

单词 Modigliani
释义 Mo·di·glia·ni 英məʊˌdiːliːˈɑːniː, ˌmɔːdiːˈljɑːniː美moˌdiliˈɑni, ˌmɔdiˈljɑniAHDmō-dē'lē-äʹnē, mô'dē-lyäʹnē 高Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

Italian painter and sculptor 1884-1920 AMEDEO MODIGLIANI, an Italian Jew who painted mostly in France, craved many things during his short, unhappy life: hashish, absinthe, women.
阿米地奥•莫迪里阿尼,意大利籍犹太人,他绘画主要是在法国。在短暂而不幸的一生中,他渴望很多事情:印度大麻、苦艾酒、女人。 yeeyan

Did they represent the females who were so important to Modigliani?
她们是代表着对莫迪里阿尼来说极为重要的女性吗? ecocn

Many of Zborowski’s artists followed, including Chaï m Soutine and Modigliani, accompanied by his pregnant mistress and her mother.
Zborowski的大部分画家也跟随着前往,包括 Chaï m Soutine,莫迪里阿尼也由有他的怀孕的情妇和母亲伴随着前往。 ecocn

Art thieves stole works by Pablo Picasso, Fernand Leger, Henri Matisse, Georges Braque and Amedeo Modigliani worth EUR500m from a Paris museum, French police said Thursday.
法国警方20日称,巴黎现代艺术博物馆的5幅分别出自毕加索、莱热、马蒂斯、布拉克以及莫迪利亚尼之手的画作失窃。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Asset price conduction mechanism of monetary policy is based on two effects: one is the Q theory of the“ Tobin Effect”, and the other is Modigliani's “ Consumer Wealth Effect”.
货币政策的资产价格传导机制主要通过两种途径:一种是基于 Q理论的“托宾效应”实现的,另一种是基于莫迪利亚尼的“消费财富效应”实现的。 www.qikan.com.cn

By 1913, Modigliani had been in Paris for seven years.
1913年前,莫迪里阿尼在巴黎居住了七年。 ecocn

Even though they hasten him to the hospital, Modigliani tragically expires in the hospital surrounded by his artist friends.
尽管他们赶不迭把他送入诊所,莫迪利亚尼仍死在了医院,病床旁围着他的几位画家朋友。 blog.sina.com.cn

Expressing his thoughts in colour and line was how Modigliani made sense of the world.
用色彩和线条表达思想,是他理解世界的方式。 yeeyan

Franco Modigliani, Italy’s Nobel prize- winning economist, signed his thesis; Stanley Fischer, now the governor of Israel’s central bank, was his main adviser.
莫迪利安尼 Franco Modigliani,获得诺贝尔经济学奖的意大利人,在他的毕业论文上签字。 Stanley Fischer,现在的以色列中央银行行长,是他主要的顾问。 ecocn

Freed of the need to bear a load, which would have subtly affected the shape of the shoulders and thighs, Modigliani's painted caryatids instead become highly stylised attenuated female forms.
由于摆脱了负载它微妙地影响了肩部和大腿的形状,莫迪里阿尼画的女像柱反而变成了高度时尚化了的苗条的女性形体形象。 yeeyan

If we are to believe Modigliani and Miller, firm valuation is not determined by whether the firm is capitalized by debt or equity.
如果我们信任夸张变形的手法的话,机构的估值并不会因为时候采用债务或股份来评估而发生改变。 yeeyan

In 1917 in Paris French girl Jeanne Hebuterne encounters Italian Jewish artist Amadeo Modigliani while attending an art academy and falls in love.
1917年法国女孩珍妮•赫布特尼就学巴黎一家美术学院,于此她遇见意大利犹太人艺术家莫迪利亚尼,二人坠入爱河。 blog.sina.com.cn

In 1918, Modigliani left Paris for the south of France.
1918年,莫迪里阿尼离开巴黎去法国南部。 yeeyan

It is hard to look at the small blonde child on the right, her eyes expressly made creepy by the smudging of one iris, and not feel that Modigliani was trying to paint human pain itself.
观察右边这个金发碧眼的小孩子并不容易,由于她的一个虹膜被烟色涂污而使得她的双眼明显的表现出恐怖,而且没有感觉到莫迪里阿尼是在试图描绘人类自身的痛苦。 yeeyan

Jeanne shacks up with Modigliani and her Roman Catholic parents vehemently disapprove because of his alcoholism, drug use, and Jewish heritage.
珍妮搬去与莫迪利亚尼同居,信仰罗马天主教的珍妮的爸妈激烈反对此事,因莫迪利亚尼酗酒,吸毒,加上其犹太血统。 blog.sina.com.cn

Since Modigliani and Miller published their seminal paper in1958, the issue of capital structure has generated great interests among financial academics and practices.
自莫迪格里安尼和米勒在1958年发表了他们的学术论文后,资本结构理论一直是学术界研究的热点和实务界关注的焦点问题。 cnki

So the principal textbook is Frank Fabozzi, the other authors are Modigliani, Jones and Ferri, Foundations of Financial Markets and Institutions.
因此,书名为《金融市场与金融机构基础》,主要作者是弗兰克.法博齐 Frank Fabozzi,其他作者是莫迪里阿尼 Modigiliani,琼斯 Jones和费里 Ferri。 yeeyan

The daughter that his mistress was about to bear would be orphaned two years later when Modigliani's mistress, pregnant a second time, committed suicide just a day after the artist himself had died.
他的情妇即将生下的女儿,在两年后将成为孤儿,两年后这位艺术家去世后仅一天,他的正怀着第二个孩子的情妇自杀随他而去。 yeeyan

Those eyes are in the heart of Modigliani not on the drawing.
那眼睛,没有在画布上,而是在莫迪里阿尼的心里。 blog.sina.com.cn

We'll be talking about the Modigliani- Miller Theorem and related issues in this lecture as well as something about the behavior of the stock market and its tendency to go through dramatic movements.
我们将讨论 Modigliani- Miller理论和本门课程的相关论文,同时也将讨论股票市场的行为和发生剧烈变化时的趋势。 yeeyan

Modigliani, unable to afford professional sitters, turned to painting those around him— Zborowski and his wife, and, as time went on, the locals he met.
莫迪里阿尼由于支付不起请专业模特的费用,转而画他周围的那些人—— Zborowski和其妻子,还有,随着时间过去,后来也画他遇到的本地人。 ecocn

Modigliani and Miller thought the market value of an enterprise has no correlation with the style of fund- raising, but this conclusion is denied by the positive analysis.
莫迪利安尼和米勒认为,企业的市场价值与筹资方式无关,然而实证分析却否定了这一结论。 cnki

Modigliani has said that:“The artist is an ambit got the spirit sublimation from paid out the most immolation in plenary life and suffered from anxiety”.
莫迪里阿尼曾说:“艺术是在充实的生活中付出的最大牺牲,忍受愁苦之后获得的精神升华所达到的境界。” blog.sina.com.cn

Modigliani is a painter and sculptor with a peculiar style.
莫迪利亚尼是一个有独特风格的画家、雕塑家。 cnki




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