

单词 misted
释义 mist·ed 英mɪst美mɪst 高COCA⁶⁷⁴³⁵BNC⁶⁰⁸²⁹

thin fog


dimness or blurring of the sight

vi. & vt. 使蒙上薄雾,使模糊

cover with mist

a thin fog with condensation near the ground
become covered with mist;

The windshield misted over

make less visible or unclear;

The stars are obscured by the clouds

the big elm tree obscures our view of the valley

spray finely or cover with mist直接源自古英语的mist,意为,薄雾。
用作名词 n.
名词+~frost mists霜雾morning mists晨雾介词+~in a mist迷惑through the mist透过迷雾
近义词n. fog
用作名词n.The hills were shrouded in mist.群山笼罩在雾中。
There was a mist in the wood.树林中有层薄雾。
The mountain top was covered in frost mists.山顶被此起彼伏的白色水雾笼罩着。
The origin of the custom is lost in the mists of time.这种习俗的起源现已淹没在时间的迷雾中。
She saw his face through a mist of tears.她泪眼蒙眬地望着他的脸。用作动词v.
S+~+AIt isn't raining, it's only misting.没下雨,只是下雾了。
He shook her hand, his eyes misting a little.他握着她的手,眼睛有点模糊了。
S+~+ n./pron.Tears misted her eyes.眼泪使她的双眼模糊了。
The railway carriage became so hot that air misted the windows.火车车厢里变得很热,车窗蒙上了一层水汽。
用作名词Amistof perfume hung in the air.空气中飘溢著香水的雾气。
Everything was covered inmist.一切都笼罩在雾霭中。
She could hardly recognize her son through themistof tears that filled her eyes.她泪眼蒙蒙,几乎不能认出自己的儿子。
I turn from my work and my eyes fill with themist.我劳作回来眼神朦胧不清。用作及物动词Our breath ismistingup the car windows.我们呼出的气渐渐给汽车的窗户上蒙上一层水蒸气。
Humidity wouldmisthis glasses and slick his bald head with sweat.湿气模糊了眼镜,汗水却令头顶更加光亮。
When I drink tea, my glassesmistover.我喝茶时眼镜蒙上了一层水汽。用作不及物动词But when he wakes, hours later, the dream has turned tomist.但是当他醒来之后,过了几个钟头,这些梦就变成了一团迷雾。verb.cloud, steam up
同义词 becloud,befog,blur,dim,drizzle,film,fog,haze,mizzle,murk,obscure,overcast,overcloud,rain,shower,sprinkle,steam
反义词 clear upburn offuncloud And then the eye is staring at the gift that one drop of angel awards overhead no longer misted, silent now, one “ Da” sound fights in ground, raise self's head being staring at another drop.
眼睛此时不再迷离,静静地盯着空中一滴天使赏赐的礼物,“哒”一声打在地上,然后仰起头又盯着另一滴。 startony.com

The lace-like skin forms once the seawater, misted onto its exposed mesh, evaporates and leaves a layer of salt behind.
当盐水漫过网格的空隙,蒸发后留下一层盐,蕾丝般的建筑外皮就形成了。 yeeyan

The railway carriage became so hot that the air mistedup the windows.
车厢变得相当热,车窗上蒙上了雾气。 tdict

The misted smokes on the carvings in Longmen Grotto Cave had been formed for quite a long time, and cause serious damage to the environment and effect of this valuable art works.
龙门石窟洞窟雕刻品表面黑色油烟渍的形成由来已久。它严重破坏了石窟的环境风貌,也影响对石窟艺术的研究和观赏。 cnki

There are no sails above the distant sea, still remains calm and misted.
远处的海面风正无帆,依然平静且迷离。 kekenet

Your sunglasses will get misted and their metal rim will freeze the bridge of your nose but bright sunshine and white snow will make you screw your eyes.
太阳眼睛会被附上薄雾,以及金属边框会把你的鼻梁冻伤,但刺眼的阳光和白雪会灼伤你的眼睛。 bbs.8264.com

“ Not long enough forget him, ” she replied in a suitably subdued voice, as her blue eyes misted.
“还不足以长到忘记他,”她以一种相称的缓慢的声调回答道,这时她的蓝色的眼睛变得模糊了。 blog.sina.com.cn

Addition of bladed- disk makes misted cascade flutter boundaries move forward.
此外,计及盘片耦合效应后,失调叶栅的颤振边界前移。 hkxb.buaa.edu.cn

Air conditioning lowers the inside temperature of the vehicle and reduces humidity, thus providing a comfortable environment, and increasing driving safety by preventing misted windows.
空调系统降低车内温度并减少湿度,从而提供舒适的车内环境,又能防止车窗水雾,提高驾驶安全。 tdict

As soon as I stepped inside, my glasses misted over.
我一踏进里面,眼镜马上蒙了一层雾。 iciba

As we threaded through the highlands, sharply terraced fields of sorghum and corn gave way to misted forests.
当我们浩浩荡荡的一行人穿过高地后,原先种满蜀黍和玉米的梯田很快让位于雾气弥漫的森林。 yeeyan

Her eyeswere misted over with tears.
她的眼睛给泪水蒙住了。 tdict

Her eyes misted over with tears.

Her eyes misted over.
她的双眼模糊了。 readfree

Her glasses have misted up.
她的眼镜蒙上了一层水汽。 hotdic

Rain got into my camera and the below photographed scene was misted over!
大雨中镜头入了水,以下拍摄的照片都有「雾化」效果! setbb

Tears misted her eyes.
泪水迷蒙了她的眼睛。 hotdic

Tears misted her eyes.

The hills misted over.

The railway carriage became so hot that air misted the windows.

The steam has misted the windows over.

The little girl's eyes were misted with tears.
那小女孩双目被眼泪迷糊了。 tdict

Wild birds in flight are misted with a fog of vaporized olive oil, which is illuminated by a green strobing laser operating in tandem with the camera.
野鸟在气化的橄榄油的雾气中飞行,同时用绿色频闪激光照射雾气来配合摄像机摄像。 yeeyan

You talked about personal time and light cones and folding space and I didn't understand anything except the way that your breasts moved and the way your breath misted in the cold.
你谈论个人时间、光锥和折叠空间,而我什么也不懂,除了你胸部移动的样子,和你的呼吸在寒冷中凝结成雾的情景。 yeeyan




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