

单词 modernizes
释义 mod·ern·ize·s 英'mɒdənaɪz美'mɑːdərnaɪz COCA¹³⁸⁰³³
v.使 现代化原型modernize的三单名词modernization过去分词modernized现在分词modernizing三单modernizes
make repairs, renovations, revisions or adjustments to;

You should overhaul your car engine

overhaul the health care system

become technologically advanced;

Many countries in Asia are now developing at a very fast pace

Viet Nam is modernizing rapidly

近义词 update更新reform改革improve改善upgrade升级develop发展renovate修理innovate改革overhaul翻修transform改变remodel重新塑造development发展revolutionize彻底变革modernise使现代化…streamline使 … 成流线型…

用作动词They have failed tomodernizetheir factories.他们没能使他们的工厂现代化。
Unfortunately we lack the resources tomodernize.遗憾的是我们缺乏现代化所需的财力。 At the modern times the railway transit biography has entered, accelerated the step that our country traffic modernizes.
近代铁路交通的传入,加快了我国交通现代化的步伐。 fabiao

More and more research results on biological fire prevention will be achieved as the forest fire prevention in China modernizes.
随着我国森林防火现代化的发展,生物防火研究必将会有更大的发展。 cnki

The power line management alignment modernizes to turn with the information management is request that electric power market development.
输电线路管理走向现代化和信息化管理是电力市场发展的要求。 cnki

As China modernizes, many traditional beliefs become endangered.
随着中国的现代化发展,许多传统信仰变得岌岌可危。 yeeyan

Only to educate the persons with character and appearance of modern spirit accords with the essential demands for building a well-off life in an all-round way, and really modernizes our country.
只有培养具有现代化精神气质和风貌的人,才符合“全面建设小康”的根本要求,我国也才能实现真正意义上的“现代化”。 fabiao

Present, the new rural area building a socialism are that our country modernizes significant historic task in course.
当前,建设社会主义新农村是我国现代化进程中的重大历史任务。 qk114

The history of literary reception modernizes the classical aesthetic experience.
接受史研究是为了沟通古今审美经验,让古典走向现代。 cnki

Their struggle and the ironic twist in their story could reflect what is happening to China as it modernizes: dreams that come true half-spoiled, with something precious missing.
他们的奋争和带有讽刺性的结局,也许正反映了中国现代化的现实:一个实现了但是破碎的梦,最宝贵的没有了。 mtime

With the improving of coal mine modernizes degree, large-scale equipments are more and more in room, the problem that equipment cranes is gradually outstanding.
随着矿井现代化程度的提高,硐室中的大型设备越来越多,设备起吊的问题日益突出。 chemyq




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