary; it soon passed.她的恐惧感仅是瞬息间的,很快就消失了。
I caught amomentaryglimpse of them.我瞥了他们一眼。
He lived inmomentaryexpectation of death.他时时刻刻都担心自己会死去。adj.brief, fleeting
同义词 short-lived,temporary,transitorycursory,dreamlike,ephemeral,evanescent,flashing,flitting,flying,fugacious,fugitive,gone in flash,hasty,impermanent,impulsive,in wink of an eye,instantaneous,like lightning,passing,quick,shifting,short,spasmodic,summary,transient,vanishing,volatile
反义词 lasting,lengthy,long-lived,permanentlong-lasting,staying
briefadjective short in time
evanescentadjective transient
experimentaladjective exploratory
beginning,developmental,empirical,experiential,first stage,laboratory,momentary,on approval,pilot,preliminary,preparatory,primary,probationary,provisional,speculative,temporary,tentative,test,trial,trial-and-error,unconcluded,under probation,unproved
fleetingadjective brief, transient
cursory,ephemeral,evanescent,fading,flash in the pan,flitting,flying,fugacious,fugitive,impermanent,meteoric,momentary,passing,short,short-lived,sudden,temporary,transitory,vanishing,volatile
fly-by-nightadjective unreliable and shady
brief,cowboy,disreputable,dubious,ephemeral,evanescent,fleeting,here-today-gone-tomorrow,impermanent,irresponsible,momentary,not to be relied upon,not to be trusted,passing,questionable,shady,shifty,short-lived,slimy,slippery,temporary,treacherous,trustless,undependable,unprofessional,unreliable,unsure,untrustworthy
fugaciousadjective transitory
brief,ephemeral,evanescent,fleeting,impermanent,momentary,passing,short-lived,temporal,temporary,transient The moment the ruler saw it, he cried with momentary excitement.
统治者一看见纪念碑就因为瞬间的激动而大叫起来。 ebigear

The process of thought, if people consider it at all, is generally believed to be a purely private matter having a momentary bearing on themselves alone.
思想的过程如果人们能彻底的想一下通常被认为是一件纯粹的私事,它只对他们自己有短暂的影响。 yeeyan

The momentary relief was followed by worse suffering.

And then the lights go off, and the din of the tourists turns from a momentary grumble of protest to a greedy growl to whispered disappointment.
这时灯光熄灭了,一时间游客的噪声从短暂的抗议的抱怨声变成了贪婪的咆哮声,接着变成了低语的失望声。 yeeyan

Because from kid to adult they never pleased me even if they had it was only momentary.
因为我从小到大,从来没有愉快过,即使是有,也很短暂。 yeeyan

But there's a hitch: The electrical circuit has overloaded, and the power strip isn't working, causing momentary panic among the hungry diners.
但是有一个故障:电流超限,电源板无法工作,造成饥饿的食客瞬间恐慌。 yeeyan

Consumer relationships are focused on the momentary present. It is what brings immediate pleasure that matters.
消费型关系的特点是瞬间存在,相应地带来直接的快乐。 yeeyan

Do we not fall in love partly out of a momentary will to suspend seeing through people, even at the cost of blinding ourselves a little in the process?
我们不正是因为出于瞬间的念头没有透视对方的心灵,甚至为此付出蒙蔽自己的代价才因此而相爱的吗? ebigear

He still grapples with whether his dad's attack was pre-meditated, or a momentary mental aberration.
亨利依然纠结于究竟当时父亲是有预谋的,还是一时的精神失常。 yeeyan

I don't know. It's at this point of a possible confusion, at least a momentary, provisional confusion, that we know that the poet has identified with the sun.

If we know not to take anyone's momentary sense of reality too seriously, including our own, we can get on with our day and allow ourselves to see the broader picture.
只要我们懂得毋须太在意他人和自己的瞬间感受,我们就能继续过我们的日子,而且还能看到更广阔的风景。 yeeyan

Or how many times have you let what’s a momentary mental pause turn into layers of insecurity, self- doubt, frustration, anger, impatience, or depression?
或者有多少次你会因一次短暂的思维停顿而变得心神不定、自我怀疑、挫败、愤怒,急躁或沮丧? yeeyan

Puppets need the ground only to glance against lightly, like elves, and through this momentary check to renew the swing of their limbs.
木偶只需,像精灵一样,轻盈地掠过地面,并且通过这瞬间的停顿,来更新其肢体的摆动。 yeeyan

Remember that business partnerships come under the rulership of this house, as well as those momentary one- on- one situations you encounter in your daily activities.
记著,商业夥伴也归这个宫管,加上短暂的于你日常生活出现的单对单关系也是。 bbs.edu.sina.com.cn

These pauses can cause a momentary lack of application responsiveness and reduce the time available to the application to do work.
这些停顿会导致应用程序瞬间无响应,并减少应用程序的可用工作时间。 ibm

Things that are easy to process give us a momentary burst of pleasure.
容易达到的东西会带给我们瞬间迸发的快乐。 yeeyan

This image captures a momentary line-up looking out along this fundamental plane of our solar system.
这幅图片从黄道平面的视角捕捉到地球、月球和太阳排成一条直线的瞬间画面。 yeeyan

Momentary foot cooling with the help of nitrogen.
通过氮气进行降温的瞬间。 yeeyan




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