

单词 mistrusting
释义 mis·trust·ing 英ˌmɪs'trʌst美ˌmɪs'trʌst COCA¹⁴¹⁵¹²BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
doubt about someone's honestythe trait of not trusting others
regard as untrustworthy; regard with suspicion; have no faith or confidence in近义词 be有doubt怀疑qualm疑虑suspect怀疑dispute争论caution警告question问题wariness注意suspicion猜疑challenge挑战misgiving疑虑distrust不信任disbelieve不信skeptical怀疑的uncertainty不确定scepticism怀疑态度be suspicious of怀疑be wary of当心提防distrustfulnessdistrustful的…反义词 trust信任

用作名词Love can not live withmistrust.没有信任是不会有爱的。
He keeps his money at home because he has a greatmistrustof banks.他把自己的钱放在家里,因为他很不信任银行。
She has a deepmistrustof strangers.她对陌生人的猜疑极深。用作动词His charm is undeniable, but I stillmistrusthim.他有魅力无庸置疑,但我仍对他没有信心。
I have lost faith in him and have come tomistrusthim.我对他已经失去了信任,已经不信任他了。
He began tomistrustand fear for his life.他开始怀疑并且为自己的生命感到担忧。 The mistrusting journalists of Les Echos fret that Mr Arnault will try to use the paper to bolster his position at the heart of this chummy network.
《回声报》充满疑虑的记者们担心,阿尔诺先生会利用该报加强他在这一关系网中的地位。 ecocn

With Mr Khamenei's very being seeming to depend on hating and mistrusting America, that has led to renewed murmurings about American military action against Iran.
憎恨与怀疑美国是霍梅尼威信的基础,他也不断鼓吹美国将对伊朗采取军事行动。 ecocn

He said American Christians should stop mistrusting Islam as a religion and should not confuse the extremism of some terrorists with the real Islam.
他说,美国的基督教徒应当中止对伊斯兰教教义的不信任,不该把某些恐怖分子的极端主义与真正的伊斯兰教混为一谈。 iciba

They are also very mistrusting of wizards and magicOP20.
他们对巫师和魔法也非常不信任。 hoolee8




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