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词汇 mode
释义 mode 英məʊd美modAHDmōd ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIST宝4八COCA³³⁸⁵BNC²⁹²⁹iWeb¹⁰⁸⁵Economist¹⁰¹²³


a way of behaving, living, operating etc.

S流行; 风格

style or fashion in clothes, art, drama, etc.

how something is done or how it happens;

her dignified manner

his rapid manner of talking

their nomadic mode of existence

in the characteristic New York style

a lonely way of life

in an abrasive fashion

a particular functioning condition or arrangement;

switched from keyboard to voice mode

a classification of propositions on the basis of whether they claim necessity or possibility or impossibilityverb inflections that express how the action or state is conceived by the speakerany of various fixed orders of the various diatonic notes within an octavethe most frequent value of a random variable
mode, manner, method, way




They carried on their research work in a systematic and well organized manner.他们系统地、有条不紊地进行着科研工作。
He did everything in a leisurely manner.他做什么事都是一副不紧不慢的样子。
The results depend as much on the manner of executing the plans as on the plans themselves.计划执行的结果,不仅取决于计划本身,也同样取决于执行的方法。


He always speaks in a careless way.他总是漫不经心地说话。
The century has brought us not only new things to see but new ways of seeing.本世纪以来我们不但有了许多新事物,而且有了看待问题的新方法。


He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole mode of life.他突然有钱了,财富改变了他的整个生活方式。
It is a bad mode of holding a pen.那是一种不好的拿笔方法。manner,method,way,mode,fashion,means,approach









用作名词 n.
动词+~adopt〔change, choose〕 a mode采用〔改变,选择〕某种方式〔样式〕follow the mode跟随流行的方式〔样式〕形容词+~civilized〔evil, formal〕 mode文明〔罪恶,正式〕的方式different〔peculiar, stereotyped, new〕不同〔独特,老一套,新〕的方式living〔various〕 modes生活〔种种〕方式the latest modes服装的最新款式the whole mode整个方式名词+~access mode计算机的存取方式insert mode计算机上的插入方式~+介词modes of expression表现手法modes of inquiry〔life, speech, thinking〕调查〔生活,演讲,思想〕方式
用作名词n.all the mode

非常流行very popular

out of mode

不流行,过时out of fashion

谐音记忆音“没的”⇒没有的方式 move⇔mode 移动的方式非常记忆mo磨de得⇒他磨刀的风格是一定要磨得锋利mod模式+e→模式⇒方式,样式,风格。近义词 rulestylecoursemannerfashion
用作名词n.He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole mode of life.他突然有钱了,财富改变了他的整个生活方式。
His mode of doing business is offensive to me.他干事情的方式叫我很不喜欢。
It is a bad mode of holding a pen.那是一种不好的拿笔方法。
Are miniskirts the presentmode?超短裙是现代流行的样式吗?
Why do you still dress in an old-fashionedmode?你为什么还穿款式陈旧的衣服?
She likes to follow themode.她爱赶时髦。Pany-mode任意方式Pmodeless非模态的Pburst-mode猝发状态Ppremode前方式前模式Psmode目录搜索方式程序Pmultimode多状态多状态的Paltermode修改方式变更方式Pconnectionless-mode无连接方式

用作名词The country girl was not used to their lavishmodeof living.这个乡下姑娘不习惯他们奢侈的生活方式。
The spacecraft was in its recoverymode.这艘飞船处于返回状态。
Her new dress is the latestmodein this season.她的新连衣裙是这一季最新的款式。
He has no intention of changing hismodeof attire.他没有意愿去改变自己穿着的风格。noun.manner, way
同义词 approach,condition,fashion,form,mechanism,method,posture,procedure,process,quality,situation,status,style,system,technique,tonebook,channels,course,custom,plan,practice,rule,state,vein,wisemodus,nuts and bolts
反义词 disorganizationnoun.trend, fad
同义词 fashion,stylechic,convention,craze,cry,furor,look,mainstream,now,rage,thing,voguedernier cri,last word,latest thing,latest wrinkle
appearancenoun outward aspect, characteristic
approachnoun plan of attack, resolution
attitude,concept,course,crack,fling,go,idea,lick,manner,means,method,mode,modus operandi,new wrinkle,offer,procedure,program,shot,stab,style,technique,way,whack,wrinkle
approachesnoun plan of attack, resolution
attitudes,concepts,courses,cracks,flings,go,ideas,licks,manners,means,methods,modes,modus operandis,new wrinkles,offers,procedures,programs,shots,stabs,styles,techniques,ways,whacks,wrinkles
behaviornoun manner of conducting oneself
act,action,address,air,attitude,bag,bearing,carriage,code,comportment,conduct,convention,course,dealings,decency,decorum,deed,delivery,demeanor,deportment,ethics,etiquette,expression,form,front,guise,habits,management,mien,mode,morals,nature,observance,performance,practice,presence,propriety,ritual,role,routine,savoir-faire,seemliness,social graces,speech,style,tact,talk,taste,tenue,tone,way,way of life,ways,what's done
behaviorsnoun manner of conducting oneself
actions,acts,addresses,airs,attitudes,bags,bearings,carriages,codes,comportment,conduct,conventions,courses,dealings,decency,decorum,deeds,deliveries,demeanor,deportment,ethics,etiquette,expressions,forms,fronts,guises,habits,managements,miens,modes,morals,natures,observances,performances,practices,presences,proprieties,rituals,roles,routines,savoir-faires,seemliness,social graces,speeches,styles,tact,talks,tastes,tenues,tones,way of lifes,ways,ways,what's dones
conditionnoun circumstances
action,ballgame,case,estate,happening,how it goes,how things are,how things stack up,lay of the land,like it is,mode,order,plight,position,posture,predicament,quality,rank,repair,reputation,riff,scene,shape,situation,size of it,sphere,spot,standing,state,state of affairs,status,status quo,trim,way things are,way things shape up,where it's at The adapter supports outbound mode only for this interface.
对于此接口,适配器仅支持出站模式。 ibm

