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词汇 Mohamed
释义 Mohamed moˈhɑːmed 高Economist¹⁰¹²⁵
Many of the woes of British agencies are embodied in the case of Binyam Mohamed, an Ethiopian asylum-seeker in Britain, who gave up his drugs habit after rediscovering Islam.
英国情报机构承受的大多数指责来自 Binyam Mohamed案,他是一个在英国寻求庇护的埃塞尔比亚人,在重新认识了伊斯兰教后他戒掉了毒品。 ecocn

Nor Mohamed Yakcop, a minister in charge of economic planning, says that the NEM is still being fine-tuned and declines to elaborate.
负责经济规划的部长诺尔•穆罕默德•雅各布说新经济模式仍然处于微调阶段,拒绝详细阐述。 topsage

The Mohamed investigation may claim only a few low- ranking scalps.
Mohamed案的调查可能只会以牺牲几个排位很低的官方人物作结。 ecocn

“ There are thousands,” said Sheik Yusuf Mohamed Siad, who recently joined the government after defecting from Hizbul Islam, an insurgent group close to the Shabab.
“有几千,”谢赫·优素福·默罕默德说。 默罕默德在离开一个亲近激进伊斯兰组织青年党的 Hizbul伊斯兰反叛组织后,最近加入了政府。 yeeyan

“ What cease-fire?” said Mohamed, a spokesman for the rebels in Misurata.
“什么停火声明?”一名反叛军的发言人穆哈麦德在米苏拉塔说。 yeeyan

“ When those with the least start doing the most, it shows that everyone?s ambitions can be raised,” Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed said in the statement after the weekend meeting.
“财力人力最少的小国开始尽最大的努力时,这说明大家的雄心愿望都可以提高,”马尔代夫总统穆罕默德纳希德在周末会议后发言说。 yeeyan

Mohamed Al Jaber's MBI International owns real- estate, oil and food companies throughout the world.
他旗下的 MBI International拥有的房地产、石油和食品企业遍布全球。 iciba

Mohamed al-Ashhab in the Saudi- owned pan- Arab newspaper, al- Hayat argues
默罕默德·阿什哈伯在沙特所有的范阿拉伯报纸《生活报》内提到 ecocn

A dark-haired, dark- eyed charmer, Mohamed often appeared with the president in official palace photographs.
这个黑头发,黑眼睛的迷人的小家伙,经常与总统一道出现在总统府的照片中。 yeeyan

At the head of the movement stands Mohamed El Baradei, the former director general of the International Atomic Energy Agency, and his National Association for Change.
在这场运动的前排站着巴拉迪这位前国际原子能组织总干事长,还有他的国家改变联盟。 yeeyan

At eight twenty-four, the voice of hijacker Mohamed Atta was heard over the radio.
在8点24分,劫机者 Mohamed Atta的声音传到了无线电的另一端。 hxen

But, like many others, Mr Mohamed was released in February this year without charge.
但是同很多其它恐怖分子一样, Mohamed在今年2月被无罪释放。 ecocn

By then Mr Mohamed’s lawyers, among them Clive Stafford Smith, founder of a legal charity called Reprieve, had been in full swing on both sides of the Atlantic.
直到今年2月, Mohamed的律师团一直活跃在大西洋两岸,律师团中包括了一家名为“缓刑”的公益律师所的创建者 Clive Stafford Smith。 ecocn

He fled with his brother, Mohamed, sister, Aisha, and mother, Safiya, to Algeria.
他和他的兄弟 Mohamed,妈妈 Safiya,姐姐 Aisha逃往了阿尔及利亚。 yeeyan

Last month Mohamed Bashir Suleman, a Frelimo party stalwart and one of the country’s most prominent businessmen, was placed on America’s official list of drug- traffickers.
上个月,莫哈曼德•巴希尔•苏雷曼被登上了美国官方的毒品走私犯名单中,而他却是莫桑比克解放前线的一位坚定地支持者,也是该国最具成就的商业领袖之一。 ecocn

To date, PIMCO’s Mohamed El-Erian’s imperative of“ shock and awe” has been more like“don’t bother us, we’re working on it.”
迄今为止,太平洋投资管理公司默罕默德.埃尔埃利安“震慑和恐惧”的紧急措施更像是“别烦我们,我们正在想办法”。 yeeyan

When the young Tunisian Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire last Dec.17, he could not imagine that his fatal, tragic gesture would have historic consequences.
年轻的突尼斯人穆罕默德•布亚齐兹在去年12月17日自焚的时候,他不会想到他的悲惨之举具有历史性意义。 yeeyan

Mohamed Alabbar, Chairman of Emaar Properties, said that the tower represented a symbol of hope to the Arab world and a shining example of human achievement.
Mohamed Alabbar艾马尔房地产公司的主席宣称,迪拜塔是阿拉伯世界希望的象征,也是人类成就的榜样。 yeeyan

Mohamed El- Erian of Pimco is equally confident: “The secular forces of productivity gains and entrepreneurial dynamism will not disappear.”
太平洋投资管理公司的 Mohamed El- Erian同样信心满满:“生产力的收益和企业家的干劲——这种长期的支配力将不会消失。” ecocn

Mohamed ElBaradei, the outgoing head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, said that Iran would not produce a nuclear weapon any time soon.
性格直率的即将离任的国际原子能机构联合国核查监督机构总干事穆罕默德•巴拉迪表示,伊朗何时都不会很快造出核武器。 ecocn

Mr Mohamed’s release has not stopped the litigation in either America or Britain.
Mohamed的无罪释放并没有结束针对美国或者英国的诉讼。 ecocn




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