

单词 moisture content
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The airship will be flight tested later in the summer and will carry a joint NASA and Old Dominion University payload that will measure moisture content in soil.
夏末,飞艇将接受飞行检验,并将携带美国宇航局和老道明大学的仪器,测量土壤湿度。 yeeyan

The major characteristics of soils are texture, acidity, nutrient content, gaseous content, and moisture content.
土壤的主要特性有质地、酸度、养分含量、气体含量和含水量。 blog.sina.com.cn

After purification, the acetylene will be pressurized by acetylene compressor C101 and removed moisture content by acetylene dryer A101, and then sent into pipe network for the next process.
净化后的乙炔气体由乙炔压缩机 C101增压后进入乙炔干燥装置 A101清除水分,然后送入管网供后续工艺使用。 iciba

Of course, combines come complete with a video screen that has global positioning information, yield totals, and moisture content of the grain.
当然,联合收割机上配有显示屏,可以显示全球定位信息,总产量,谷粒的含水量。 yeeyan

The optimum soil moisture content index about tomato seedling bed irrigation was conducted out in early spring .
对番茄早春育苗的苗床灌溉最佳土壤含水量上限数值进行了试验研究。 iciba

This paper presents a type of insertion smart sensor with low power for measuring temperature& moisture content of grain and it's working mechanism, structure and functions.
本文介绍一种用于粮食温度、水分检测的低功耗插杆式智能传感器,论述了传感器的工作机理、结构和功能特点。 cnki

Moisture content of wood can directly affect the quality of products wood crafts.
木材含水量的高低将直接影响到木雕工艺品的产品品质。 blog.sina.com.cn




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