

单词 mixed
释义 mixed 英mɪkst美mɪkstAHDmĭkst ★★★☆☆高牛COCA⁵⁴⁶⁴BNC⁴³²⁷iWeb⁴⁶⁶⁹Economist²³⁰⁴
consisting of a haphazard assortment of different kinds;

an arrangement of assorted spring flowers

assorted sizes

miscellaneous accessories

a mixed program of baroque and contemporary music

a motley crew

sundry sciences commonly known as social

involving or composed of different races;

interracial schools

a mixed neighborhood

mixed bag杂集mixed doubles男女混合双打…mixed economy混合经济mixed blessing好坏掺半之事…mixed grill烤杂排mixed media混合画法mixed farming多种经营mixed-up头脑不清楚的…mixed metaphor混合隐喻 The s…mix混合mixed ability混合能力mixed drink调好的饮料mixed vaccine混合疫苗,混合菌疫苗…mixed firing混合燃烧mixed crystal混晶,混合晶,混合晶…mixed flow混合流动…mixed climbing混合作业的攀登…mixed marriage混合婚姻mixed paint调和漆mixed construction混合结构
mix-ed如|被…的⇒adj.混合的⁷²;男女混合的mix的过去式和过去分词.adj.男女混合的⁷²;人员混杂的;混杂的;掺杂的;繁杂的;头脑混乱的;各种族混合的;由不同种族的人组成的;掺杂在一起的;混淆的;混成的;各式各样的;形形色色的;各阶层混合成的;男女同校的;喝醉了的_null.mix的过去式和过去分词近义词 motley杂色的hybrid混合物complex复杂的diverse不同的blended混合的compound化合物sundry各种各样的varied各种各样的variegated杂色的integrated综合的promiscuous杂乱的assorted各种各样的diversified多样化的international国际的multiracial多民族的multinational多国的cosmopolitan世界性的unsegregated未分离的miscellaneous多方面的interracial不同种族间的…mingled动词mingle的过去式…multicultural融合或具有多种文化的…反义词 pure纯的unmixed未混杂他物的…

用作形容词He had somemixedpickles and rice for supper.他晚饭吃了一些什锦泡菜和米饭。
Is this garment made of pure wool, or of woolmixedwith nylon?这件衣服是纯羊毛的,还是羊毛与尼龙混纺的 ?
There is amixeddoubles this afternoon.今天下午有一场男女混合双打比赛。
His explanationmixedme up even more.他的解释使我更糊涂了。
I havemixedpigment with oil.我已经把颜料和油混合起来了。
The workersmixedthe asphalt with sand and gravel together.工人们把沥青和沙子、石块混合在一起。
She put the sugar into the coffee andmixedthem up with a spoon.她把糖放进咖啡里,用勺子把它们混合起来。adj.assorted, combined
同义词 blended,different,diverse,variedalloyed,amalgamated,assimilated,assorted,brewed,compound,conglomerate,crossbred,crossed,disordered,diversified,embodied,fused,hybridized,incorporated,infused,interbred,jointkneadedmarried,merged,mingled,motley,tiedtransfusedunited,wovencomposite,heterogeneous,hybrid,interdenominational,miscellaneous,mongrel,multifarious
反义词 alike,like,same,similar,uniform,separate,singlelone,singular,ummixed,uncombined
adulteratedadjective debased or dirty
attenuated,blended,contaminated,corrupt,defiled,degraded,depreciated,deteriorated,devalued,diluted,dissolved,impaired,polluted,tainted,thinned,vitiated,watered down,weakened
aggregateadjective forming a collection from separate parts
alloyedadjective impure
ambivalentadjective conflicting
assortedadjective various
bastardadjective illegitimate
adulterated,baseborn,counterfeit,fake,false,imperfect,impure,inferior,irregular,misbegotten,misborn,mixed,mongrel,natural,phony,sham,spurious,suppositious,ungenuine The food does not have to be mixed with water, which in many countries may be dirty.
在一些卫生状况恶劣的国家这种食品不需要与水混合就可以食用。 hjenglish

The length of roasting depends on the type and size of the beans, to form cocoa, which is mixed with sugar and fats to form chocolate.
烘焙的时间取决于豆子的种类与大小,之后便制作出了可可,再与糖和脂肪的混合之后便有了巧克力的‘诞生’。 zxxk

Again, I recommend that you do not run mixed version cells.
我再次建议您不要运行混合版本单元。 ibm

And, again, this does not mean that mixed versions cells don't work they do, or that you will not be supported if you choose to do so you will.
并再次说明,这并不意味着混合版本单元无法工作它们可以工作,或者不支持您这样做允许这样做。 ibm

But the hardest part comes when they have to be mixed.
但是当混合使用这些工具时,最困难的问题就出现了。 ibm

But the church is also this mixed group.

First, meat and vegetables are mixed together.
首先,把蔬菜和肉混合在一起。 edu.sina.com.cn

Ideally I think should have some of each mixed in, in good proportions.
理想的情况下,我认为两者应当相互混合——以一个合适的比例。 yeeyan

If it's mixed with something else, right?

In this article, we followed a mixed approach.
在本文中,我们采用的是混合方法。 ibm

It was a long day in the sun. The fumes of spray paint came in waves, mixed with the smell of saltwater from the bay.
这是一个漫长的夏日,烈日当头,涂鸦喷漆的烟雾弥散在热浪中,与从海湾飘来的大海气息混合在一处。 yeeyan

Many races are mixed in Hawaii.

No, no, you're all mixed up.

One is that you could send a number mixed in with the strings to see what happens.
一种情况是可以发送一个混有数字的字符串来查看会发生什么情况。 ibm

Others are products of mixed marriages.
其他人是混合婚姻的产物。 ecocn

So at that time I started to listen and research the elements of Hakka modern songs and the eight tones and a mixed rhythm.
所以在那个时候我开始倾听和研究客家现代歌曲的元素和客家八音,以及将二者混合在一起的旋律。 hxen

Specify a constraining rule on the text in an element with mixed content.
在具有混合内容的元素的文本中指定一个约束规则。 ibm

The teacher often mixed me up with another boy of the same family name.

This is the significance of mixed metaphors.
这里是混合比喻的重要性。 yeeyan

This means that you can practice mixed modeling in an iterative development process.
这就是说您能够在一个迭代开发过程中实行混合的建模。 ibm

This means all methods defined in the class itself, its superclasses, and any mixed in modules.
这意味着所有方法都定义在类本身、父类以及混合在模块中。 infoq

This technique improves the formatting of the output message in circumstances where mixed content contains white spaces.
在混合内容包含空白的情况下,这种技术可以改进输出消息的格式。 ibm

When mixed with sulfur, phosphorus, and the kind of heat you get from, say, friction, it's very unstable.
当与硫磺、磷、你从某处获得的某种热量比如说摩擦力混合时,它就变得很不稳定。 yeeyan

Yet the evidence for this is mixed.
然而此观点的证明是混杂的。 ecocn




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