

单词 MMX
释义 MMX tuːˈθaʊzn̩dten COCA⁷⁶⁵⁵⁹
In the most complex and most pivotal matching stage, new matching algorithms based on MMX technology are presented for parallel and real-time matching.
针对指纹识别中计算最复杂、最关键的匹配部分,本文给出了一种基于 MMX技术的检索与匹配算法实现并行实时匹配。 http://dict.cnki.net

The concept and features of MMX technology are presented.
首先,介绍了 MMX技术的概念和特点; chemyq

The implementation of MPEG-4 video codec based on wireless MMX technology is discussed.
针对无线视频通信的应用,研究了采用无线 MMX来实现 MPEG-4视频编解码的技术; cnki

The main goal of MMX was to create a public space for art which is not usually shown in commercial galleries.
MMX艺术空间的主要目标是建立一个为艺术而不是通常在商业画廊展示的公共空间。 organhaus.org

A novel sampled data software demodulation solution for biomedical signal acquisition based on Multimedia Extensions MMX technology is introduced in this paper.
一种基于多媒体增强指令集 MMX技术的生物医学信号采样数据软件解调方案。 chemyq

By making full advantage of MMX technology, most optimization efforts are emphasized on these two modules.
提出了基于MMX技术的优化方法,并对这两个模块进行了重点优化。 cnki

During implementation, MMX assemble commands are used to optimize the key parts of the algorithm which can also improve the system performance.
具体实现工作中对算法的关键部分用MMX汇编指令进行了优化,从而在整体上优化了系统性能。 cnki

In this method, based on HIS color model, quick image processing is achieved by using of MMX and SSE instructions as well as parallel processing algorithm.
该方法基于 HIS颜色模型,利用 MMX指令和 SSE指令,采用并行处理算法实现图像的快速处理; cnki

It even emulates optional graphics instructions like the MMX and3DNow.
它甚至还可以对一些可选的图形指令进行仿真,例如 MMX和3DNow。 ibm

Only for CPUs with support for MMX MultiMedia eXperience instructions.
只适用于与 MMX公司多媒体体验指令的 CPU支持。 pb86

Optimization is performed in memory structure, C code and MMX.
主要从内存结构、 C代码和 MMX三个方面进行优化。 boshuo

PC or workstation-based computer vision system is becoming more popular in practical fields with development of computer such as PCI and MMX.
伴随 PCI总线及 MMX技术的出现,基于 PC或工作站的计算机视觉系统的实用领域日益扩大。 ilib

The operand is either an MMX technology register or a memory address.
操作数可以是一个 MMX技术注册或一个内存地址。10010s

Then, an algorithm with regular array based on MMX technology is advanced.
进而给出了基于 MMX技术的有序排列检索算法。 iciba

This paper analyzes the structure of following loop and SIMD instructs and coherent integration accumulation operation quantity, and uses Multi Media eXtension MMX order set to optimize the pipeline.
分析跟踪环路结构、 SIMD指令与相干积分累加运算量,使用多媒体扩展指令集对流水线进行优化。 ecice06

With the rapid improvement of the MMX PC performance, people have gradually used PC in digital audio real time processing.
随着个人多媒体计算机性能的飞速提高,人们逐渐开始利用个人计算机进行数字音频的实时处理。 cnki

MMX and AMI methods were employed to calculate heat of formation of hypericin HYP in the process of structure change.
用MMX和 AMI方法对金丝桃蒽酮 HYP结构变化过程的生成热进行了计算。 dictall




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