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词汇 mix
释义 mix. mɪks

vt. & vi. 混合,搅和

combine so that the parts no longer have a separate shape, appearance, etc.

vt. & vi. 使结交,使交往

cause to associate with


mixture or combination of things or people


mixture of ingredients sold for making kinds of food, etc.

a commercially prepared mixture of dry ingredientsan event that combines things in a mixture;

a gradual mixture of cultures

the act of mixing together;

paste made by a mix of flour and water

the mixing of sound channels in the recording studio

mix together different elements;

The colors blend well

open a place to members of all races and ethnic groups;

This school is completely desegregated

combine electronic signals;

mixing sounds

add as an additional element or part;

mix water into the drink

to bring or combine together or with something else;

resourcefully he mingled music and dance

mix so as to make a random order or arrangement;

shuffle the cards


❌ Don't mix this problem with that one.

✔️ Don't mix up this problem with that one.

mix sth with sth 表示“把…和…混在一起”。如果表示“把…和…搞混淆”,应该说mix up sth with sth 或confuse sth with sth。mix up with是mix with的强势语。


❌ I was mixed up with happiness and sorrow.

✔️ I had mixed feelings of happiness and sorrow.

get〔be〕 mixed up是“混淆,搞糊涂”,或是与某人或某事“有牵连”的意思。“悲喜交加”可译作mix feelings of happiness and sorrow。


❌ I always mix the tenses of verbs together.

✔️ I always mix up the tenses of verbs.

“混淆,搞不清楚”的英语是mix up,而不是mix sth together。

mix, blend, confound, merge, mingle

这组词均表示“混合”的意思。其区别在于:merge强调混合的结果不能区别原来各要素,已成为另外一新体; blend强调融合或混合在一起的不同物质的原有特性已消失,含有在混合的过程中需要技巧、知识和明确的目的之意,可用于各种物质,但多用于流体或气体的混合; confound指由于概念不清而将不同的事物混在一起; mingle是指两种不同的东西或不同身份的人混合在一起,尽管本质未改变,外表上已难以识别; mix指混合的结果,其性质合而为一,原来的各要素有时仍可识别。


Oil and water do not mix.

Oil does not mix with water.油和水不能混合。

You cannot mix oil and water.

You cannot mix oil with water.你不能把油和水混合在一起。mix,mingle,blend,combine,merge







来源于拉丁语动词misceo, miscere, miscui, mixt.us混合,结合的过去分词词干-mixt-。
用作动词 v.
~+名词mix a cake调配原料制成蛋糕mix cocktails调制鸡尾酒mix flour and water把面粉和水拌和mix medicine配药mix mortar拌和砂浆mix one's drinks调配饮料mix plaster和灰泥mix wine and water把葡萄酒和水掺和起来~+副词mix little很少交往mix well相处得很好mix carefully仔细地搅拌mix confusingly乱调mix curiously严重地混淆mix determinedly果断地结交mix discreetly慎交mix easily易于相处mix experimentally根据实验调配mix freely自由交往mix inextricably复杂地混合mix intimately亲密地交往mix marvelously极好地配制mix oddly奇怪地混淆mix thoroughly完全混合mix in加入,牵涉进去,卷入,参与mix up搅匀,拌和,混淆,搞糊涂mix up in卷入,牵连进去mix up with分不清,与某人混在一起~+介词mix much in society社会交际甚广mix the flour and water into a smooth paste把面粉和水调成细腻的糨糊mix a little soda into the flour在这面粉中掺进一点苏打水mix the yeast into the flour把鲜酵母掺进面粉mix the cotton into wool在羊毛中掺进棉花mix with与…混合,与…交往mix work with adequate rest劳逸结合mix sugar with flour把糖和面粉调和在一起mix with foreigners与外国人交往mix joy with sorrow悲喜交加mix the boys with the girls in a school男女同校mix much with the natives与本地人交往甚多mix black with white混淆黑白mix water with wine在酒中掺水用作名词 n.动词+~shake mix摇匀混合物spill mix泼混合物stir mix搅拌混合物形容词+~packaged mix包装好的食物配料right mix配套的设施strange mix奇特的混合
mix in v.+adv.

能与别人友好相处 be able to have a friendly social relationship with others

mix in sthAfter you have beaten the eggs, mix in the flour gradually.将蛋打好后慢慢地掺入面粉。mix inRose has never liked parties, as she doesn't mix in easily.露丝从不喜欢聚会,因为她不善与人交往。
She is very difficult to mix in.她很难相处。mix in sb/sthHe mixes well in any company.他和什么人都合得来。
They used to mix in society.他们以前常出入社交界。
mix into v.+prep.

把…混〔掺〕入… put (sth into sth by mixing)

mix sth into sthMix some salt into the flour.在面粉里掺些盐。
mix up v.+adv.

把某人搞糊涂; 分不清 make (sb confused about sth; confuse or muddle different sb/sth)

mix up in v.+adv.+prep.

