

单词 moiety
释义 moi·e·ty 英ˈmɔɪɪtiː美ˈmɔɪɪtiAHDmoiʹĭ-tē 高TCOCA⁷⁴⁷²⁸BNC⁴⁷⁸⁵⁴iWeb³³⁴⁶⁹
one of two approximately equal partsone of two basic subdivisions of a tribechain-terminating moiety链终止部分chemofunctional moiety化学官能部分…biofunctional moiety生物机能部分, 生物…
GRE难词记忆moiety→moi=mid 中间的+ety→从中间分开的→二分之一 moi=mid中间的+ety→从中间分开的⇒二分之一近义词 mediety一半

用作名词The primary structure of globinmoietyis determined by the plant genome.球蛋白一半的最初构造决定于植物的染色体组。noun.subdivision
同义词 affiliation,component,element,fraction,half,part,piece,portion,share
反义词 entirety,whole
bitnoun tiny piece
atom,butt,chicken feed,chip,chunk,crumb,dab,dash,division,dollop,dose,dot,driblet,droplet,end,excerpt,flake,fraction,fragment,grain,iota,item,jot,lick,lump,mite,modicum,molecule,morsel,niggle,parcel,part,particle,peanuts,pinch,portion,sample,scale,scintilla,scrap,section,segment,shard,share,shaving,shred,slice,sliver,smidgen,snatch,snip,snippet,specimen,speck,splinter,sprinkling,stub,stump,taste,tittle,trace,trickle
clannoun family, clique
clansnoun family, clique
classnoun societal group, background
ancestry,birth,bourgeoisie,breed,caliber,caste,circle,clan,clique,club,company,condition,connection,coterie,cultural level,degree,derivation,descent,estate,extraction,family,genealogy,grade,hierarchy,influence,intelligentsia,league,lineage,moiety,nobility,origin,pecking order,pedigree,pigeonhole,place,position,prestige,quality,sect,social rank,source,sphere,standing,state,station,status,stock,strain,stratum,the right stuff,tier,title
classesnoun societal group, background
ancestries,births,bourgeoisies,breeds,calibers,castes,circles,clans,cliques,clubs,companies,conditions,connections,coteries,cultural levels,degrees,derivations,descents,estates,extractions,families,genealogies,grades,hierarchies,influences,intelligentsia,leagues,lineages,moieties,nobilities,origins,pecking orders,pedigrees,pigeonholes,places,positions,prestige,qualities,sects,social ranks,sources,spheres,standings,states,stations,statuses,stocks,strains,strata,the right stuffs,tiers,titles
cutnoun portion of profit
allotment,allowance,bite,chop,division,kickback,lot,moiety,part,partage,percentage,piece,quota,section,segment,share,slice A vaccine based on antigen epitope has become a dominant strategy in the field of cancer research due to its relatively simple and stable moiety, easy preparation, and rarely potential contamination.
基于抗原表位肽的疫苗,由于其中表位肽的化学成分相对简单、稳定、容易构建、可以避免各种污染及潜在的致癌物质等方面的优势,已经成为肿瘤免疫治疗研究的主要策略之一。 cnki

In order to improve the resin's antifouling property, a new copper acrylic copolymer containing acrylamide moiety- NBIAM and NCIAM was synthesized successfully.
含吲哚衍生结构丙烯酸预聚物与碱式苯甲酸铜发生等摩尔反应合成出了含吲哚衍生结构的丙烯酸铜树脂。 cnki

That older system also was working badly. It was restricting purchasing power to a shrinking moiety of the population, and losing its progressive momentum very rapidly.
更古老的系统也不顶用,它将购买力限制在一组数量不断缩小的人群,快速失去前进的动力。 blog.sina.com.cn

The spiropyrans with a nitro group at the benzopyran moiety showed reverse photochromic behavior, others were normal photochromic compounds.
在苯并吡喃部分含有硝基的螺吡喃显示出逆光致变色行为,其它的则为普通光致变色化合物。 cnki

The chemical modification of sugar moiety in nucleoside or nucleotide is always an important way to discover new lead compounds with anti- viral, anti- tumor and other biological activities.
对核苷类化合物糖环部分的化学改造一直是发现新的具有抗病毒、抗肿瘤或其他生物活性的核苷类先导化合物的重要途径之一。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net

Tom divided the cake and Becky ate with good appetite, while Tom nibbled at his moiety.
贝基大口大口地吃着,汤姆自己却一点一点、地尝着他那份。 chinaorb.com

