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词汇 arising
释义 a·rise 英ə'raɪz美ə'raɪz COCA¹⁴¹¹⁸BNC³⁴²⁶Economist¹⁷⁹⁰⁵⁺¹⁰
vi. & link v. 呈现,出现,发生

become evident; appear; originate

vi. 起身,起来,起立

get up or stand up

come into existence; take on form or shape;

A new religious movement originated in that country

a love that sprang up from friendship

the idea for the book grew out of a short story

An interesting phenomenon uprose

originate or come into being;

a question arose

rise to one's feet;

The audience got up and applauded

result or issue;

A slight unpleasantness arose from this discussion

move upward;

The fog lifted

The smoke arose from the forest fire

The mist uprose from the meadows

take part in a rebellion; renounce a former allegianceget up and out of bed;

I get up at 7 A.M. every day

They rose early

He uprose at night

arise, derive, emanate, originate, proceed, spring, stem




I think there's a storm arising gradually.我看风暴即将来临。
There's trouble arising gradually at the meeting.会上一场纠纷正在酿成。


All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice.任何理论都来源于实践,反过来为实践服务。
The style of architecture originated with the ancient Greek.这种建筑风格起源于古希腊。


The word derives from French.这个词来自法语。
English derives in the main from the common Germanic stock.英语主要源于日耳曼语族。


Can we emanate to the next question?我们能转入下一个问题吗?


His mistake proceeded from his ignorance of it.他的错误是出于他对那件事的无知。
Wrong opinions often proceed from lack of information.错误的看法往往产生于不了解情况。


We can stem great pleasure from our studies.我们可以从读书研究中获得极大的乐趣。
He stemmed his enthusiasm for literature from his father.他对文学的爱好是受他父亲的影响。arise from, originate from, result from


result from强调“结果”, arise from侧重“发生”, originate from侧重说明“来源出处”。例如:

The nation's troubles result from the government's stupidity.政府的愚蠢造成了国家的动荡不安。
Development arises from the contradictions inside a thing.事物的发展起因于内部的矛盾。
All theories originate from practice and in return serve practice.任何理论都来源于实践,反过来又为实践服务。arise,originate,result











用作动词 v.
~+介词arise against the ruler奋起反对统治者arise from起因于,由…得出,来自arise from one's seat从座位上站起来arise from want of rest因缺乏休息而引起arise out of carelessness起因于疏忽
arise from〔out of〕 v.+prep.

