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词汇 mob
释义 mob. mɒb


a large noisy crowd, especially one which is violent

vt. 聚众包围

crowd round sb noisily in great numbers

a disorderly crowd of peoplea loose affiliation of gangsters in charge of organized criminal activitiesan association of criminals;

police tried to break up the gang

a pack of thieves

press tightly together or cram;

The crowd packed the auditorium

mob, band, circle, crowd, gang, group, herd, host, mass, multitude, set

这组词的共同意思 是“一伙人”。其区别在于:

1.从组成上说:band常指有共同目的的、有领导者的一群人。 circle指因志同道合而形成的圈子或结成的团体,聚会频繁,文明高雅。crowd指毫无秩序地挤在一起的人群, 含有混乱、拥挤的意味。gang指为一个目标而聚在一起的一伙人, 常指在一起干坏事的人。group既可指有组织、有秩序的一群人, 也可指为一定目的临时聚在一起的一伙人;可指志趣相投的人,也可指社会团体;关系可密切,也可以是泛泛之交。herd 指有盲目追随心理的一群人。host指散落开来的一群人,也指军队或备有武装的人。mass指群众, 民众。mob指乌合之众或心怀不满而聚在一起寻衅滋事的一群人。multitude常指人数庞大的人群。set指有共同社会地位或相同目的的社会团体,也可泛指广泛的人群, 有时可指势力集团。


3.从修辞色彩上说:band, gang, herd, mob多含贬义;set指势力集团时也含有贬义。

4.从语体上说:host, set是口语用词;multitude是正式用词或较陈旧用词。

mob, masses, people, populace, rabble


people的意思是“人”“人们”“人民”,是最普通的词,经常是中性含义,用于大批人或不精确说明人数的场合,有时也可指少数人或精确说明人数的场合; populace的意思是“居民”“平民”,几乎唯一地指某地区的居民; masses用于指“普通群众”; mob的意思是“一群人”“乱民”; rabble的意思是“下层民众”“暴民”。例如:

The Chinese people are an industrious people.中国人民是勤劳的民族。
Nearly the entire populace turned out to listen to his speech.几乎所有的人都出来听他演说。
The masses have boundless creative power.人民群众有无限的创造力。
Streets were crowded with mobs of workers going home after work.街上挤满了一群群下班回家的工人。
The explanations of tax reforms were good enough for the rabble.对税制改革的解释对这些下层民众来说是够好的了。people,masses,crowd,throng,mob







来自拉丁语短语mobile vulgus浮躁易变、容易被煽动的民众,是上流社会对普通民众的蔑称。
用作名词 n.
动词+~confront〔control, disperse〕the mob面对〔控制,驱散〕暴民形容词+~organized mob有组织的暴徒undisciplined mob乌合之众用作动词 v.~+名词mob the police围攻警察mob the singer围着歌星mob the stores围着商场转~+副词mob forward向前挤
mob forward v.+adv.

向前挤 crowd forward

mob forwardThe newsmen mobbed forward.记者们乱哄哄地向前挤。方振宇词汇奥秘衍生词mob+o连接字母+cracy统治→mobocracyn.暴民政治,暴徒统治非常记忆m麦当劳〖编码〗+ob欧巴〖拼音〗⇒在麦当劳,欧巴遇到了暴徒GRE难词记忆mob→bomb n.炸弹→手拿炸弹的暴民联想记忆那群暴民mob到处抢劫robbombn.炸弹⇒手拿炸弹的暴民近义词n. organized crime
用作名词n.An angry mob is attacking the palace.愤怒的暴徒在攻击王宫。
The mob were throwing up their caps and cheering.暴徒们把帽子抛到空中欢呼。
Mobs collected round the court.暴徒们聚集在法庭周围。
Whose mob is he with?他是哪个帮派的人?用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Fans mobbed the actor where he went.那位演员走到哪里,影迷们都围着他。
The demonstrators mobbed the police.游行示威者围攻警察。
The angry crowd mobbed the losing team as it left the football ground.愤怒的群众在踢败的足球队离开球场时围上去起哄。
Customers mob the stores on sale days.在大减价的日子里顾客们纷纷涌入商店。
He was mobbed by his supporters.他被支持者围着欢呼。
The pickpocket was mobbed by angry women.扒手被愤怒的妇女们包围着。
The restaurant was mobbed by a large crowd.这家饭店遭到一大群人的袭击。Pmobbist暴徒Pmobbisha.暴徒似的暴乱的Pmobocrat支持暴民政治的人Pswell-mobsmann.绅士打扮的扒手Pmobsmann.暴民中的一成员打扮时髦的扒手