卷入,牵连进去 involve; implicate

mix sb up in sthDon't mix me up in your affairs.你别把我牵扯到你们那件事里去。
He was mixed up in the conspiracy.他参与了那次阴谋。
Don't get mixed up in dispute.不要卷入纠纷中。
Don't get mixed up in other people's quarrels.不要卷入别人的争吵。
I wonder how he got mixed up in the case.我不明白他是怎样卷入那个案件的。
Don't get mixed up in their secret action.别参与他们的秘密行动。
It is a lie to say that one won't get mixed up in politics.说一个人可以不参与政治实属谎言。
mix up with v.+adv.+prep.

与某人混在一起 have a relationship with (sb often undesirable)

mix with v.+prep.

与某人交往,在人群中周旋 have a relationship with (sb; move among people, speaking to many)

mix with sthThis paint mixes easily with water.这种颜料容易与水混合。
Jack's plaid shirt didn't mix well with his striped trousers.杰克的方格衬衫与条纹长裤不相配。mix sth with sthWe can sometimes mix business with pleasure.有时候我们能把工作和享乐结合在一起。
Mix the eggs with the flour.把蛋和面粉搅拌起来。
The paint has to be mixed with oil.这颜料得用油调和。mix with sbDo the boys mix with the girls in your class?你们班男女生之间有来往吗?
Good parents never allow their children to mix with bad elements.好父母绝不允许自己的孩子和坏人来往。
Tell them not to mix with doubtful company.让他们不要和不三不四的人来往。
In my job,I mix with all sorts of people.在我的工作中,我与各种人打交道。故事记忆老克最爱吹 Sax撒克斯赚钱要先交 Tax税太太把头发 Fix整理香水和头油 Mix混合向全世界发 Fax传真发传真宣传老克纳税光荣。故事记忆老克最爱吹 Sax撒克斯赚钱要先交 Tax税太太把头发 Fix整理香水和头油 Mix混合向全世界发 Fax传真非常记忆mi米〖拼音〗+x剪刀〖编码〗⇒在那袋米中混合了一把剪刀小学英语速记联想记忆:电视机的各种线路mix混合在一起很难fix修理近义词 minglecombinev. blend反义词 separatev. divide
S+~+AHe was preparing fodder, chopping finely and mixing thoroughly.他在准备饲料,把它切碎,拌好。
Some chemicals do not mix.有些化学药品不相混合。
The two colours don't mix well.这两种颜色不好调匀。
She doesn't mix well.她不善与人相处。
People from different classes used to mix very little.不同阶层的人过去很少交往。
S+~+ n./pron.She mixed egg, meat and spice.她把蛋、肉和香料搅在一起。
The painter was busy mixing his colours.画家在忙着调颜色。
I've mixed my Chinese books and my English books.我把中文书和英文书混在一起了。
Many women successfully mix marriage and career.许多女人能成功地将婚姻和事业结合起来。
You can mix blue and yellow paint to make green.你可以把蓝色和黄色油漆混合成绿色。
The price tags on these commodities are mixed.这些商品的价格标签搞混了。
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.I'm going to mix you a drink.我去给你配点饮料喝。
He mixed his guests a salad.他为客人拌了一盘色拉。S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.The doctor is mixing some medicine for me.大夫正给我配一些药。
She mixed a nice drink for me.她给我调了一杯不错的饮料。
Her husband mixed the colour for her.她的丈夫给她调色。用作名词n.His first reaction was a strange mix of joy and anger.他的第一反应很奇怪,高兴和愤怒掺杂在一起。
The talk was conducted in a mix of English,French and German.会谈是用英语、法语和德语混杂着进行的。
His art is a mix of many styles.他的艺术是许多种风格混合的产物。
Air is a mix of gases.空气是几种气体的混合物。
Shake the mix well before taking.服用合剂前,请先摇匀。
Take great care not to spill the mix.小心,别把合剂泼出来。
Cake is made from a packaged mix.糕点是由包装好的混合材料制成的。
I'm in a mix.我被弄得稀里糊涂。
It's a question of getting the right mix of policies to appeal to the electorate.问题是要有能投合选民心意的一整套相配得当的政策。
There was a strange mix of people at the party.聚会上有一群奇特的人物。Pbackmixing返混Ppremixer预混合器Nautamixer诺塔混合器; Ptest-mixer试验混合器Pvibromixer振动混合器Pmixer-settler混合澄清槽Pbackimixing逆向混合回混反混Pturbulizer-backmixer涡流-回混器Pmini-mixer-settler微型混合澄清槽Pmixer-settlers混合澄清器混合沉降器Premixvt.使再混合再搅拌重新合成n.混录版歌曲Pmixern.混合者混合器搅拌机搅拌器混频器交际家与人相处的人




