

单词 modestly
释义 mod·est·ly 英ˈmɒdɪstlɪ美mɑdɪstlɪ 高COCA¹⁷⁶⁰⁶BNC¹⁴³⁷⁷iWeb¹⁷⁴⁴⁹Economist¹⁰⁷⁰⁷

with modesty; in a modest manner;

the dissertation was entitled, modestly, `Remarks about a play by Shakespeare'

近义词 humbly恭顺地fairly公正地quietly安静地discreetly谨慎地moderately适度地reasonably适度地diffidently胆怯地acceptably可欣然接受地…反义词 immodestly不慎地

用作副词Another study in 2003 moremodestlyput the gains to world GDP at nearly 10%.2003年另一项研究则是更为谨慎地把世界GDP的收益估计在近10%。
The girl cast down her eyesmodestlywhen she was praised.姑娘受到表扬时,谦虚地垂下了眼睛。
Be youngster, we sitmodestlyat the back, never daring to speak.我们是些年青人,都谦恭地坐在后面,始终不敢发言。adv.in a modest manner
同义词 humbly,plainly,quietly,simplybashfully,chastely,demurely,diffidently,purely,retiringly,shyly,unassumingly,unobtrusively,unpresumptuously,unpretentiously,virtuously
反义词 boastfully,boldly,immodestly,pretentiouslyadv.within reasonable limits
同义词 cheaply,moderately,reasonably,sensiblycoolly
反义词 boastfully,boldly,immodestly,pretentiously
adequatelyadverb sufficiently
abundantly,acceptably,appropriately,capably,competently,copiously,decently,fairly well,fittingly,pleasantly enough,presentably,satisfactorily,sufficiently,suitably,to an acceptable degree,tolerably,well enough
inconspicuouslyadverb unobtrusively
simplyadverb plainly, clearly
artlessly,candidly,commonly,directly,easily,frankly,guilelessly,honestly,ingenuously,intelligibly,matter-of-factly,modestly,naturally,openly,ordinarily,quietly,sincerely,straightforwardly,unaffectedly,unpretentiously,without any elaboration Being prepared for a long struggle, we felt it best to begin modestly, with a limited number of arrests each day.
为了为长期抗争作准备,我们觉得最好以温和的方式开始,每天只让有限的人被捕。 yeeyan

For one thing, celebrities on average have short careers marked by short bursts of income, so it would make sense for them to spend modestly given that their source of income is so unpredictable.
一来,名流几乎都有一段金钱骤升的职业生涯,所以他们谨慎的花钱是很有必要的因为他们的金钱来源并不稳定。 yeeyan

The hugeness of its sound is something considering how modestly it was recorded, and“ Decisions” manages to feel both tragic and uplifting at once.
考虑到它录制的是多么谨慎,其声音的宏大是了不起的,并且“ Decisions”还设法让人同时感到既悲痛又振奋。 yeeyan

And, by rescinding many of the Bush tax cuts, not just those affecting top incomes, it would modestly raise taxes even on middle- income families.
此外,通过废除多项布什减税项目不但是影响高端收入的人士,中产阶级家庭的税收也会适当调高。 yeeyan

Another study in 2003 more modestly put the gains to world GDP at nearly10%.
2003年另一项研究则是更为谨慎地把世界 GDP的收益估计在近10%。 ecocn

Any modestly intelligent American kid from a poor family can, if he understands the value of a university education, find the means to attend university.
任何一个来自穷人家庭的中常智力的美国青年,只要他理解大学教育的价值,就可以找到上大学的办法。 edu.sina.com.cn

As a man, I am seeking to convey, modestly, that I have a good, stable job and that I am not a weirdo.
作为一个男人,我试图谦逊地传达出这样的信息:我有一份体面、稳定的工作,而且我不是一个古怪的人。 robertafnani.com

But Mr Modi revealed that Sunanda Pushkar, a friend of Mr Tharoor’s and a modestly successful marketing professional, had been allotted a valuable stake in the team against future work for it.
但是莫迪透露到塔鲁尔的一个叫孙南达普什卡的朋友,他又是一个谦虚成功的销售专家,他拿到了对今后工作价值不菲的赛队股份。 ecocn

Each of these changes contributed, at least modestly, to declines reported over the last two years, Murray said.
在过去的两年的报告里,谨慎的讲,每一个这些改变都是造成下降的因素。 yeeyan

Forcing the elite to dress modestly suggested that power and place were no longer to be marked by yards of lace and frills.
强迫精英阶层穿着适当意味着,层层叠叠的蕾丝和荷叶边再也不是权利和地位的象征了。 ecocn

He went up modestly behind his colleague.
他对支持他的同事虚心称赞。 ecocn

He acquiesces modestly when asked if this means he’s pretty good at it.
当我问他这是不是说他在性爱方面很出色时,他谨慎地默认了。 yeeyan

However, it makes perfect rational sense to argue that the planet could be healed if we all lived more modestly.
然而,如果我们所有人更加谨慎地过日子,说这样能拯救地球就很有道理了。 yeeyan

Now psychologists are suggesting that the hippocampus can be modestly expanded, and memory improved, by nothing more than regular walking.
不过,现在心理学家建议,只要坚持走步,就可以适当扩大这种海马状凸体,从而改善记忆。 yeeyan

Some food items may come down modestly as commodities prices cool off; others might not budge a cent and some may actually increase.
有些食品的价格会随着日用品价格的走低而适当降低,而其他的也许不会变化,甚至实际上有所增长。 yeeyan

The advice, which goes further than the traditional admonition for women to dress modestly, follows allegations of drunken sex romps.
这个建议超越了传统的女性穿着要谨慎的建议,排在酒后乱性的指控之后。 ebigear

The key to success here is to start modestly, exposing a few services and developing the corresponding mediations, but within an architecture designed for the entire eventual scope in mind.
这里成功的关键是谨慎地开始,公开少量的服务并开发对应的中介,但是这些服务和中介都在为考虑中的整个最终范围而设计的体系结构之内。 ibm

When Dad and I asked, she thought carefully then hinted modestly for some tea towels, face clothes or a new dishpan.
当爸爸和我问她时,她想了想,然后谨慎的暗示到,可以买一些抹布,毛巾或者一个新的洗碟盆。 yeeyan

Yet there are also reasons to be modestly optimistic.
然而,我们有理由保持谨慎的乐观。 yeeyan




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