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词汇 mobilising
释义 mobilisingBNC³⁶¹⁶⁰Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
vi.vt.动员;松动;使活动;调动;发动原型mobilise的现在分词 Mr Kan initially reacted well to the tsunami by mobilising100,000 troops.
菅先生派出了10万官兵去应对海啸,这是一个良好的开端。 yeeyan

The White House has signalled it will oppose the effort to undo the legislation, and Democrats in the Senate are also mobilising against the measure.
白宫已经暗示,将会反对那些力图撤销该项立法的努力。参议院中的共和党人也被动员起来反对这项努力。 yeeyan

“ They have attracted hundreds of student volunteers and have done a good job mobilising students to take part in HIV/ AIDS campaigns”.
他们吸引了好几百学生志愿者,在动员学生参加 HIV/ AIDS运动方面做了很有益的工作。 dxy

Activists from last year's student protests, which saw tens of thousands take to the streets to oppose the rise in university tuition fees, have been mobilising for the protest for several weeks.

AS The Economist went to press on June30th, a mums’ army was mobilising to keep schools open during a one-day teachers’ strike.
随着《经济学人》六月三十日付印,一场为期一天的教师罢工中,一队正维持学校开课。 ecocn

But often in China the practice involves mobilising people online to hunt down ordinary citizens whose only alleged sin is that of being objectionable.
虽说如此,但中国的这种“人肉搜索”却动员网民追捕那些犯下令网民发指错误的普通人。 ecocn

Canada, Australia, France and a number of Latin Americannations have also said they are mobilising their aid response.
加拿大、澳大利亚和许多拉丁美洲国家也表示正在动员救灾行动。 yeeyan

Greek civil servants are mobilising to defend generous pensions that most of their countrymen will never enjoy.
希腊的公务员在动员保护他们阔绰但大多数同胞都无法享受的养老金。 ecocn

Green groups are mobilising against the proposed hydroelectric dams.
环保团体正在动员反对已提议的水力发电站大坝工程。 ecocn

The debate about the bailout deals with decisions about the fundamental features of our social and economic life, even mobilising the ghost of class struggle.
关于救市计划的辩论,涉及的是有关我们社会经济生活的基本特性,即便是动用了阶级斗争的幽灵。 yeeyan

The first is that powerful state premiers from Ms Merkel’s CDU are already mobilising against tax cuts that would eat into their own revenues.
这其中原因有三:首先,许多由默克尔领导的基民盟出身的政府官员已经开始为反对减税计划而展开活动了----他们的目的是防止自己的收入出现减少。 ecocn

There is nothing wrong with mobilising freedom- loving governments to speak up for democracy.
调动热爱自由的国家,让它们为支持的民主发声,这是没有错的。 ecocn

We are already mobilising things in the UK in case the virus comes over here. I definitely think we have enough of the drugs.
一旦病毒到达这里,我们会动用所有的资源.我明确的认为我们拥有足够的药品. yeeyan

With time, America could build up its forces for another campaign by sending or training lower- readiness units, mobilising reservists or, in extreme emergency, by reinstating the draft.
只要时间允许,通过派遣或者训练低戒备作战单位,动员预备役部队,或者在特别紧急情况下,征召退役士兵等等一些措施,美国可以逐步建立打另一场战争的军队。 ecocn

Yet all have drawn their mobilising power from a single source.
然而,所有能使他们拥有动员力量的原因源流单一。 ecocn




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