mix用作不及物动词时,常与in, with等连用,与in连用时,考虑的是集体; 与with连用时,考虑的是单个成员。



用作动词You can'tmixoil with water.你不能把油和水混合。
If youmixblue with yellow, you'll get green.蓝色和黄色混合在一起就成了绿色。
For better flavor, you canmixan egg into the batter.要想口味更好,你可以在面糊中加进一个鸡蛋。
Her son's return made hermixjoy with sorrow.她儿子的归来令她喜悲交集。
He finds it hard tomixat parties.他感到很难在聚会上与人攀谈。
Pink and bluemixwell together.粉色和蓝色在一起很协调。
In the case of a family argument, it is better for a friend not tomixin.朋友最好别介入家庭纠纷。用作名词Alcohol and drugs is a deadlymix.酒精和毒品混在一块儿,足以令人毙命。
Add the water and give it a goodmix.加点水,让它很好地融合。verb.combine, join
同义词 associate,blend,fuse,incorporate,infuse,mingle,stir,weaveadmix,adulterate,alloy,amalgamate,braid,coalesce,commingle,commix,compound,conjoin,cross,embody,hybridize,infiltrate,instill,interbreed,intermingle,interweave,jumble,knead,link,lump,merge,saturate,suffuse,synthesize,tangle,transfuse,unitemake up,mix up,put together,work in
反义词 disconnect,disjoin,divide,separate,clean,part,purifyuncomplicate unmix,detach,disengage,dissociate,remove,segregate,seververb.socialize
同义词 associate,mingleconsort,hobnob,joincome together,get along,hang out
反义词 disjoindetach,disconnect,disengage,dissociate,divide,remove,segregate,separate,severunmix
adulterateverb alter or debase, often for profit
alloy,amalgamate,attenuate,blend,cheapen,commingle,contaminate,cook,corrupt,cut,defile,degrade,denature,depreciate,deteriorate,devalue,dilute,dissolve,doctor,doctor up,falsify,impair,infiltrate,intermix,irrigate,lace,make impure,mingle,phony up,plant,pollute,shave,spike,taint,thin,transfuse,vitiate,water down,weaken
aggregateverb combine into a collection
accumulate,add up,amass,amount,assemble,collect,combine,come,heap,mix,number,pile,sum,total
aggregatesverb combine into a collection
accumulates,adds up,amasses,amounts,assembles,collects,combines,comes,heaps,mixes,numbers,piles,sums,totals
alloyverb mix metals
amalgamationnoun mixture
associateverb befriend
accompany,amalgamate,be friends,be in cahoots,buddy up,bunch up,come together,confederate,consort,fraternize,gang up,get in on,get in with,get into,get together,go along with,go partners,hang around,hang out,hang out with,hobnob,join,join up with,line up with,mingle,mix,pal up,play footsie with,pool,run around with,run with,string along with,swing with,take up with,team up,throw in together,tie in,tie up,truck with,work with A user can mix and match open source software with any other software.
用户可以将开放源码软件与其他任何软件混合和匹配。 ibm

As soon as you allow anything to mix, like you might if you want to do any chemistry, entropy changes.

The data scalability of the system, showing how response times vary under an average transaction and user mix, but with varying amounts of data in storage.
系统的可量测性,显示了平均事务处理和用户混合情况下应答次数的变化,但是数据的存储总量是变化的。 ibm

And like when you add water to sand and it clumps together, the mix turned into almost a gel.
结果和你往砂子当中加水一样,小颗粒聚在了一起,混合物也几乎变成凝胶。 yeeyan

Be careful not to mix them up.
因此要注意不能将它们混用。 ibm

Because IT is key to providing this value delivery, it is important to understand that a mix of value propositions complicates IT governance.
因为 IT是提供这一价值交付的关键,所以了解价值问题的混合使 IT治理复杂化是很重要的。 ibm

Fossil fuels, though, are only a part of the larger energy mix.
然而,化石燃料仅仅是大部分能量混合中的一部分。 yeeyan

Grids should fit the mix of elements rather than forcing elements to fit the grid.
应该让栅格去适应元素的混合,而不是要强制元素去适应栅格。 yeeyan

How do I add in my hot new music mix?
我如何加入我的火热的新音乐组合? yeeyan

However, if you have the wrong mix of investments in the value chain, then your business will continue to struggle regardless of the performance of your software development and delivery organization.
然而,如果您在价值链中拥有一组错误的投资混合,那么您的业务将继续在没有执行软件开发和交付组织的情况下进行。 ibm

I see no evil in the mix.
我没有看出这种混合有什么麻烦。 ibm

In the kitchen, the recipe provides a list of ingredients and some instructions on how to mix those ingredients together.
在烹饪法中,菜谱提供原料的列表,并就如何将这些原料混合到一起提供一些说明。 ibm

In this febrile mix, the tales about the source of some rumours sound almost as fanciful as the rumours themselves.
在这种焦热的混乱中,关于谣言来源的传闻和谣言本身一样听起来让人奇怪。 ecocn

In this case, now you mix them together, relative to the ideal solution where there are no interactions, now they want to be together.

It will even notice if you mix up the source and target classes.
它甚至会注意到您是否混合了源类与目标类。 ibm

Look at hybrid methods and do not hesitate to mix different techniques.
看一看混合的方法,在混合不同的技术面前不要犹豫。 ibm

People from different classes used to mix very little.




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