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词汇 Mockus
释义 MockusCOCA²⁸⁰¹³⁶⁺
Antanas Mockus is in many ways the opposite ofÁlvaro Uribe, the popular outgoing president.
许多方面,莫卡斯都是乌里韦的对立面。 ecocn

Antanas Mockus is in many ways the opposite ofÁlvaro Uribe, the popular outgoing president. So why are the polls saying the upstart might replace him?
许多方面,莫卡斯都是乌里韦的对立面。为什么民意测验显示这个新秀会取代后者。 ecocn

But at a recent rally in Santa Marta, on Colombia’s Caribbean coast, Mr Mockus, a former mayor of Bogotá who is the candidate of a newly formed Green Party, arrived in a bulletproof SUV.
莫卡斯之前是波哥大市长,如今是刚成立的绿党的候选人。 他乘坐着防弹车参加了最近在哥伦比亚海岸 Santa Marta举行的一次聚会。 ecocn

Mr Fajardo faces a strong rival for independent-minded voters in Antanas Mockus, who won a presidential primary for the newly formed Green Party, which secured five senate seats.
在赢得无党派选民上,他面临来自 Antanas Mockus的强大竞争。Antanas Mockus赢得新成立的绿党的党内初选。该党获得5个议席。 topsage

And he countered Mr Mockus’s rise by stressing that his own experience went beyond security.
并且,他强调自己的从政经验不仅止于安全,以对抗 Antanas Mockus的民调支持率攀升。 ecocn

Antanas Mockus, a former mayor of Bogotá who has emerged as the leading candidate of the centre-left, says he would combat all illegal groups with the same energy as Mr Uribe showed against the FARC.
前波哥大市长,在中间偏左政党领先的候选人 Antanas Mockus表示,他将会以Álvaro Uribe对付 FARC游击队的相同精力,去打击所有非法集团。 ecocn

As the rector of the National University in Bogotá, Mr Mockus once dropped his trousers and mooned an auditorium of unruly students to get their attention.
身为哥伦比亚国立大学校长时,他曾在大礼堂内给一群骚乱的学生演讲,当众脱下裤子吸引学生的注意力。 ecocn

Both polls suggested that Mr Mockus would beat Mr Santos in a run-off.
这两项民意调查显示莫科斯将会在大选中击败桑托斯。 ecocn

Despite Mr Mockus’s rise, 40% of those polled for Semana said they believed Mr Santos will be Colombia’s next president.
虽然莫卡斯的民意测验已经上升到40%,但 Semana说他们相信桑托斯会是下届总统。 ecocn

He is standing for the Green Party, co- led by another former mayor, Antanas Mockus. But Mr Peñalosa also enjoys the backing ofÁlvaro Uribe, Colombia’s conservative president between2002 and2010.
Peñalosa代表他和另一位前任市长 Antanas Mockus共同领导的绿党,但他也受到任期从2002年到2010年的哥伦比亚保守派总统Álvaro Uribe的支持。 ecocn

In addition, as a former independent running for the small Green Party, Mr Mockus lacked a political machine to get out the vote.
此外,以绿党候选人身分参选的前无党派人士 Antanas Mockus缺乏政党机器为他拉票。 ecocn

Parts of the opposition will do the same: many legislators from the Liberal party prefer Mr Santos, who like Mr Uribe is a former Liberal, to Mr Mockus.
反对党的部分人士也将表态支持︰自由党很多国会议员宁可支持 Santos,像 Uribe一样原来是自由党员,而不愿支持Antanas Mockus。 ecocn

That might bother Mr Mockus, who held the job twice, more than losing the presidential election.
如此一来,连当两次波哥大市长的莫库斯恐怕比输掉总统竞选还要郁闷了。 ecocn

Mr Mockus’s honest idealism strayed into political naivety.
Antanas Mockus真诚的理想主义却因政治上的天真而迷失方向。 ecocn




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