At the partition level, you have information about the OS, whether or not the partition is shared or dedicated, the amount of CPU units, its sharing mode, its weight, and virtual processors.
在分区层面上,无论分区是共享的还是专用的,您都有关于 OS的信息,包括: CPU单位的数量、它的共享模式、它的重量和虚拟处理器。 ibm

Because you use verbose mode in both portions of the command, you can confirm whether the size of the archive created and extracted is identical.
因为在这个命令的两个部分中都使用了详细模式,所以可以确认创建的和提取的存档的大小是否相同。 ibm

Because your strength and resolves makes other people change THEIR mode of behavior to suit yours.
因为你的力量和意志迫使他人改变他们的行为方式来迁就你。 lovepua

Her brain was converting one mode of sensation into another.
她的大脑在从一种感官模式转移到另一种。 yeeyan

How can I change from one kernel mode to another?
如何从一种内核模式切换到另一种模式? ibm

However, in this mode you can only use basic authentication.
然而,在该模式下,您只能使用基础认证。 ibm

I wonder if I need to go right back to colleague mode, but he suggests we go to another concert, so I'm not sure what to think.
我不知道我是否需要立即回复到同事模式,但他提议我们再去听音乐会,所以我不知道该怎么想。 yeeyan

If you want to work only in the code but also want documentation, use this mode.
如果您只想处理代码,但是又想文档化,那么就使用这种模式。 ibm

In the Source mode, you can view and edit the WSDL with a text editor.
在源代码模式,您可以在一个文本编辑器中查看和编辑 WSDL。 ibm

In interactive mode, you type commands into the command prompt and the console displays the results.
在交互模式中,您将命令输入到命令提示符中,控制台将显示结果。 ibm

In this mode, the instruction itself contains the address from which to load the data.
在这种模式中,指令本身就包含了数据加载的源地址。 ibm

Investigations traced the source of all Ebola Reston outbreaks to one export facility near Manila in the Philippines, but the mode of contamination of this facility was not determined.
调查追踪到所有埃博拉莱斯顿亚型的暴发都源于菲律宾马尼拉附近的一个出口设施,但未能确定这一设施的污染方式。 who

Or how to boot into Safe mode from the command line?
或者或者如何从命令行进入安全模式? yeeyan

Setting execute permission for everyone changed the mode to755.
设置每个人的执行权限将模式改为 755。 ibm

The authentication mode you choose for your environment will be determined by the level of sensitivity of your data.
应该为您的环境选择什么样的身份验证模式,这是由数据的敏感级别来决定的。 ibm

These diagnostic tools can attach to any application without requiring that application to start in a special mode.
这些诊断工具可以连接到任何应用程序而不要求应用程序以特殊模式启动。 ibm

This adapter supports outbound mode only.
此适配器仅支持出站模式。 ibm

This gives you an opportunity to override functions and settings established by that mode.
这提供了一个机会,使您能够覆盖由那个方式建立的功能和设置。 ibm

This means that the code for these applications does not have to be changed or recompiled to run in compatibility mode.
这意味着,这些应用程序的代码不需要修改或重新编译就能够运行在兼容模式上。 ibm

This mode is useful in situations where you know when a task starts and stops but have no way of knowing how far the task has progressed.
这种模式在这样几种情形下是有用的,您可以知道一项任务何时开始以及何时停止,但是您没法知道任务进展了多远。 ibm

Thus, if you only connect some of the inputs and outputs, you immediately have dangling inputs and outputs that are not directly visible in basic editing mode, as Figure2 shows.
因此,如果您只是连接某些输入和输出,那么您马上就能获得悬空输入和输出,它们是无法在基本编辑模式中直接显示的,如图2所示。 ibm

To run it in interactive mode, type each command at the prompt.
要以交互模式运行,在提示符中输入每个命令。 ibm

Why do we continue to indulge the myth that the fabulous wealth generated by this mode of production will in the fullness of time become available to all?
我们为什么要继续沉溺于由这种生产方式产生的巨大的财富在时机成熟时将成为所有人都可以拥有的这个神话呢? yeeyan

You should test this view mode for usability given the size of your portal and the screen size available for your device.
在给定门户大小和设备可用的屏幕大小之后,您应该对此视图模式的可用性进行测试。 ibm

You can do things like start or stop the server, or start it in normal or debug mode.
您可以执行一些操作,如启动或停止服务器,或以正常或调试模式进行启动。 ibm




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