产生于,起因于result from

arise from〔out of〕 sth/wh-clauseAccidents often arise from carelessness.事故常起因于粗心。
Did anything interesting arise from the meeting?会上发生了什么有趣的事吗?Are there any matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting?上次会议记录方面有无尚待解决的事项?Emotional or mental problems can arise from a physical cause.身体上的原因可以引起情绪或精神上的问题。
Many difficulties arose from the water shortage.许多困难源于缺水。
Resentment against your work seems to arise from the fact that people don't understand it.人们对你作品的不满似乎是由于对它不理解所致。
Superstitions arise from ignorance.迷信源自无知。
Well-being arises from well-doing.幸福来自善行。
The country's present difficulties arise from the reduced value of its money.该国目前的困难起因于其货币的贬值。
The mischief arose from irresponsible gossip.这种不幸的事是因无聊的闲话而引起的。
Development arises from the contradictions inside a thing.事物的发展起因于它内部的矛盾。
The delay of the plan arose from the lack of money.计划不能如期实施是因为资金不足。
Problems arose out of the lack of communication.由于缺乏沟通而产生了问题。
The book arose out of his life in New York.这本书是他在纽约生活的写照。
The trust themselves arose out of competition.托拉斯本身就是从竞争中产生的。
We often meet with a difficulty arising out of the peculiar natural conditions.我们常常遇到由于特殊自然条件而产生的困难。
Let me pick up a few points arising out of what you've just been saying.让我从你刚才所说的一番话中提出几点来讨论。近义词 awakeoccurappearoriginate反义词 sit down坐下lie down躺下
S+~+AA mist arose.起雾了。
A strong wind arose.刮起一阵强风。
A new crisis has arisen.新危机已经出现。
A new difficulty has arisen.出现了新的困难。
A storm arose during the night.夜间暴风雨大作。
A wind arose after dusk.黄昏时,起风了。
A whole community now arose.一个完整的社区现已形成。
How did this quarrel arise?这场争吵是怎样产生的?
A huge wooden house arose in a circular clearing.一座巨大的木屋出现在一块圆形的空地上。
Two men of genius arose among them.他们中间出现了两个天才。
New problems arose imperceptibly.不知不觉地出现了一些新问题。
If any problems should arise,please let me know.如有问题发生,请通知我。
Any problems that arise will be dealt with by the principal.产生的任何问题将由校长负责处理。
Problems arose over plans to build a new supermarket here.有关在这儿建新超市的计划出现了些问题。
As her name comes up, many memories arise .一提起她的名字,许多往事历历在目。
If the need arise, phone for help.一旦需要,就打电话叫人。
Children should be disciplined when the need arises.必要时孩子应该受到管教。
We can have another meeting if the need arises.如果需要,我们可以再开一次会。
Could you work on Saturday, should the need arise?万一有必要,你可以在星期六工作吗?
The bank will extend your loan, should the need arise.如果出现这种需要,银行将延长你的贷款期。
He promised to help Rufus if the occasion arose.他答应在必要的时候帮助鲁弗斯。
If we want to consider how life arose we have to look back a further thousand million years.我们若是要考虑生命是如何形成的,就得再向前追溯数十亿年。
Several new industries arose in the town.城里出现了好几种新行业。
Should the opportunity arise, I'd love to go to China.如果有机会,我很想去中国。
We keep them informed of any changes as they arise.如有任何变化,我们随时通知他们。
Some confusion has arisen as a result of the new system.新系统引起了一些混乱。
When old contradictions are resolved,new contradictions arise.旧的矛盾解决了,新的矛盾又会产生。
He arose at dawn.他黎明即起。
He arose early in the morning.他早上很早起床。
He arose and walked to the window.他站起来,向窗户走去。
He arose and came close to her,then suddenly turned away with a wet eye.他站起身来,走到她跟前,然后,突然转过身去,两眼有些湿润。
Arise, arise; awake the snoring citizens with the bell.起来,起来,用钟声唤醒沉睡的公民们。
The peasants arose against their masters.农民奋起反对奴役他们的人。
The people arose against the ruler.人民起来反抗统治者。
More and more women today have learned to arise in defence of their legal rights.现在,越来越多的妇女学会起来保护她们的合法权利。S+~+to- vHe arose to greet her.他站起来迎接她。
Women arise to demand their rightful place.妇女群起争取她们的合法地位。
S+~+ adj.He formed a picture of his future that arose bright and colorful in his mind.他脑海中浮现出一幅光明灿烂的未来景象。


arise也可表示“从…站起来”,这是旧式用法; arise表示“起床”,是正式而又常用的用法; arise指一个团体或民族“站立起来”时,特指正当权力的取得或政治地位的提高。

arise还可表示“起因于,由…而产生”等意义,与from和out of搭配,表示因果关系。


arise常用于无形的东西,而rise常用于有形的东西。Jane's anger arises from the misbehaviour of her children.愤怒是无形的。

