

单词 arles
释义 arles 英ɑ:lz美ɑrlz, ɑrl COCA⁶⁷¹⁶⁸BNC³⁸⁰¹⁰

money given by a buyer to a seller to bind a contract近义词 earnest money保证金
After two years in Paris, living with Theo only nine letters; no images, Vincent moved to Arles in1888.
与弟弟西奥在巴黎生活两年后仅写了9封信,没有图画,文森于1888年来到阿尔勒。 ecocn

Certainly that was the case when I was wandering Arles in Provence several years ago and found that the town had covered all the streetlights with pink filters for a fashion festival.
几年前我在普罗旺斯的阿尔勒小城漫游的时候发现那里为了迎接时装节所有的街灯都被贴上了粉红色的滤纸。 yeeyan

Frederic Mistral, born not far from Arles, devoted his life to literature and Provence.
弗雷德里克•米斯特拉尔,出生在阿尔附近,把一生献给了文学和普罗旺斯。 topsage

In July2009, Mausen sued Koch for severance and performance pay in the Arles Labor Court in southern France.
2009年7月,茂森在法国南部阿尔勒劳动法庭起诉科赫公司并要求支付遣散费。 yeeyan

The Museon Arlaten was established in1896 to record how people lived in and around Arles.
阿尔博物馆建于1896年,以记录阿尔地区及周边人们从前的生活状况为宗旨。 topsage

Van Gogh and Gauguin forged a deep friendship during the two years they lived and painted as neighbors in Arles, in the south of France.
梵高和高更在法国南部小镇阿尔勒作邻居的的两年时间里,一起生活一起画画,结成了深厚的友谊。 blogbus

After an explosive row between the two, either Van Gogh cut off part of his own ear, or according to a recent theory the panic-stricken Gauguin did, and then fled Arles forever.
在两个人激烈的争吵之后,也许是梵高切下了自己的耳朵,也许据最近的一种理论是惊慌失措的高更切下了梵高的耳朵并永远逃离了阿尔勒 Arles。 yeeyan

After two years in Paris, living with Theo only nine letters; no images, Vincent moved to Arles in1888.
在巴黎与西奥一起生活两年后只有9封信,没有画,梵高于1888年迁往阿尔勒。 ecocn

Born in1934 in Arles, Lucien Clergue currently lives and works in France.
吕西安·克莱格1934年出生于法国阿尔勒,目前在法国生活和工作。 ccdphotospring.com

His conversion to colour and landscape was not complete, however, until he went south to Arles in 1888.
但是直到1888年他到了南方的阿尔勒,他才完成了向色彩与风景的转变。 ecocn

In 1888, Van Gogh persuaded him to come to Arles in the south of France to live with him in the Yellow House he had set up as a“ studio of the south”.
1888年,梵高力邀高更来到法国南部阿尔,共同居住在他称之为“南方画室”的黄房子里。 yeeyan

In Arles, Van Gogh found the perfect premises for this studio of the south.
梵高在亚尔找到设立南方画室的理想地点。 blog.sina.com.cn

Quarter will be displayed in this photo of the2009 International Photography Festival, Arles, France“ Discovery Award” Winners.
即将在本次摄影季展出的2009年法国阿尔勒国际摄影节“发现奖”获奖者作品。 blog.sina.com.cn

Starting this year, every year the event will feature the works of Chinese photographers and artists in Arles exhibited works.
从今年起,该活动每年将展出中国摄影家的作品,以及在阿尔勒展出过的艺术家作品。 blog.sina.com.cn

There are extensive Roman remains of ancient buildings at Arles.
在阿尔勒有大量的罗马古建筑遗址。 worlduc

When he persuaded Paul Gauguin to join him in Arles, van Gogh believed that they would inspire each other’s work. It was a tragic delusion.
在阿勒斯时,梵高劝说保罗•高更加入他的创作队伍,他相信他们俩能激发彼此的灵感,有所裨益。 ecocn

When he persuaded Paul Gauguin to join him in Arles, van Gogh believed that they would inspire each other’s work.
当他说服高更到阿尔勒加入他时,梵高相信他们可以受到彼此的启发与鼓舞。 ecocn

When Vincent Van Gogh moved to the southern French town of Arles in 1888, he painted nearly200 vivid canvasses before cutting off his left ear in a fit of madness.
1888年,当文森特。梵高尚未在疯狂中割下自己的耳朵,他来到法国南部小镇阿尔勒,绘制了近200幅生动的油画。 yeeyan

Arles in the South of France was not just a destination but an idea.
对于梵高来说,南法的亚尔不只是目的地,也是个理念。 blog.sina.com.cn




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