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Mohammad moˈhɑːmed 高Economist¹⁴⁹⁵⁸Economist¹⁴⁹⁵⁸ 基本英英近义反义例句例句 n.穆罕默德¹⁰⁰
Noun: the Arab prophet who, according to Islam, was the last messenger of Allah 570-632近义词 Mahound古穆罕默德…Muhammad穆罕默德回教鼻祖…Mahomet穆罕默德(伊斯兰教创始人…Mohammed穆罕默德伊斯兰教创立人…
名词100% 用作名词The holiday marks the death of the ProphetMohammad's grandson Imam Hussein at the seventh-century battle of Kerbala.这个节日是纪念先知穆罕默德的外孙侯赛因在七世纪于卡尔巴拉战死沙场。 The film begins and ends with a cartoon of the ProphetMohammadwith a bomb under his turban and the sound of ticking.这部电影以头巾下裹着一颗炸弹的穆斯林先知穆罕默德和配有钟表的滴答声的漫画开始和结束。 A militant spokesman, Muslim Khan, said the ceasefire was a “ goodwill gesture to the ongoing talks between Sufi Mohammad and the government”. 民兵组织发言人穆斯里·汗宣称,此次停火是“对苏菲·穆罕默德与政府谈判而表现出的善意姿态。” yeeyan If I needed a reminder it comes with the government’s attack on Mohammad Yunus, the Nobel Laureate and pioneer of microcredit. 需要提醒我的是政府对诺贝尔奖获得者,小额信贷发起人穆罕默德。尤努斯的攻击,。 yeeyan So Muslims believe that Koran has maintained its original form since it was revealed to the Prophet Mohammad,14 centuries ago. 穆斯林认为自从《可兰经》,在14世纪展示给先知穆罕默德起,就保持了最原始的形式。163 The agreement was signed by Taleban cleric Sufi Mohammad after talks with the North West Frontier Province's government. 在与西北边境省政府谈判后,塔利班长老苏菲·穆罕默德签署了一项协议。 yeeyan “ As a longtime strategic partner of China Mobile, Motorola is proud to continue being a part of its growth, ” Mohammad Akhtar, VP of and general manager for Motorola China, said in a statement. “做为中国移动的长期战略伙伴,摩托罗拉很荣幸能继续成为其成长过程中的一部分。”摩托罗拉大中华区副总经理穆罕默德·艾克塔在一次讲话中提到。 yeeyan “ When I told my cellmates I refused to do a suicide attack, none of them could understand why I didn't do it, ” said Mohammad. 穆罕默德说,“当我告诉我的室友我拒绝自杀式袭击时,他们没人能理解我为什么不那样做。” yeeyan Earlier this month, her attorney Mohammad Mostafaei told CNN that his client confessed to the crime after being subjected to99 lashes. 本月初,她的律师穆罕默德·米斯塔费尔( Mohammad Mostafaei告诉 CNN,他的当事人在受到99下鞭刑以后才承认了罪行。 yeeyan EVER since pressure from the public and the army forced President Asif Zardari to reinstate Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudhry as Pakistan’s chief justice in March, he has looked rattled. 自从迫于公众和军方压力,不得不在三月份恢复伊夫提哈尔•穆罕默德•乔杜里的巴基斯坦首席大法官职务之后,总统阿斯夫•扎尔达里的神色一直惶惶不安。 ecocn Haji Salih Mohammad, a Lashkar Gah shopkeeper, agreed that the police were improving. 哈吉·萨利·穆罕默德,一个拉什卡尔加店主,也同意警察在不断改进他们的工作。 yeeyan He holds joint Iranian- Canadian citizenship and left Tehran for Toronto in 2000 after hardline opponents of then president, Mohammad Khatami, closed down the reformist newspapers he worked on. 他拥有伊朗和加拿大两国国籍,2000年,时任总统穆罕默德.哈塔米的强硬派对手关闭了他致力于的改革主义者的报纸之后,他离开德黑兰,前往多伦多。 yeeyan He say the government plans to file a court case against Sufi Mohammad after conducting a detailed investigation into his extremist activities. 部长说,政府计划在对穆罕默德的极端主义活动进行详细调查之后,向法院提出起诉。 iciba In exchange, Sufi Mohammad promised to persuade Taliban militants, led by his son-in-law Maulana Fazlullah, to lay down their arms. 作为条件交换,穆罕默德答应说服他女婿大毛拉法兹卢拉领导的塔利班激进份子放下武器。 www.voanews.com.cn In Pakistan's southwest city of Quetta, an explosion destroyed a house, police official Mohammad Nawaz said. 警方官员穆罕默德·纳瓦兹说,在巴基斯坦西南部城市基达发生了一起爆炸,毁掉了一座房子。 yeeyan Indian- born Khan and Mohammad began their eyebrow- threading venture with a single kiosk in a mall, where they allowed curious customers to observe exactly what the technique involved. 印度出生的瑞玛·汗和莫森·穆罕默德从一个商场里的小铺开始了他们棉线修眉生意,在那里他们让好奇的顾客观察这种手艺究竟如何操作。 yeeyan Its last monarch, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, was overthrown in 1979 but replaced by yet another autocrat, the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. 其最后的君主穆哈默德巴列维1979年被推翻,被另外一位独裁者霍梅尼所取代。 yeeyan Kahlili describes the immediate aftermath of the1979 revolution against Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi as a special time in Iran. 卡利利描述了伊朗反对穆罕默德-雷扎-沙-巴拉维(国王的1979年革命之后的那段特殊时期。 yeeyan Maulvi Faqir Mohammad is the chief commander of the Taliban in Bajaur. 毛尔维法基尔穆罕默德是塔利班在巴焦尔的首席指挥官。 yeeyan Meet Mohammad Badi,66 years old. 穆罕默德巴迪,66岁。 yeeyan The interior minister Mohammad Ibrahim al-Shaar said the state would react“ decisively”. 内政部长穆罕默德易卜拉欣表示国家将会采取“果断行动”。 ecocn The sitting Labour MP for Glasgow Central, Mohammad Sarwar, was the first British Muslim to be sent to Westminster, in1997. 现任格拉斯哥中央的工党议员穆罕默德.沙尔瓦在1997年成为首个被送去威斯敏斯特的英国穆斯林。 ecocn The cartoon was first published in Danish newspapers in2005 and sparked violent protests around the world. Most Muslims regard any depiction of the Prophet Mohammad as an insult to Islam. 这张漫画2005年首次在丹麦的报纸上刊登,激起世界各地的暴力抗议,大多数穆斯林认为,对先知穆罕默德的所有描绘都是对伊斯兰教的侮辱。 hxen Two Taliban from the village were also killed during a shootout after he identified them, Mohammad said. 穆罕默德说,村中两名被他指认的塔利班成员也在交火中被击毙。 yeeyan Mohammad, who talked to the Guardian on Tuesday at a children's prison in Kabul, is awaiting trial after surrendering to the Americans rather than going through with the attack. 穆罕默德星期二在喀布尔的一所儿童监狱告诉《卫报》记者,他在向美国人投降而不是完成使命后就在候审。 yeeyan Mohammad Mahmoodi, the Afghan- born manager of Capital Food convenience store in Camden, said that by shutting down displays the government would be “ opening a window to a dodgy business.” 在卡姆登,生在阿富汗的首都食品便利店经理穆罕默德认为,通过禁止陈列,政府开启了一道做见不得人的生意的门。 yeeyan |