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词汇 molesting
释义 mo·lest·ing 英mə'lest美mə'lest COCA³⁰¹⁶²BNC⁵⁹⁴⁴⁰Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
harass or assault sexually; make indecent advances toannoy continually or chronically;

He is known to harry his staff when he is overworked

This man harasses his female co-workers

近义词 bug臭虫hurt损害harm危害badger獾abuse滥用worry撕咬beset包围pester纠缠attack攻击bother烦扰damage损害injure伤害plague瘟疫chivvy催促hassle困难annoy使恼怒torment苦痛disturb扰乱trouble困难assault攻击tease揶揄者wrong错误的provoke激怒mistreat虐待harass使疲乏touch up修改harry不断骚扰persecute迫害chivy打猎叫喊interfere with打扰chevy打猎时的叫喊…tantalize以可望而不可即之物逗…

用作动词The dog thatmolestedthe sheep was killed.那只骚扰绵羊的狗被杀死了。
We did not dare tomolestthe big dog.我们不敢惊扰那只大狗。
He was found guilty ofmolestinga young girl.他被判猥亵少女罪。 Evan Chandler, who accused Michael Jackson of molesting his son Jordan Chandler in 1993, has committed suicide by shooting himself, CNN reported Wednesday.

His younger brother told him the priest was still molesting boys13 years later.
13年过去了,他从弟弟那得知,那个牧师仍在猥亵男童。 ecocn

In2005, after a jury in Santa Maria, Calif. , acquitted Jackson of charges of molesting a12-year-old boy, he decamped to Bahrain.
2005年,加州的圣玛利亚,在陪审团宣判杰克逊猥亵一名12岁男童的罪名不成立后,他突然去了巴林。 yeeyan

The economic downturn began turning people against the president, but his fate was sealed when he reintroduced the molesting social controls that Iranians considered ancient history.
经济的衰退使得人们转而开始反对总统,但真正决定他命运的,是他恢复了伊朗人视为古代史的严厉社会控制。 yeeyan

The most compelling involves a man serving12 years for molesting a girl who was playing in his apartment.
其中有一起案件最引人注意。 案件的当事人因被控调戏一名在他的公寓玩耍的女孩而被判服刑12年。 hjenglish

The problem of priests’ sexually molesting boys would be solved if priests were allowed to marry and if women could be priests, because then the priesthood would attract fewer homosexuals.
如果神父可以结婚或女性可以成为牧师,那牧师这一职业对同性恋者的吸引就会越来越小。 这样一来,神父猥琐男童的问题就可以得到解决了。 yeeyan

The year before, Jackson had been accused of sexually molesting a13-year-old boy, tipping him into the worst crisis of his personal and professional life to that point.
此前一年,迈克尔·杰克逊因为性猥亵一名13岁男童而遭到指控,他的个人和职业也陷入了最大的一场危机中。 yeeyan

Four days earlier another high- profile paedophile, Christopher Neil, a Canadian teacherpictured, was jailed by a Thai court for39 months for molesting a14-year-old boy.
四天前另一个倍受瞩目的恋童癖者加拿大教师 Christopher Neil被泰国法庭判入狱39个月,罪名是骚扰一名14岁男孩。 ecocn

He was acquitted in a Californian court in2005 on charges of molesting one13-year-old boy but reportedly paid$20m out of court in 1994 to head off other allegations of child abuse.
2005年加州法院宣布他在关于骚扰一名13岁男孩的指控中无罪,但有消息指称他1994年在法庭外支付了2000万美元来阻止其他的关于儿童虐待的指控。 ecocn

He was accused of sexually molesting a colleague.
他被控告曾经猥亵过他的一名同事。 englishtown

His suicide notes mentioned recurring dreams of molesting children, but it is unclear whether he did so.
他在自杀遗言中提到自己多次梦见猥亵儿童,不过他到底有无干过这种事尚不清楚。 iciba

In another case two Bangkok schoolteachers were accused of molesting pupils.
在另一个案中,两名曼谷教师被指控调戏学生。 ecocn

In another case two Bangkok schoolteachers were accused of molesting pupils. Their school campaigned in their defence but their prosecution went ahead and they were each given50 years' jail.
在另一起案件中,两名曼谷的教师被控告猥亵学生,其所在学校为其辩护,但是该诉讼案进展顺利,这两名教师皆被判50年监禁。 ecocn

In another high-profile case, the supreme court last year acquitted a63-year-old professor of molesting a teenage girl in2006.
在另一个备受关注的案件中,日本最高法院2006年洗清了一位63岁教授猥亵少女的罪名。 yeeyan

In New York City, not only are packs of boys “ whirlpooling, ” or surrounding girls in public swimming pools and molesting them, but groups of girls are attacking other female swimmers as well.
在纽约市,不仅仅是一帮帮男青年在公共游泳池里经常绕着女孩们转并调戏她们,而且一群群女孩也不断攻击其他女游泳者。 bab

Last year a former deputy speaker of the Thai senate was jailed for molesting under- age girls.
去年一位泰国议会前任副发言人被指控对未成年女孩进行猥亵而入狱。 ecocn

Lawyers for Michael Jackson revealed a celebrity-packed list of370 potential witnesses in the child molesting case against him on Monday, as jury selection began in earnest in a small courtroom here.
迈克尔·杰克逊的律师日前公布了一份将为杰克逊出庭作证的370位潜在证人名单,这370个人中大多数是名人,他们将成为杰克逊案的陪审团候选人。 newchannel

On top the thin air slashed his lungs and the stiff wind attacked him without interference, molesting his body and slowing his progress.
塔顶稀薄的空气冲击着他的肺,凌厉的风毫无阻拦地攻击着他,困扰着他的身体,降低他的速度。 yeeyan

Stiles is accused to molesting a3-year-old girl and recording it on videotape.
Stiles被指控骚扰一个三岁的小女孩并把骚扰过程录象,他将于近期出庭受审。 putclub

They had no idea that he was the same man who, over the past three weeks, has confessed to sexually molesting and murdering at least10 children, the boys said.
男孩们说,他们没想到他也是一个在过去三周里承认性骚扰并谋杀了至少10个儿童的那个人。 yeeyan

Victims allege that both men knew that certain priests had a history of molesting boys, yet failed to act or simply transferred the priests elsewhere.
受害者宣称,卡曾斯和威克兰德大主教都知道某些牧师长期猥亵男童,但他们却没有做出行动,或者仅仅把这些牧师派往其它地区任职。 ecocn




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