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词汇 Aries
释义 Ar·ies 英ˈeəriːz, ˈeəriːˌiːz美ˈɛriz, ˈɛriˌizAHDârʹēz, ârʹē-ēz' ★★☆☆☆高

astrology a person who is born while the sun is in Ariesa small zodiacal constellation in the northern hemisphere; between Pisces and Taurusthe first sign of the zodiac which the sun enters at the vernal equinox; the sun is in this sign from about March 21 to April 19直接来自拉丁语,本意是“未阉割的公羊”。希腊神话中,希腊玻俄提亚国有位王子,受到后母的陷害,被国王送上祭坛准备献祭给神。神使赫尔墨斯听到王子生母的请求,降下一只长着金羊毛和翅膀的白色公羊,让王子的姐姐骑着公羊,从弟弟从祭坛救走。公羊载着姐弟俩越过大陆和海洋,朝远方飞去。姐姐在途中不幸坠落身亡。弟弟坐着公羊顺利抵达黑海边的科尔喀斯,娶了当地国王的女儿为妻。王子为了感激,将公羊献给众神之王宙斯,将金羊毛献给科尔喀斯的国王。宙斯将山羊升上天空,使其成为白羊座,在拉丁语中被称为Aries。近义词 ram公羊

用作名词Ariesbuys the first thing that catches their eye.白羊座总是购买一眼就看上的东西。
That's just because he's anAries.因为他是白羊座的嘛。
One fresco represented Iris on a solar barque with the signs of the zodiac,Ariesand Taurus.在壁画里,艾里斯在一艘由黄道十二宫标记的太阳船上,是白羊宫和金牛宫。
With Venus, Mercury, the new moon, and the Sun inAries, it would cast you in the role of pathfinder and allow you to explore a whole realm new to you.因为金星,水星,新月以及太阳都将聚在白羊宫,使得你将在新职位上扮演探索者的角色并且将探索出属于你自己的新天地。as in.sign of the zodiac
同义词 Aquarius,Cancer,Capricorn,Gemini,Libra,Pisces,Sagittarius,Scorpio,Taurus,Virgo,horoscope sign,leo,zodiac sign
sign of the zodiacnoun astrological sign
Aquarius,Cancer,Capricorn,Gemini,Libra,Pisces,Sagittarius,Scorpio,Taurus,Virgo,horoscope sign,leo,zodiac sign The constant outflow of energy from egotistical Aries masks a sense of insecurity, which has its roots in a lack of self- esteem.
实际上,白羊座经常外露的自负行为下隐藏着一种不安全感,这根源于她们缺乏自我尊重的意识。 kekenet

The externalising of demons enables them to be conquered, but Aries is usually unable to formulate the problem.
白羊座有着外在过人的精力很难被征服,但是他们通常无法理性地认识这个问题。 kekenet

The Aries driving force compels those born under its influence to become the leading light in any co- operative venture.

The Aries Full Moon on October22nd is a rare consecutive Full Moon in your sign.
白羊座10月22日的满月是你的星座里罕见的连续满月。 yeeyan

The Aries mothers are born active, and therefore it makes great sense to present them something like membership of gym or billiards club etc.
白羊座的母亲天生精力旺盛,送给她们诸如健身或台球会员卡会是不错的选择。 kekenet

According to astrology signs compatibility, Leo is compatible with Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius.
根据星座配对,和狮子男较为适合的星座有分别有白羊座,双子座,天秤座以及射手座。 yeeyan

Astronomical objects generally don't live up to their names, with constellations like Taurus or Aries bearing little resemblance to a bull or ram.
天体通常“名不副实”,比如,金牛座或白羊座几乎丝毫都不像小公牛或小公羊。 yeeyan

Consider what was happening around the time of the previous Aries Full Moon, on September23rd.
想想白羊座上一次满月,9月23日左右所发生的事。 yeeyan

GEMINI& ARIES: This is one of your best matches.
双子座和白羊座:这是你的最佳搭档之一。 kekenet

If you remap the zodiac using Earth's current position, you get a different telling of who's an Aries, Leo, and so on-- including a newish sign called Ophiuchus.
如果你用地球当前的位置重新映射星座,如果你是白羊座,狮子座,或其他的,你可能得到不同的回答。包括一个新的星座叫做天鹰座。 yeeyan

LIBRA& ARIES: Shooting stars in the bedroom. Tension, however, at a mental level.
天秤座和白羊座:在卧室里妙不可言,但精神方面充满压力。 kekenet

Libran is best compatible with Aquarius and Gemini and least with Aries, Cancer and Capricorn.
最能与天秤和谐相处的星座是双子和水瓶,其次是白羊座、巨蟹座和摩羯座。 yeeyan

Mars and Venus, both in Aries, is an ideal situation, for when together these two can truly spark the stirrings of love.
火星和金星都在白羊座,这是个理想状态,两者的结合会点燃爱的火花。 hjenglish

Not only do you have Mars in Aries, but you have sensuous Venus in Aries too, and that will be true all month.
这一整个月里,不仅火星落于白羊座,掌管感官的金星也是。 hjenglish

Pisces lies between Aries and Aquarius in the northern skies.
双鱼位于北方天空中白羊座和宝瓶座之间。 kekenet

So in a relationship, Aries, the child of the zodiac, is the motivator and wants to be the controller.
所以黄道带中的孩子——白羊座,在一个关系圈中往往是活跃分子,并想成为其中的主导者。 kekenet

TAURUS& ARIES: This union is better as a hot passionate affair.
金牛座和白羊座:这个组合作为一段热情激烈的婚外情会更好。 kekenet

When your Aries dad is poking fun or picking a fight with you, believe it or not, he is saying that he loves you.
白羊座父亲:信不信由你,当白羊座的父亲用严厉的语言来指责你的时候,实际上他是想说他爱你。 ebigear

With Mars in Aries, and Venus in Aries too, you have the classic aspect for drawing love to you.
火星处在白羊座,金星也是,它们会给你带来爱情。 hjenglish

Aries lover is burning with sexual energy and likes to be in charge.
白羊座在性方面能力十足,而且喜欢主导。 yeeyan

Aries lover has no patience and sensitivity and this may be the reason for the most of the relationships to turn sour.
白羊座的爱人往往没有耐心,不够敏感,这也许是众多白羊座的爱情变质的原因。 yeeyan

Aries loves to experiment and to take things to the limit, so, roll over Kama Sutra, the Aries lover is writing it all from scratch!
白羊座喜欢尝试和走极端,因此,当翻阅印度爱经时,白羊座的爱人们可能正在奋笔从头写起。 yeeyan




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