

单词 Arlene
释义 Arlene ɑ:ˈli:n 高COCA²¹⁹²⁹BNC⁵⁸⁷⁵⁸
A further example is provided by the Jitterbug, a handset designed by his wife, Arlene Harris, which Mr Cooper helped bring to market.
Jitterbug手机更能说明问题,这是一款库珀的妻子艾琳·哈里斯设计的手机,由库珀推向市场。 ecocn.org

As the three of them were about to enter an exclusive restaurant that evening, the boss was walking slightly ahead of Arlene and her husband.
那天晚上,他们三人正要去一家高档餐馆。 阿琳和老公紧跟着老板走在后面。 yeeyan

My friend, Arlene, was nervous about the weekend.
对于这样一个周末,阿琳感到有些紧张。 yeeyan

The script for the episode is written by Arlene Twoulmayo.
该剧集的剧本由阿莱尼塔马约编写。 http://www.898salong.com

Tony, the office boy, comes in with some papers and places them in a wire basket labeled “ In” which stands on Arlene's desk.
办公室工友佟尼拿进来些文件,放在艾琳桌子上写着“入”字的金属丝编织的篮子里。 jukuu

“ No Billionaire Left Behind, ” said a placard hoisted by Arlene Geiger, who teaches economics at Manhattan's John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
曼哈顿约翰杰伊司法学院的经济学讲师阿琳·盖革举着标语牌,上面写道“不放过一个亿万富翁”。 iciba

“ With this tool we will not only grow the Northern Ireland economy but also contribute to the UK’s,” says Arlene Foster, enterprise minister at Stormont.
斯托蒙特的企业部长阿琳•福斯特说:“有了这个工具,我们不仅会发展北爱经济,也有助于英国经济的发展。” ecocn

And then he thought maybe Arlene was watching television.
然后他想起爱琳或许正看着电视。 xue90.cn

If you dump in the middle of a churning river, the first thing to remember is to hang on to your paddle, says veteran river kayaker Arlene Burns.
皮划艇高手阿林·伯恩斯说:如果你掉进了湍急河流中,想起来的第一件事应该是抓紧你的桨。 ebigear

Steve would spend many hours sitting with Ish and Arlene on this porch talking.
史蒂夫会花很多时间坐在这个门廊上与伊什和艾琳聊天。 yeeyan

The first day and evening went well, and Arlene was delighted to have this rare glimpse into how the very wealthy live.
第一天过得还算不错。 阿琳难得有这样一个机会体验如此奢华的生活,兴奋极了。 yeeyan

They killed a girl named Arlene Hubly where I grew up.
他们在我的老家那儿杀了一个叫爱琳•哈布丽的女孩。 yeeyan

You should take a leaf from Arlene's book.
你应该从阿琳的书中撕下一页。 blog.sina.com.cn

Arlene, what is the most beautiful place around the country in spring?
艾莲,春天这个国家最漂亮的地方是哪里? ebigear

Arlene Blum, PhD, is a visiting scholar in chemistry at the University of California at Berkeley and has taught chemistry at Stanford, Wellesley, and U. C.
阿琳•布鲁姆:博士,加州大学伯克利分校化学访问学者,曾在斯坦福、韦尔兹利和加州大学伯克利分校任教。 chinadialogue

Arlene seems to take after her grandmother more than her mother.
阿琳似乎跟在她祖母的后面而不是跟在她母亲的后面。 www.eng51.com




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