

单词 modulated
释义 mod·u·lat·ed 英'mɒdjʊleɪtɪd美'mɒdjʊleɪtɪd 高COCA⁴⁵¹⁴⁹BNC³⁶⁴⁶⁹iWeb³⁶⁴¹⁸Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
changed or adjusted in pitch, tone, or volumealtered in volume as well as tone or pitchmodulated tube被调制管modulated afterburner可调加力燃烧室…modulated wave已调波,灯波,调幅波…modulated oscillator受调振荡器modulated laser已调制激光phase modulated调相的modulated spectrum调制光谱modulated current已调电流,已调制电流…modulated carrier巳地波,调制载波…modulated process调制过程modulated stage被调制级modulated output调制输出modulated voltage已调电压modulated signal已调制信号modulated amplitude调制振幅amplitude modulated已调幅的modulated amplifier受调放大器,被调放大…
反义词 unmodulated未调整的
as in.sonant
同义词 choral,lyric,oral,singing,sung,voiced,vowelarticulate,articulated,expressed,intonated,operatic,phonetic,phonic,pronounced,put into words,said,spoken,uttered,verbal,viva voce,vocalic,vocalizedas in.vocal
同义词 articulate,choral,operatic,verballyric,oral,singing,sonant,sung,vowelarticulated,expressed,intonated,phonetic,phonic,pronounced,put into words,said,uttered,viva voce,vocalic,vocalized,voiced
more vocaladjective spoken
articulate,articulated,choral,expressed,intonated,lyric,operatic,oral,phonetic,phonic,pronounced,put into words,said,singing,sonant,sung,uttered,verbal,viva voce,vocalic,vocalized,voiced,vowel
sonantadjective vocal
articulate,articulated,choral,expressed,intonated,lyric,modulated,operatic,oral,phonetic,phonic,pronounced,put into words,said,singing,spoken,sung,uttered,verbal,viva voce,vocalic,vocalized,voiced,vowel
vocaladjective spoken
articulate,articulated,choral,expressed,intonated,lyric,modulated,operatic,oral,phonetic,phonic,pronounced,put into words,said,singing,sonant,sung,uttered,verbal,viva voce,vocalic,vocalized,voiced,vowel The building skin is also environmentally modulated for optimal solar shading and wind resistance.
大楼的外壳也是环保调节的,以获得最佳遮阳和抗风能力。 yeeyan

The emission wavelength of a periodically modulated beam of radiation often laser is chosen such as to correspond to the wavelength at which the chromophore of interest shows appreciable absorption.
一个放射物通常是激光定期调制光束发射波长的正确选择,例如与所关注的生色团的相对应的波长,会有明显的吸收现象。 emuch.net

The LED intensity is modulated so rapidly that human eyes cannot notice, so the output appears constant.
LED强烈的调制速度是如此之快,人眼是察觉不到的,所以觉得输出亮度不变。 ecocn

As grungy as the rock audience may have been, it wanted its music explosively amplified and expertly modulated; it wanted to hear the beat through its pores.
尽管摇滚乐的观众可能非常邋遢,摇滚乐仍然力图爆炸式地放大,并精细地调制其声响;它希望能透过毛孔听到节奏。 yeeyan

Bijan, the most expensive perfume, was modulated by the famous fashion designer Bijan. There are rich and mysterious oriental fragrance,300 U.S. dollars an ounce.
毕扬 Bijan由名牌服装设计师毕扬调制,最昂贵的香水,有浓郁而神秘的东方香味,每盎司300美元。 kekenet

Contour modulation is a technique in which a phase- modulated signal waveform and amplifier output impedance work together to maintain higher efficiency over a sizable output power back- off.
轮廓调制结合了一种相位调制信号的波形和放大器的输出阻抗,可在某个较大型输出电源关闭后保持更高的效率。 www.etiri.com.cn

Dr Learned, however, reckons the pulse- period of a Cepheid could be modulated by a suitable beam of neutrinos.
但是,勒博士估计造父变星的脉冲周期可以通过一个合适的中微子束进行调制。 yeeyan

For wireless digital communications, digital user signal is usually at first converted into analog domain and then modulated to radio frequency by one or two steps.
对于无线数字通信而言,通常将数字用户信号首先转换到模拟域中,然后通过一个或两个步骤将其调制到无线电频率。 chinafanyi

He’s interested, in particular, in the ways that free software has “ modulated” and informed other sectors, like citizen journalism.
他对此很感兴趣,尤其是在自由软件调整和与其他方面的联系上的内容,如公民新闻。 yeeyan

In the online world, these risks are modulated, both amplified and attenuated.
在网络世界里,这些风险被调整了。 yeeyan

In what ways are those issues modulated by the severity of the child’s affliction?
那些批文中,又是以何种方式规定可能对儿童造成的灾难性后果的呢? yeeyan

It became clear that the environmental effects nurture are modulated by genetic polymorphism and epigenetic programming of gene expression nature to shape development.
很明显,遗传多态性和表观遗传过程的基因表达先天特质是通过控制调节环境影响后天培养来塑造发展。 yeeyan

Laser diode is the most important laser in practice, it can be modulated by the current directly.
半导体激光器是实用中最重要的一类激光器,它具有可直接调制的特点。 http://dj.iciba.com

Photosynthesis is modulated by oxygen, and we have an oxygen- insensitive hydrogenase that we think will totally change this process.
光合作用受氧调节,而我们使用的对氧不敏感的氢化酶,将完全改变这一过程。 yeeyan

Preferably, lowpass filter, automatic- gain- control and power amplifier are often used in order to have a clean modulated signal within certain dynamic range.
最好是,为在一定动态范围内具有干净的调制信号,通常使用低通滤波器,自动增益控制和功率放大器。 chinafanyi

She has a very monotonous voice; she should have it modulated.

The anger she had repressed in her youth came out forcefully but smoothly, in anecdotes and epigrams, and was carefully modulated into irony or nostalgia.
年轻时所压抑的愤怒通过她讲述的故事、趣闻,充满激情又不显突兀地被表达了出来,夹杂着讽刺意味和怀旧气息。 yeeyan

When laser light is bounced off the fibre, the reflected light is modulated in accordance with the electrical signals.
当激光从纤维上弹回后,反射的光会随着电子信号的改变而改变。 yeeyan

Modulated colours from skin pink and paler shades to a more intense mauve.
调制出的颜色从肤色粉和浅玄色到更强烈的淡紫色。 kantutao.com




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