用作名词Themobrampaged through the village.这伙暴徒在村中横冲直撞。
The speaker was roughly handled by themob.演说者受到暴民的粗暴对待。
Amobof youths had been dogging me for some time.一段时间以来一伙年轻人一直在尾随着我。
More sinister is the involvement of the heavymob.更危险的是众多无知民众的卷入。用作及物动词Pop stars are always moaning about beingmobbedby their fans.流行歌星总是抱怨他们受到歌迷的包围。
The waiting newsmenmobbedforward.等候的记者们蜂拥向前。noun.large group of people
同义词 clan,crowd,flock,gang,horde,mass,riot,swarm,throng,troopassemblage,body,cabal,camp,cattle,circle,class,clique,collection,commonality,company,coterie,crew,crush,drove,gathering,herd,host,jam,lot,masses,multitude,pack,populace,posse,press,proletariat,rabble,riffraff,ring,scum,setcanaille
反义词 individual,singleverb.come upon by pushing;surround
同义词 jostle,swarmattack,cram,crowd,fill,hustle,jam,overrun,pack,riot,throngset upon
反义词 retreatavoid,ignore,leave alone,shun
Cosa Nostranoun the mafia
Black Hand,Mafia,gangdom,gangland,organized crime,organized crime family,rackets,syndicate,the Syndicate,the mob,the underworld,underworld
affiliationnoun association with an organization
alliance,amalgamation,banding together,bunch,cahoots,clan,coalition,combination,confederation,conjunction,connection,crew,crowd,gang,hookup,incorporation,joining,league,merging,mob,outfit,partnership,relationship,ring,syndicate,tie-in,union
affiliationsnoun association with an organization
alliances,amalgamations,banding togethers,bunches,cahoots,clans,coalitions,combinations,confederations,conjunctions,connections,crews,crowds,gangs,hookups,incorporations,joinings,leagues,mergings,mobs,outfits,partnerships,relationships,rings,syndicates,tie-ins,unions
armiesnoun group resembling military force
armed forces,artillery,battalions,batteries,brigades,cavalry,columns,commands,companies,corps,details,divisions,flights,formations,infantry,legions,outfits,patrol units,platoons,regiments,soldieries,soldiers,squads,troops,wings
armynoun group resembling military force
associationnoun group with common interest or pursuit
affiliation,alliance,band,bunch,circle,clan,clique,club,coalition,combination,combo,company,confederacy,confederation,congress,cooperative,corporation,crew,crowd,family,federation,fellowship,fraternity,gang,guild,hookup,league,mob,order,organization,outfit,partnership,pool,rat pack,ring,society,sodality,sorority,syndicate,tie up,tie-in,tribe,troops,troupe,union,zoo The RSS was temporarily banned after a Hindu mob tore down a mosque in1992 which lead to bloody religious riots.
1992年,在印度教暴徒拆掉一座清真寺而导致血腥的宗教骚乱后, RSS被暂时禁制了。 yeeyan

The mob’s behaviour might still be useful if it acted as a contrarian indicator.
如果将其作为一个反向指标,乌合之众的行为可能仍具有价值。 yeeyan

“ Compares badly to the mob” is not an endorsement.
“比暴徒还要差劲”,这样是不会被认可的。 yeeyan

An angry mob attacked the jail and shot both Smith and his brother to death.
有一个非常愤怒的暴徒袭击了监狱,并开枪打死了史密斯兄弟俩。 yeeyan

Another, he admits, is that when one of his predecessors cracked down on smuggling, a mob burnt down the police station.
他承认,另一个理由就是前任局长之一严厉打击走私,结果暴民竟然放火烧了警察局。 ecocn

Army units trying to block off the sprawling protest site came under attack by a mob tossing rocks, firecrackers and petrol bombs.
一群试图阻挡抗议阵营扩大的政府军遭到了一名投掷岩石、鞭炮与汽油弹的暴徒的袭击。 ecocn

As the mob surged, the police drew back.
由于暴徒激增,警察开始向后撤退。 ecocn

But it was the mob that helped do for her in the end.
但最后让她完蛋的,也正是这些乌合之众。 ecocn

Caught between the mob and the government they were charged with stabilizing, U. N. peacekeepers fired rubber bullets into the crowd.
夹在暴民和海地政府当中,联合国维和部队出于维护稳定的需要向人群中发射了橡胶子弹。 yeeyan

His two accomplices waded in to rescue their man but the mob engulfed them.
贼的两个同伙见状赶忙插手营救,但是暴民把他们仨都吞没了。 ecocn

It is a mob compacted of violent elements of the underworld.

Jacquard was nearly killed by an angry mob, and many of his looms were destroyed.
雅卡尔差一点被一名愤怒的暴徒杀害,他的很多织布机也遭到毁坏。 yeeyan

One collector did suffer property damage when members of the mob grabbed his boat and dragged it to Boston Common where they set it on fire.
有个收税员倒是的确蒙受了财物损失——有些共暴民抢了他的船,把船拉到波士顿公园放了把火烧掉。 yeeyan

She was last detained in2003, after a pro- government mob attacked her entourage and killed many of her followers during a tour of northern Myanmar.

The police managed to dissipate the mob in minutes.

The mob, he says, is good at organising and recruiting, though admittedly it no longer has the pool of talent it once had.
他指出,这帮暴徒善于组织和吸纳新人,尽管不可否认它已不再拥有像过去那样的人才库。 ecocn

Those who see them as part of the problem are like that mob in an episode of“The Simpsons” that reacts to a meteorite hitting the town by calling for the observatory to be burned down.
那些视数理专家如问题的一部分的人就像“辛普森”事件中的暴民一样对于陨石击中城镇的反应就是要求因该把天文台焚毁掉。 ecocn

Two days later in Auckland, a crazed mob rushed Bieber at the airport, knocked down his mother and stole his hat.
两天后在奥克兰机场,一名疯狂的暴徒冲向比伯,撞倒了他的妈妈,还偷走了他的帽子。 yeeyan

Victims of the internet mob still have a glimmer of hope.
由此可见网络暴徒的受害者们仍抱有一丝的希望。 ecocn




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