The sun rises in the east.太阳是有形的。

arise是指“上升,出现或发生”等义,而rise是指“上升,升高”,有时也可用于无形的东西上。Prices keep rising.价格持续上升。

My hopes are rising.我的希望更大了。
用作不及物动词An opportunity hasarisen.机会来了。
Tell our comrades to keep calm when problemsarise.告诉同志们遇事要沉着。
Notice what emotionsarisewithin you.注意到在你内心升起的情绪。
Whatever it is, let itariseand look at it mindfully.无论是什么,让它升起,觉知的观察它。
The times of cleansing shall be due to many diseases that willariseas the temperature of Earth continues to rise due to her global ascension.净化时代将是由于许多疾病的缘故,这些疾病将由于是地球气温因全球提升而上升的情况而出现。
Accidents oftenarisefrom carelessness.事故往往起因于粗心。
Various new problems mayarisein future.将来可能会出现种种新问题。
The problem may notarise, but there's no harm in keeping our powder dry.问题不一定会发生,但有备无患并无害处。
We mustariseto a newness of life.我们必须从新生中起来。
Arise, LORD, come to your resting place, you and your majestic ark.上主,请你和你威严的约柜,起来驾临到你安息的地宅。adj.rising;waking
同义词 ascending,climbing,mounting,moving up,rising,soaringawakening,waking,waking upascendant,assurgentadj.coming into being;resulting from
同义词 appearing,deriving,emanating,emerging,ensuing,flowing,following,issuing,originating,proceeding,resulting,springing,stemming
awakeningnoun making conscious or alert
activation,animating,arousalawakingbirth,enlivening,incitement,kindling,provocation,rebirth,renewal,revival,rousing,stimulation,stirring up,vivication,waking,waking up
emanationnoun emergence, discharge
originatingadjective beginning
wakingadjective wakeful
alert,arising,awake,conscious,getting up,rising,stirring,wakened Merriam-Webster’s dictionary defines love as, “ strong affection for another arising out of kinship or personal ties, ” and defines lust as, “ an intense longing”.
韦氏词典是如此定义“爱”的:因为血缘关系或者个人关系而对另外一人所产生的强烈情感。 对“欲望”的定义则是:一种强烈的渴望。 yeeyan

Neither Party shall have the right to transfer rights and obligations arising under this Contract to third parties without the prior written approval of the other Party.

Ambient computing is concerned with issues of interface design and interaction arising from ubiquitous computingUbicomp environments.
环境计算主要是关注在普遍的计算环境中出现的界面和交互问题。 infoq

His next book is on philosophical questions arising out of human evolution.
他的下一本书是关于人类进化引起的哲学问题。 yeeyan

It also stipulated that in the event of an individual state making same-sex marriage lawful, no other state needed to respect the rights or claims arising from such a marriage.
同时它还规定,万一个别州承认同性婚姻合法性,其他各州也不必对此类婚姻所产生的权利和要求予以尊重。 ecocn

Michael Ruse teaches the history and philosophy of science at Florida State University. His next book is on philosophical questions arising out of human evolution.
迈克尔鲁斯在弗罗里达州大学教历史和科学哲学。他的下一本书是关于人类进化引起的哲学问题。 yeeyan

Over the next five or six years, he went through notebook after notebook, including one in which he began to pose metaphysical questions arising from his research.
五六年过去,他用完了一个又一个笔记本,其中在一个笔记中他开始提出从其研究中出现的一些形而上学问题。 ecocn

The Dutch Food Safety Authority said they are still trying to identify the strain, but said there have been no immediate reports of serious illness arising from it.
荷兰食品安全局称,他们还在检测这种细菌,但是没有关于由细菌引起的严重疾病的及时报道。 hxen

The researchers hope to provide a definitive answer to the question of whether out- of- body phenomena are real, or merely hallucinations arising in oxygen-deprived brains.
研究人员希望能提供有关体外经历是否确实存在这个问题的明确答案,或者它仅仅只是大脑缺氧所引起的幻觉。 yeeyan

The car will be guided by a differential GPS system that corrects errors arising in global positioning satellite signals as they travel through the ionosphere and troposphere.
这款车将遵循差分式全球定位系统以纠正它在电离层和对流层行驶中全球定位卫星信号引起的误差。 yeeyan

Tory backbenchers have urged David Cameron to take the opportunity of any treaty changes arising from the crisis to repatriate powers from Brussels to Westminster.
托利后座议员曾要求大卫卡梅隆抓住因为这次危机引起的任何条约改变的计划,让权力从布鲁塞尔回到威斯敏斯特。 yeeyan

Trade surpluses and deficits derive from mispriced currencies arising from government manipulation.
贸易顺差和逆差源于政府操纵引起的货币价格扭曲。 yeeyan

We describe the global burden of disease arising in young people and the contribution of risk factors to that burden.
我们要说明的正是青少年的疾病正在增加并对全球健康状况产生影响。 yeeyan

We ought to clear up problems arising from the old contract.
我们应该清理一下老合同中出现的问题。 hxen

What made this interdependence distinctive was not that it was totally new— but that the scale and speed of the potential conflict arising from interdependence were so enormous.
让这个相互依存与众不同的原因并不是因为它是全新的,而是由于相互依存而引起的潜在冲突的规模和速度是巨大的。 yeeyan

You will hold up the responsibility for all the serious consequences arising therefrom.




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