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词汇 mmorpgs
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As with all MMORPGs, the feature set of Star Wars Galaxies is subject to change.
和所有的 MMORPG一样,《星球大战:银河》的主体设定易变。 starwarschina

The developers want World of Warcraft to offer greater flexibility than most MMORPGs, and the quest system is one facet of that plan.
开发者希望魔兽世界能够提供比众多的 MMORPG更大的灵活性,任务系统是这个计划的一部分。 ngacn

The exact price is not known, but it will be around the same price as all the other MMORPGs.
准确的价格尚未得知,但是应该和其他网络游戏大概差不多。 ngacn

The WOW world is fun and inviting and after just playing for an hour had brought back that fresh feeling of exploration and excitement that has been missing from MMORPGs for a long time now.
魔兽世界是如此的有趣以至于我仅仅是玩了一个小时就感觉到我在在线游戏中已经很久没有感觉到的清新的感觉和探索的乐趣。 ngacn

As in most MMORPGs, there are classes of characters and creature types to choose from: human, dwarf, orc and troll avatars.
和大多数多人在线角色扮演游戏一样,这里可以选择角色的类别和生物种族:人族,矮人族,半兽人,巨魔战将。 yeeyan

Every day, millions of users interact, collaborate, and form relationships with each other through avatars in online environments known as Massively Multi-User Online Role- Playing Games MMORPGs.

In current MMORPGs, the difficulty of instanced dungeons varies with the playing levels of the characters, but the look, style, and feel of the dungeons does not vary greatly.
当前的 MMORPG中,地下城副本的难度随着人物的等级而变,但地下城的外貌、风格和感觉却变化不大。 ngacn

It will be a very different experience from normal MMORPGS.
这是很难从其他普通的 MMORPG游戏所能体验到的。52pk

Long nights playing MMORPGs or studying for final exams won’t help you meet people face to face.
漫漫长夜玩角色扮演在线游戏,或者是为期末考试挑灯夜战,这些并不会让你面对面的与人交流体验。 yeeyan

One of the fundamental philosophies we have had throughout the development of World of Warcraft is to remove overly frustrating elements from other MMORPGs and make the game FUN.
我们在开发魔兽世界过程中的一个基本理念就是除去其他 MMORPG中产生过度挫折感的元素,使得游戏充满乐趣。 ngacn

Questing is a large part of most MMORPGs, but especially in Dark and Light.
任务系统是大部分 MMORPG游戏的重要组成部分,但是黑暗与光明中的任务系统更特别。 xlmagic

Sheldon is the person to see when questing in MMORPGs, such as Age of Conan.
游走于网游角色扮演的虚拟世界,在柯南时代兴许你会见到一个叫“谢耳朵”的人。 yeeyan

These players play MMORPGs, killing monsters and earning gold pieces. They sell the virtual gold pieces to Westerners, who pay for them with real money.
雇佣年轻人为他们打游戏金币,这些人1天工作12小时,打出的金币都卖给西方人。 wnwow

Typically, MMORPGs, even the great ones, only offer the most generic type quests, in completely generic environments.
通常情况下,甚至是一些最好的 MMORPG,在完全普通的环境下,只提供最普通的任务种类。 ngacn

Unlike other MMORPGs the crafting system in DnL is complex with many factors playing a part in the final quality of the item.
和其他 MMORPG不一样的是,黑暗与光明游戏中的打造系统有着许多复杂的因素,直接影响到了最终物品的质量。10zj

Unlike other MMORPGs, it is noticeable that Herrcot “ BLADE” engine offers much more detailed and enhanced visible range.
与其他 MMORPG游戏不同,值得注意的是“ BLADE”引擎提供了更多画面细节、并且能手动调节可视范围。1t1t

Usually MMORPGs like World of Warcraft have a monthly subscription fee, on top wow gold of the initial fee required to purchase the game client.
通常 MMORPG游戏有像魔兽世界每月订阅费,上面哇所需购买游戏客户端的初始费用金牌。




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