Allyl group was introduced into the main chain of polyacrylate imides containing phthalazinone moiety in order to impart them with good chemical resistance and high thermal properties.
为了提高聚合成型后的耐化学稳定性和耐热性,在聚酯酰亚胺的分子主链中引入烯丙基交联基团。 fabiao

In order to perform this function, the oligosaccharide moiety of glycoproteins must have the potential to exist in a large variety of forms.
为了行使其功能,糖蛋白的寡糖部分必须要能以很多的种类存在。 chinafanyi

In principle it is easy to make something that scavenges reactive oxygen, you just need something to react with it and neutralize that reactive moiety without itself causing any harm.
原则上,制造某种清除活性氧的产品是容易的,你只需要与它发生反应的某物并中和活性部分,且其本身并不导致任何损害。 www.idiabetes.com.cn

In their MS breakdown mechanism, coordination of pyridyl moiety to iron atom is proposed.
在该类化合物的质谱裂解中,发现吡啶环对铁原子存在配位作用。 sioc-journal.cn

In this step also the acid moiety was methylated to give the ester.
在这一步,也是酸基元是甲基赐与酯。 bl98.org

Iron is released from the heme moiety and either stored in the macrophage as ferritin or hemosiderin, or released into the circulation for transport back to the marrow.
铁元素从血红素中释放出来,要么转化为巨噬细胞中的铁蛋白或含铁血黄素,或通过血液循环回流进入骨髓。 yeeyan

Laparoscopic upper pole partial nephrectomy for an obstructed upper pole moiety is a safe treatment modality with low morbidity and good outcomes.
结论:腹腔镜的上肾肾部分切除术对于梗阻的上肾部分治疗是一种安全的,低死亡率而效果良好的治疗方式。 dxy

Puromycin aminonucleoside is a semi- synthetic derivative of puromycin lacking the methoxyphenylalanyl moiety.
氨基核苷嘌呤霉素是嘌呤霉素的一种半合成产品,缺少甲氧苯丙氨酰基部分。 bsbio

Some studies have shown that the introduction of a nitroxyl moiety can lower general toxicity and improved the antitumor activity of the drug.
有研究表明,将稳定氮氧自由基引入抗癌药物中可以降低药物毒性,提高活性。 pp.lunwenchina.net.cn

Studies on Pyridine Derivatives VII: Synthesis and Insecticidal Activities of Pyridine Derivatives with an 1,3,4- Thiadiazole Moiety.
吡啶衍生物研究 VII:含1,3,4-噻二唑环的吡啶衍生物的合成及生物活性。 elec.wanfangdata.com.cn

The other synthesis pathway for chiral pyrrole monomers 10, 11 and12 which have the optical active moiety using pyrrole as stating material.
第二,直接以吡咯为原料,设计、合成带有光学活性的吡咯单体10,11和12。 cnki

The results show that the chemical structure of sugar rings take precedence over chemical modifications of the aglycone moiety with regard to the drug- DNA binding constant.
实验表明,药物与 DNA形成复合物的稳定性主要取决于药物的糖环与 DNA之间的作用,糖苷配基上取代基与 DNA形成氢键也有一定影响。 cnki

The porphyrin moiety was modified on the commercial oligonucleotides through the active1- hydroxybenzotriazole esters of the porphyrins.
利用卟啉的1-羟基苯并三氮唑活性酯可将卟啉基团直接修饰在商品化的寡核苷酸片断上。 cnki

The spiro compounds containing indole moiety which have significant physiological and biological activity are widely existed a variety of natural products.
含有吲哚结构的螺环骨架广泛存在于各种天然产物中,它具有显著的生理和生物活性。 fabiao

This dissertation consists of five chapters summarized as follows: In chapter 1, the research progress on fluorescent probes containing electrophilic moiety for thiols and GST were summarized.
主要介绍了含亲电基团的荧光探针检测生物体系中毓基化合物及还原型谷胱甘肽硫转移酶活性的研究进展,并提出本论文的研究设想。 fabiao

We report our experience with laparoscopic upper pole partial nephrectomy LUPPN in adult patients with a duplicated collecting system and an obstructed, poorly functioning upper pole renal moiety.
我们报道了在成年重复肾集合系统患者存在梗阻性功能较差的上肾中运用腹腔镜行上肾肾部分切除术 LUPPN的有关治疗经验。 dxy




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