

单词 modern marriage
释义 modern marriage
She said: “Crisis point for themodern marriageis arriving sooner.她说,“现代婚姻的危险期提前了。”
TOPIC: Does themodern marriagealso need ”to be matched for marriage ?现代婚姻还需要“门当户对”吗?
One of the Beltane rites, called “Hand Fasting,” is in fact the pagan version of themodern marriageceremony.五朔节的一个被称为“束手”的仪式,其实就是现代婚礼的非基督教版本。
To judge by these films,modern marriageinvolves a lot of broken crockery and busted expectations.如果根据这些电影来判断,现代婚姻总是和夫妻吵架以及幻想破灭分不开。
Walk and talk.The greatest gift tomodern marriageis a walkie-talkie with a voice-activated switch, because it works like a high-tech baby monitor.散步与对话:在现代婚姻中,最伟大的礼物莫过于一台带有声控开关的对讲机,因为它可以像一台高技术婴儿监视器那样工作。
The establishment and development of this set of system has fully manifested Roman law idea-fair and just, and greatly influencedmodern marriageproperty legislation.这一套制度的建立和发展充分体现了公平和正义的罗马法理念,并对现代婚姻财产立法产生着深远影响。




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