

单词 Mohs
释义 MohsCOCA¹⁵¹¹⁰⁸BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
The ASMS was formed to promote training and continuing education in Mohs surgery for all interested dermatologists.
ASMS是为所有对 Mohs外科有兴趣的皮肤病医生提供培训和继续教育的机构。 lib.hebust.edu.cn

“ I would rather see a cap at10 pounds, ” Mohs said of the new weight gain recommendations for obese patients.
“我宁肯看到一个10磅的上限,”莫氏谈及针对过度肥胖病人增重新建议时说。 suiniyi

It has a Mohs rating of9 and is excellent for daily wear as it is the most durable of the colored gemstones, combined with great beauty.
其莫氏硬度为9度,非常适合日常佩戴因为它是所有彩色宝石中最耐久的,并且十分的美丽。 blog.sina.com.cn

On the Mohs scale of mineral hardness, which has diamond as ten, carborundum scores nine or better.
根据矿物质硬度的 Mohs等级,钻石的硬度是10,而金刚砂的硬度是9或者更高。 yeeyan

They are ang mohs who fit well into our multiracial society.
他们都是在新加坡生活的“红毛”,也融入这个多元种族文化的社会。 iciba

With Mohs strength more than 6, it cannot be cut by knife and is applicable for decoration of large public engineering space.
莫氏强度达到六以上,刀划不伤,适应大型公共工程场所装饰应用。 jlrockfit




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