释义 |
mitsuzuka 基本例句 三冢姓,日本 Besides Mr Obuchi, Mr Tung met the Prime Minister, Mr Ryutaro Hashimoto; the Minister of Finance, Mr Hiroshi Mitsuzuka; the Minister of International Trade and Industry, Mr Mitsuo Horiuchi, political leaders and leading Japanese businessmen.除了外相小渊惠三外,董先生还会晤了日本首相桥本龙太郎、大藏相三冢博、通产相堀内光雄、政界领袖及商界翘楚。 Besides Mr Obuchi,Mr Tung met the Prime Minister,Mr Ryutaro Hashimoto; the Minister of Finance,Mr Hiroshi Mitsuzuka; the Minister of International Trade and Industry,Mr Mitsuo Horiuchi,political leaders and leading Japanese businessmen.除了外相小渊惠三外,董先生还会晤了日本首相桥本龙太郎、大藏相三冢博、通产相堀内光雄、政界领袖及商界翘楚。 Mitsuzuka Hiroshi三冢博,日本人,众议员。 |