

单词 mittens
释义 mittens 英'mɪtnz美'mɪtnz COCA²⁹⁴⁶⁶BNC⁵⁶⁹⁷⁷

名词 mitten:
glove that encases the thumb separately and the other four fingers togethertreat without mittens严厉对待handle without mittens温和地对待

用作名词I have a pair of leathermittens.我有一副皮连指手套。
Cottonmittenswill prevent the baby from scratching his own face.棉的连指手套使婴儿不会抓伤自己的脸。as in.glove
同义词 mittgage,gauntlet,muff
glovenoun hand covering for warmth, protection
glovesnoun hand covering for warmth, protection
gages,gauntlets,mitts,muffs And of course like any good park, Loveland has two mascots: Bulkkeuni, a walking phallus with yellow mittens and Ssaekkeuni, a vagina dressed in a big, floppy hat with a bow.
当然就像任何不错的公园, Loveland也有两个吉祥物: Bulkkeuni,一个戴着黄色手套走路的阳物,和 Ssaekkeuni,一个戴着巨大曲线软盘帽的女阴。 yeeyan

I was cleaning out the pockets of my six-year-old's winter coat, when I found a pair of mittens in each pocket.
在掏空我那六岁小女儿外套口袋时,我发现口袋里各有一双手套。 ebigear

To give a typical, minor example: each morning, I'd open the coat closet to get out our coats, hats, and mittens for the walk to school.
一个典型的小例子:每天早晨,为要走着送孩子上学,我打开衣橱拿出大衣,帽子,无指手套。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn

When the first snow came, as it did every winter, all six of us would run out into the yard and catch snowflakes on our tongues and in our mittens.
每年冬天下第一场雪时,我们所有6个孩子都会跑到院子里,用舌头和我们的手套接着从天上落下的雪花。 yeeyan

“ Do not cry, little kittens, ” said Humpty Dumpty.“ This morning I saw three little kittens hide their mittens in the tall grass next to the Babbling Brook.”
“不要哭,小猫,”汉仆.达谱说,“今天早上我看见三只小猫在胡说河边的高草中藏他们的拳击手套。” ebigear

Act as if it is winter and bring a thick coat, boots and mittens in the office.
就像到了冬天一样,带一件厚外套和靴子、手套到办公室。 yeeyan

And wear mittens instead of gloves.
还要戴连指手套代替分指手套。 hjenglish

Before stepping on, check your child’s clothing and yours for loose or dangling parts like shoelaces, drawstrings, mittens which can be trapped in moving parts.
登上电梯之前,仔细检查自己和自己的孩子的衣物有没有松开或垂挂的可能被卷入扶梯的部分,比如鞋带、绳子、手套等。 ebigear

I have a pair of leather mittens.
我有一副皮连指手套。 ebigear

In a huge double- pane window stands a phalanx of mannequins wearing official Canada shirts and exercise pants, hoodies, scarves, hats and mittens.
在一面巨大的双面玻璃橱窗中,一排人造时装模特儿身穿正式的加拿大运动衫、运动裤、外套、头巾、帽子和手套。 hjenglish

Kids in the schoolyard trade marbles or mittens but just as often you hear of sports teams trading players.
学校里的孩子会交易弹子或连指手套,你也常常听说运动员的交易。 yeeyan

Now let's find your mittens.
现在让我们来找你的拳击手套。 ebigear

Peter and the kittens explained that they were looking for the kittens' lost mittens.
皮特和三个小猫解释他们在寻找小猫丢失的拳击手套。 ebigear

She replied, “ I've been doing this for a long time, mom. You see, some kids come to school without mittens and if I carry another pair, I can share with them and then their hands won't get cold.”
她回答说:“我这样做了很久了,妈妈,你想想,有些小朋友没有带手套就来上学了,如果我多带一双,我就可以给他们用,那么他们的手就不会冻着了。” ebigear

So everyone looked, but they didn't find the kitten's mittens.
所以每个人一起看了看,但是他们没有发现小猫的拳击手套。 ebigear

Still, in the coldest, windiest weather, choose mittens.
然而,在很冷的日子里,风大的天气里,请选择连指手套。 yeeyan

The mittens have a white maple leaf in the palm, in a reverse color scheme from the Canadian national flag.
该手套的手掌处是一个白色枫叶,和加拿大国旗一样的配色。 hjenglish

Thinking that one pair must not be enough to keep her hands warm. I asked her why she was carrying two pairs of mittens in her coat.
我以为一定是一双手套不够温暖她的双手了,于是问她为什么在外套里放两双手套。 ebigear

Tom and his sister, Amelia, put on their jackets, boots, and mittens. They ran out to play in the snow.
接着,汤姆和他的妹妹艾米丽迅速穿上了夹克、靴子,戴上手套,跑出房间玩雪。 yeeyan

Wear appropriate outdoor clothing: layers of light, warm clothing; mittens; hats; scarves; and waterproof boots.
在室外穿戴适当的衣物:轻便温暖的衣服、手套、帽子、围脖和防水的靴子。 yeeyan

We'd examine the crystal beauty of bright white, frosty flakes on dark, warm mittens.
我们用深色、暖和的手套捧着,仔细欣赏这些水晶般美丽的亮白雪片。 yeeyan

You can also tuck disposable heat packets into your mittens.
你也可以在手套里塞上一些一次性的热袋。 yeeyan

Mittens are a better choice on colder days because your fingers will share their body heat.
连指手套可以更好的帮助手指和身体一体保暖。 yeeyan

Mittens are better than gloves for hand protection.
连指手套要比分指手套更能够保护你的手。 yeeyan




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