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词汇 miyagi
释义 miyagi
n.宫城在日本;东经 128º10' 北纬 26º37'
So Mr. Miyagi was going to teach Karate to Daniel so he could defend himself against anyone.宫城先生要教丹尼空手道,好叫他不再挨揍。
There was giant earthquake in the water off of Miyagi Pref. Over 50 has injured.报道,宫城县中冲发生大地震。五十个人以上受伤了。
Miyagi surrounded by 12 meters high, long wall of 3400 meters, in the form of a rectangular city, outside the wall, 52 meters wide moat surrounded by a fortified castle barriers.宫城周围环绕着高12米,长3400米的宫墙,形式为一长方形城池,墙外有52米宽的护城河环绕,形成一个森严壁垒的城堡。
From all over Japan, including Miyagi Prefecture, Chiba Prefecture, Ishikawa Prefecture, and other companies a total of 10 people took part in the classes.来自日本各地,包括宫城县、千叶县、石川县等共10家厂商派人参加了学习班。




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